Community News
Medication-Related Falls among Seniors

According to the Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada, falls are the leading cause of injury-related hospital visits among Canadian seniors. Between 20% and 30% of adults 65 and older have at least one fall per year. Medications are increasingly being recognized as contributors to falls, and common problematic medications include opioids, sedatives, anti-depressants, cardiac medications, and hypoglycemic agents such as insulin. It is important that seniors and their caregivers are aware of possible side effects of medications, and that correct dosages are given and any negative drug interactions are avoided. A pharmacist can assist in determining how and when to use medications to help avoid injury from falls.Source used: Care at Home Pharmacy,

Why Use Essential Oil Diffusers?

1. Stress Relief. Create a calming effect in your home with your essential oil diffuser. Some recommended oils for promoting calm and easing anxiety are bergamot, chamomile, rose, and frankincense. 2. Ward Off Illness. Diffusing essential oils can help boost your immunity, reducing the likelihood of a cold or flu. Oregano oil can help prevent flu, peppermint can ward off a cough or cold, and lemon can help prevent or reduce the severity of viruses. 3. Boost Your Mood. On the days when you’re feeling down, essential oils can brighten your mood. Try bergamot, lavender, sweet orange, and clary sage. Nutrition Plus,

Osteoarthritis of the Knee

Many people assume that knee OA predominantly affects the elderly; however, 56% of Canadians with OA are younger than 65. Another common misconception is that exercise will damage joints. Studies have shown that range of motion exercises, combined with stretching, aerobics, and strength training, can help modulate pain, increase range of motion, and reduce soft tissue inflammation. Losing weight can also make a difference. For every 1 lb of weight lost, there is 4 lb less of force through the knee in every step you take. If you were to lose 10 lb, that would reduce 48,000 lb of load through the knee for every mile walked! Kristi Hunter, MPT, BSc, Certified in Acupuncture, Prairie Trail Physio,

Lose Weight & Still Enjoy Wine!

Research suggests people who follow a Mediterranean diet lose 52% more weight than the standard low-fat diet because it isn’t just a fad or limited list of foods. It’s a lifestyle based on a balanced approach to your meals, which focuses on produce, healthy fats, whole grains, legumes, fish, and even some red wine. Committing to losing weight for three months using the Mediterranean diet as a base, along with three booster products and three lifestyle changes, guarantees results. And there is no meal skipping! Look and feel great for all of your holiday parties and events!
Valdine – Modere,

Acupuncture for your Child

Many parents are turning to acupuncture because it offers a safe, natural and effective approach to pediatric care. Acupuncture focuses on treating symptoms leading to a safe resolution of illness and preventing illness in the future by stimulating healing and restoring the body’s own resilience. This proven therapy helps children and teens with a wide range of issues, including:
• Sleep problems
• Headaches
• Earaches
• Bedwetting
• Asthma and allergies
Modern acupuncture treatments are done using painless acupuncture and non-needle treatment techniques, so even children afraid of needles will find the treatments easy and painless. Acupuncture is ideal for minor to moderate issues. If the issue is moderate to severe, the child should see their pediatrician. Naomi Johnson,
Hekla Acupuncture,

Ayurveda and Winter Skin

Winter takes a toll on our skin. According to Ayurveda, the skin is governed by three subdoshas, or biological forces. Bhrajaka pitta allows beneficial molecules applied on the skin to penetrate deeper and protects the skin by keeping unwanted particles from entering the bloodstream. Shleshaka kapha maintains moisture levels in the skin and keeps it lubricated. Vyana vata maintains a balance of friendly bacteria and keeps nutrients well distributed. Avoid synthetic soaps and products that strip the skin and create an imbalance in the three subdoshas. Self-abhyanga (massage) with warm sesame oil (unrefined, cold pressed) keeps the skin moist and lubricated. Make it a daily habit!
Purnima Chaudhari
Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, Reflexologist & Reiki Master

Break Free from Sadness

We know that sadness is appropriate when we face a loss of any kind. We also know that time has a way of bringing us back to enjoying those activities and relationships that are meaningful to us. In some cases, however, we feel stuck in sadness. With a decrease in sunlight, SAD (seasonal affective disorder) might even get a grip on us. If there’s often a sad undercurrent in your life that you sense doesn’t need to be there, it’s time to reach out for help. Brainwave Optimization is a technology that addresses issues through the brain itself, helping it reset itself so you can enjoy life again.
La Loba,

Natural Product Review: pureWash Pro

Are you still using detergent to wash your clothes? There’s a healthier, safer, and smarter way to do laundry. The secret is activated oxygen. PureWash Pro transforms ordinary water into a powerful cleaning agent by adding dissolved oxygen, giving you clean clothes while killing up to 99.9% of pathogens, mold, and bacteria. Used by hotels and hospitals for years, this amazing and affordable cleaning and disinfecting technology is now available for home use. Get your clothes clean without the need for soap or bleach, using only cold water. The oxidizing technology helps relax fabrics, so your clothes stay wrinkle-free without using fabric softener. Ideal for anyone with skin sensitivities, this is a product that everyone should use. Protect the environment, your clothes, and your washer. PureWash Pro pays for itself in months, saving you hundreds of dollars on hot water costs and laundry products. See the PureWash Pro at Aviva Natural Health Solutions,

Colours of Life

Colours of clothing reflect our mood and mindset. They also affect the way people react to and interact with us. When shopping for Adaptive Clothing for a relative, try to remember what colours and patterns they leaned towards while they were active. You can also make the choice that will complement their personality at their present stage of life. Pastels and soft hues provide comfort and soothe the soul, and are especially beneficial for agitated and confused individuals. Expressive tones of burgundies, royal blues, oranges, and other bright shades stimulate the mind and promote social behaviour. Whatever shade you pick, choose with care for your loved one.
Adaptive Clothing,

Where Is Love?

You’ve decided enough is enough. You have plenty going for yourself and you want to share your life with someone special but where on earth are you going to find them? Times have changed. We live in an electronic world but computers don’t have hearts and you don’t know if the person behind the screen is authentic. You have asked your friends and coworkers if they know anyone right for you and you have been insulted by who they have suggested! A matchmaker specializes in finding love for people who are looking for one special partner. An effective matchmaker meets with all potential clients in person and determines who the right person is for them. A criminal record check should be conducted on each client. When choosing a matchmaker it is important that you work with a service that has been in business for quite some time and has many success stories. Lianne Tregobov, Camelot Introductions, Camelot