Community News
What is Your Mouth Telling You?

The state of your mouth can offer valuable insights into your dental, oral and overall health.  Any bleeding when you brush your gums is a sign that you should see your dentist.  Unhealthy gums can affect your overall health.  Atherosclerosis, clogging of the arteries, has a strong link to gum disease.  Pain on biting might mean a cracked tooth.  Sugar sensitivity usually indicates a cavity.  Tenderness to cold might just need a change of toothpaste.  Tenderness to hot is likely to be more serious.  The pulp of your tooth can become inflamed for many reasons.  The only way to find out, for sure, what’s going on is to see your dentist.  Bad breath can be caused by poor oral hygiene.  A good electric toothbrush, flossing and scraping your tongue all help.  Throat infections also cause bad breath.  Don’t assume that problems will resolve by themselves.  See a dentist at least once a year. Remember: “You don’t have to floss all your teeth, just the ones you want to keep!” Dr.

George Cadigan,

Budget Your Medication 

With Pharmacare deductibles once again beginning in April, we know that the cost of prescriptions is often difficult to manage for patients. Everyone should have access to good care and safe medication use. There are customized budget plans that are available. This allows you to remain on your medications and manage the expense throughout the year. Along with the budget, visiting pharmacists will visit you or your loved ones in the comfort of your own home on a regular basis. They will help you manage multiple or complex medications and collaborate with other members of your health care team to ensure your health needs are met. This gives you and your family peace of mind with the knowledge that this aspect of your life is taken care of and contributes to a positive quality of life. Better Health and Wellness can be achieved through medication management.

Care At Home Pharmacy,

Fall Prevention for the Elderly

We have all fallen. Once, twice, or maybe even several times. But if you’re 65 years or older, falling can be detrimental. One out of every five falls will cause a serious injury such as a broken bone or a head injury. An older person who falls and hits their head should see their doctor A.S.A.P., as head injuries may be life-threatening. Did you know that falling once doubles your chance of falling again? Exercise to improve your balance and strengthen your muscles helps to prevent falls. Not wearing bifocal or multifocal glasses when you walk, especially on stairs, will make you less likely to fall. You can also make your home safer by removing loose rugs, adding handrails to stairs and hallways, and making sure you have adequate lighting in dark areas. Falls are not an inevitable part of life, even as a person gets older. You can take action to prevent falls.

Life Assure,

Clean Eating: Quinoa “Breaded” Chicken Strips 

Ingredients: (Use organic products)

3-4 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into strips
⅔ cup flour
1 tsp sea salt + ¼ tsp pepper
3 eggs + 2 Tbsp water
2 cups cooked quinoa


Preheat oven to 425 degrees and grease a baking sheet with Coconut Oil or Butter. In a small bowl whisk flour, salt, and pepper. In a second bowl whisk eggs and water. Place quinoa in a third bowl. Dredge chicken in flour mixture, then eggs, and lastly in the quinoa being sure to coat well.  Bake for 20 minutes until chicken is cooked. Serve with your favorite healthy dipping sauces!

Winter Hazards & Your Cat

It can be a scary situation. You get into your vehicle and you hear a faint sound. When you pop the hood, you’re able to see that a tiny kitten has crawled in. Year after year we see our share of cats who have been injured because they just wanted to keep warm. During the winter months, a kitten, who doesn’t have very much body fat, can get quite cold. When he feels the warmth coming from your engine, up he goes. It may seem like folklore, but there have been several instances of this happening. If you suspect a cat could get under your car, honk the horn or bang loudly on the hood before starting the engine. Ultimately, cats do seek shelter in and around vehicles and some are badly injured, burned, or killed when drivers fail to notice their presence. Always keeping your cats indoors is the best way to keep them safe from vehicle dangers.

Lisa Tustin, Veterinary Assistant

New Year’s Resolutions!

Have you made New Year’s Resolutions for 2016? Here is something to question – “If these resolutions are so important, why have I not done them before? Am I actually ready to execute these changes, or am I creating them because I ‘should’?”  Instead of resolutions that often aren’t honored or successful even before the first month of 2016 is over, WHAT IF you made a list of positive emotions you wanted to feel in the New Year instead? “I choose to work on feeling healthier” avoids self-recrimination rather than “I will quit smoking”.  “I will connect with people who are important to me.” Is less pressuring than “I will call my relatives more often”. “I can choose exercise as a way to honor my body” is more flexible than “I will go to the gym three times a week.” Successful, guilt-free resolutions that you will follow through on! All the best in 2016!

Maureen Becker,

DIY Natural Deodorant

Traditional deodorants contain many harmful ingredients including aluminum. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin that has been linked to breast cancer and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. Want to know how to make your own natural, aluminum-free deodorant that WORKS? Simple! All you need is: 3 Tbsp coconut oil, 4 Tbsp baking soda, 2 Tbsp shea butter, 2 tbsp corn starch and any essential oils (like lavender and tea tree). Make a double boiler by placing a glass jar in a small pot of water. Bring water to a simmer. Add coconut oil and shea butter to the jar and let melt. Turn off the heat, add the baking soda and cornstarch, and stir until smooth. Mix in essential oils and let cool. To use, just scoop a small amount from the jar and rub onto your armpits until absorbed. Some people transfer the deodorant to an old anti-perspirant tube to make application easier.

Bowenwork® Therapy 

A painful body is often accompanied by an anxious mind. Bowenwork® therapy is a gentle, medication-free therapy for the body and mind. It works to balance and restore the musculoskeletal system, hydrate fascia and resolve related neurological issues, providing relief for acute and chronic injuries. This gentle, yet effective technique is also ideal for individuals who might find conventional body work painful, as such it can bring relief to fibromyalgia sufferers and for individuals undergoing chemotherapy or radiation.  Another key feature of Bowenwork® is the ability to shift the autonomic nervous system (ANS) from the sympathetic (fight/flight) response to the parasympathetic (rest/repair) response.  When in pain, the body’s natural tendency is to go into the fight/flight response to protect the area with pain. Shifting towards the rest/repair response promotes healing. During a session, this shift may be apparent as a sense of profound relaxation. In this New Year may you all find peace for your body and mind.

Julia Rempel, PhD, Certified Bowenwork® Therapist, Sage Water Health,

Apple Cider Vinegar for Beauty

If you’re only using apple cider vinegar in the kitchen, you’re missing out!  Apple cider vinegar is one of nature’s most powerful ingredients that offer many health and beauty benefits. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is rich in acetic, citric and malic acids as well as vitamins, enzymes, minerals and amino acids. For those struggling with acne or pimples, it has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help keep your pores free from bacteria.  ACV increases blood flow to the skin and minimize pores. In addition, it helps restore and balance your skin’s pH, which is essential to prevent skin breakouts. To use: Mix 1 part raw, unfiltered ACV and 2 parts water in a bowl. Soak a cotton ball and apply it on the affected skin. Allow it to sit for about 10 minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water. Reapply a few times daily for a few days.

Poor Posture & Your Health 

Poor posture has been linked to numerous side effects including the most obvious – muscle/joint pain.  Headaches commonly occur with a chin forward posture because it causes your teeth to clench.  These headaches have the potential to turn into migraines if severe enough. Shoulder pain is common from the shoulders being in a forward position.  This causes the space between the bones in the shoulder to become smaller putting the rotator cuff tendons more at risk for impingement and possibly tearing.  The nerves running through this area can be pinched from tight muscles causing numbness and tingling to go down the arm. However, posture can affect more than just our musculoskeletal system.  Posture can cause reduced lung function, clouded thinking, fatigue and slower digestion. If you are interested in improving your posture and don’t know where to start, book an appointment with a physiotherapist for an assessment today!

Kristi Hunter MPT, BSc,

Life Assure

Life Assure Medical Alert is Canada’s foremost provider of medical alert devices for seniors. Our goal is simple, to keep seniors safe and allows them to live comfortably in their homes while remaining independent. Life Assure provides state of the art technology with each one of our extremely affordable and reliable units. With Life Assure Medical Alert Units, you can have peace of mind knowing that at any time, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, help is available at the push of a button. Whether you need to contact a family member, friend, or the local paramedics, our team of highly trained and dedicated staff is available whenever you need. Our simple and low monthly prices provide premium services with no hidden charges or extra costs. Additionally, our lifetime guarantee makes it easy for you to maintain the lifestyle you enjoy, while also staying safe. Remain independent and protect your life with Life Assure

Medical Alert. Life Assure,

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