Community News
Health Spotlight: Diabetes Care

Did you know more than 9 million people in Canada are living with diabetes or pre-diabetes?

People living with diabetes can lower their risk of suffering heart attack, stroke, and damage to the eyes, kidneys and nerves with 16 to 40% respectively. Diabetes not only those suffering from it but also their families and loved ones.

As a Certified Diabetes Educator, I’m here to help people with diabetes to identify and overcome obstacles that prevent them from managing their diabetes in the best possible way. My role is to help you develop skills to self-manage in ways that will fit your life, while providing ongoing guidance, support and motivation. This one-on-one approach translates into improvement of blood sugar, blood pressure, lipids and weight loss goals, delay in development of complications, improvement of symptoms and quality of life, fewer hospitalizations and lower health care costs.

I’m here to help you can manage diabetes instead of diabetes managing you! I look forward to working with you and help you to thrive!

Mathilda Prinsloo, Diabetes Care & Wellness

Health Spotlight: Yoga Hikes

Yoga Hikes connect you to health, nature and community. They take place year-round in different locations throughout Winnipeg and surrounding areas, such as The Forks, Kildonan Park, Silver Springs Park in Birds Hill and more.You will be guided on a hike through city streets and parks and practice yoga at scenic stops along the way.

These 1 hour (3 km) outdoor yoga classes are suitable for all levels.
No yoga mats needed – just dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes.

Your teacher will share interesting facts about Winnipeg and surrounding areas while leading you through yoga poses. Practice Eagle before a big Manitoba sky!

Visit us for our weekly schedule, for locations, and to sign up for Yoga Hikes!

Support Your Natural Defenses

The elderberry Sambucus nigra, has a long history of traditional use in central Europe, especially in the Swiss Alps region where it has been prized for centuries. Sambu Guard offers a combination of wild-grown elderberries and elder flowers along with other immune-enhancing ingredients. Each of the ingredients in Sambu Guard have been selected due to their specific function it contributes to the formula, and for their ability to work synergistically with the others for maximum effect.

A must-have for every household, Sambu Guard supports a strong immune response and is most effective when taken at the first sign of symptoms before they become full-blown. Every member of the family can enjoy this delicious tasting herbal syrup to support and secure the body’s natural defenses.


High Blood Pressure?

Hypertension is not just a disease of blood pressure, it is a disease that can occur in conjunction with other conditions. Elevated blood pressure is the result of abnormal vascular changes, inflammation and chemical reactions. The new approach to treat blood pressure is to find and treat the sources of the cause.

A quick and simple way to do this is to have a Digital Pulsewave Analysis Test. This can determine the elasticity or stiffness of the arterial wall. If hardening of the blood vessels, or a decrease in circulation are identified, natural supplementation such as CardioforLife can be taken to help. It and other natural products which increase nitric oxide help to reduce high blood pressure by decreasing inflammation, reducing oxidative stress and fortifying the blood vessels. It is important to realize that there are natural treatments available to help with high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

Injured? Chronic Pain? Try Pilates!

Pilates is an excellent thinking and movement tool for back, hip, knee and other pain, whether it is a diagnosed injury, such as a herniated, bulging or ruptured disk, or a suspected one. Pilates helps alleviate the symptoms from chronic medical conditions be it fibromyalgia, arthritis, spinal stenosis, or osteoporosis to name a few.

Pilates is a great tool for the gym too so that your old painful “work-out” gets replaced with a better, smarter, safer Pilates “work-in”. Pilates will help restore your knees, spine, pelvis, ribcage, shoulders, head / neck to your anatomic neutral so you can reduce and eliminate pain and get strong again.

Feeding Hungry Minds

Imagine starting every day hungry, unable to focus on what your teacher is saying over your growling stomach and pounding headache.

Unfortunately, for too many Canadian children, this is a reality. When a child is hungry it is hard to learn, and yet 1 million Canadian children, that’s 1 in 6, face hunger every year. Undernourished children have difficulty focusing on tasks, have lower self-esteem and are absent from school more often.

Breakfast for Learning is one of the largest national charities committed to ensuring students attend school well-nourished and ready to learn. Working to support communities in every province and territory, Breakfast for Learning helps schools start and sustain breakfast, lunch and snack programs each year. Since 1992, Breakfast for Learning has helped 3.6 million children and youth enjoy over 554 million healthy meals and snacks.

Keep Your Pets Warm

Keep your pets inside as much as possible during winter months!

Cats will curl up against almost anything to stay warm, including car engines. Cats caught in moving engine parts can be seriously hurt or killed. If you light a fire or plug in a space heater, remember that the warmth may be just as inviting to your pets. Keep an eye out to make sure that no tails or paws come in contact with flames, heating coils, or hot surfaces. Pets can either burn themselves or knock a heat source over and put the entire household in danger. Pets that go outside can pick up snow, ice, and ice melting chemicals in their footpads. To keep your pet’s pads from getting chapped and raw, wipe their feet with a washcloth when they come inside.

Remember … if you are cold outside, they probably are too!

Book Club: A Candle at Both Ends

Thoughts of Inspiration for the Beginning and End of the Day, by Tiffany Prochera

A Candle at Both Ends by Winnipeg author, Tiffany Prochera, is an inspiring, thought-provoking and humorous collection of prose and poetry to help you wake up in the morning with enthusiasm and focus, and go to sleep at night resolved and peaceful.

With morning cheers, tips on how you can get the most out of life and be the person you truly to want to be and musings on special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries. A Candle at Both Ends allow you to take a moment to breathe, dream and create your life.

Energizing Date and Almond Shake

A little something to keep you warm and cozy this winter!

This is a creamy, delicious, soothing for the digestive system, helps build iron and perfect for a cold day.

Prep Time: 10 min (plus overnight soaking)
Serves: 2 – 3


medium dates, pitted and soaked.
1 tsp soaked fennel seeds.
25 soaked whole raw almonds or you can use cashews too!
2-3c warm water for the “milk” plus a cup boiling hot for blanching.
2 pinches cardamom.
1 pinch nutmeg.
2 pinches saffron (optional)


Soak the pitted dates with fennel seeds and the almonds in separate bowls overnight. In the morning, drain and peel almonds. Pour some boiling hot water over almonds to blanch and then peel them easily (slip skins while the water is still hot or they stick again). *almond skins are hard to digest that is why they are skinned. Try it and see the difference! Blend with 3 cups fresh warm water and all other ingredients for 2 minutes or until smooth.

Comments and Tips: The added cardamom and nutmeg is delicious and really helps us handle the almond digestion and prevent water retention. Please be creative and add any spices you like to this.

Flatter Belly this Holiday Season?

As we age, we often feel the middle expanding.
Have you noticed we become shorter and wider? 

Fortunately, this is reversible! Block Therapy addresses the reasons tissue ages and safely and effectively teaches you how to take your body back to a more youthful place. Although it treats the whole body, it largely focuses on the foundational component, the rib cage and the core. This allows you to access proper diaphragmatic breathing, which creates the most optimal environment for the body to function. The results are improved digestion and elimination, and a waistline you will love.

It doesn’t matter your age, sex or physical condition, Block Therapy will teach you how to use your body the way it was designed, resulting in the healthiest version of yourself.

Cold, Flu and Virus Protection

Would you like to minimize your risk of infection and naturally treat symptoms if you do get a cold or flu this winter? Well you can! Science has shown that certain nutrients act to block or inhibit the process that a virus needs to replicate, multiply and infect the body. Vitamin A is necessary to maintain the mucus barrier in the airways and acts as an antioxidant. It is critical in the development of white blood cells and specialized attack cells of the immune system. Selenium has been shown to be essential in the production of glutathione, which interferes and limits viral replication. Lipoic Acid also fights against viral attack and replication. Vitamin D has incredible anti-microbial effects. It produces many peptides which help to attack viruses, bacteria and fungi. These are just a few of the essential elements that the body needs to fight off a viral attack. They can be taken individually or in combination form such as, Bio-Immunozyme Forte or Ultra Vir-X. With the help of these nutrients you can boost your immune system and minimize the effects of the colds, flus and viruses that we are exposed to over the winter.

Centre for Alternative Healing