Community News
Ask The Coach

Stressed and Confused asks: “I am so busy with life that I sometimes can’t remember things. It feels that if I have more stress in my life, I can’t seem to remember anything! Does this make any sense?”

Coach Gina Responds: “If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Stress is a result of toxic thinking. Your thoughts turn to memories, which are physically built into the nerve networks in your mind. Stress causes the wrong quantities of chemicals to be released into the body and can distort the DNA of the immune cells. With an increased amount of cortisol, your thoughts and memories in the brain shrink. When this stress chemical returns to a normal amount, your memories return. Entertaining negative or toxic thoughts, causes stress and memory loss. Conversely, entertaining positive or creative thoughts causes the proper amount of cortisol to release and calm remains, maintaining memory and encouraging a content state of mind. Guard your thoughts …and keep them! Be Well and ABOUND.


How’s your posture?

Sitting at your desk reading this right now? How long have you been sitting for? Is your neck or back feeling tight and achy?
Let Prairie Trail Physiotherapy help you with that!

Today’s society involves prolonged postures, which can put stress and strain on certain muscles, leading to pain and tightness. During these sustained positions, some muscles get long and weak, while others get short and tight. A skilled physiotherapist can perform a full assessment, determine which areas may be leading to your less than optimal posture, and develop a treatment plan to enable you to withstand the physical stresses of your work day.

Call or visit to book an appointment today.

Learning a musical instrument is good for your health?

Yes, you read that correctly! Learning a musical instrument – whether it a flute, percussion, or voice – is about more than learning to read notes on a page. The process carries along with it many benefits for your physical and mental health. First of all, playing an instrument unites the right and left sides of the brain like no other activity as it activates your auditory, language and memory functions all at the same time. Singing, along with many other musical activities, also involves considerable breath control.

As in yoga, the deep breathing has a great calming effect on the body in addition to supplying oxygen to your cells. And, what’s more, mastering a skill and cultivating the discipline to progress as a musician creates positive habits and develops a sense of confidence that can benefit you in all areas of your life. So, if you’ve never tried it before – and even if you have – consider taking some music lessons or join a musical group for fun. You won’t regret it!


Smart Pulse

Early detection and prevention of heart disease is achievable. Heart disease is currently the number one killer among both men and women in the world with an estimated healthcare cost of well over $500 billion annually. There is an affordable way to check your cardiovascular system, stress levels, blood circulation and more.

The Smart Pulse is designed to provide objective data to help diagnose depression, sleep disorders, poor concentration, mental and physical stress, chronic fatigue and blood problems. This FDA approved medical device is user-friendly and non-invasive. It uses a finger probe to observe the changes in pressure, blood flow and velocity throughout the entire pulse wave. This specialized device and analysis can also detect cardiovascular disease and the functioning and age of the heart. Your health is the most important factor in life!


Book Club: The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rubin

Gretchen Rubin had an epiphany one rainy afternoon in the unlikeliest of places: a city bus. “The days are long, but the years are short,” she realized. “Time is passing, and I’m not focusing enough on the things that really matter.” In that moment, she decided to dedicate a year to her happiness project. In this lively and compelling account of that year, Rubin carves out her place alongside the authors of bestselling memoirs such as Julie and Julia and Eat, Pray, Love.

With humour and insight, she chronicles her adventures during the twelve months she spent test-driving the wisdom of the ages, current scientific research, and lessons from popular culture about how to be happier. Written with charm and wit, The Happiness Project is illuminating yet entertaining, thought-provoking yet compulsively readable.

Gretchen Rubin’s passion for her subject jumps off the page, and reading just a few chapters of this book will inspire you to start your own happiness project.

Clean Eating: Winter Warmer Red Lentil Soup


1 tbsp Olive oil

1 tsp garlic, minced

pinch of Hing (if you have it)

2 tsp fresh ginger, minced

½ cup celery, finely chopped

½ cup carrots, finely chopped

1 cup spinach or any leafy greens

2/3 cup red lentils

6 cups water or vegetable broth (if using water add 2tsp vegetable Bouillon powder)

2 cloves

3 whole peppercorns

1 cinnamon stick

salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

1 tbsp fresh cilantro leaves, chopped (for garnish)

Squeeze of Lemon or lime


In a large pot on medium-high, heat oil. Add garlic, and ginger and sauté for 1 minute. Add celery and carrots and cook for 3-4 minutes. Add lentils, water, and all other ingredients except salt, pepper and cilantro and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to simmer, cover with lid, and cook for 20-25 minutes, until lentils are soft. In the last 5 mins add the leafy greens. Removed cinnamon stick and peppercorns. Add salt and pepper to taste, garnish with cilantro and lemon if you wish, and serve.

Makes 4-6 servings.

Submitted By: Kalee Mund, Ayurvedic Practitioner

Getting Well Today and Staying Well in the 21st Century

Ask a dozen people or more what “wellness” means to them and you will get as many different answers related to alternative therapies, natural medicines, fitness, nutrition, and even spirituality. For Rick Thiessen, ‘wellness’ means all of these in addition to no small amount of pride in being behind one of the most successful health and wellness expos in Canada for the last twenty years. This annual consumer show features approximately 100 companies with thousands of products and services that are designed to promote a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle as well as enhance or improve a person’s quality of life.

The Wellness Expo is all about choice: treatments, products and more. People should have a choice but they don’t even know what’s out there. Unfortunately when consumers are looking for answers, it’s usually under duress. As a visitor to this event, the Wellness Expo offers people to try products and services in a safe and less costly environment.

The 21 annual Winnipeg Wellness Expo comes to the RBC Convention Centre, February 20 – 22, 2015. Admission is $10 for an all-day pass that includes access to the trade show, displays and demonstrations as well as all of our seminars.

For full program details, see

Smile…It’s Toothday!

Actually, it is Tooth month here at the Animal Hospital of Manitoba and we are having a pet dental special. If your cat or dog has bad breath, it could be time for a professional dental cleaning. Bad breath can be a sign of anything from gum disease to organ damage.

The same bacteria that can destroy your pet’s teeth can also enter the blood stream and damage internal organs. Bleeding gums and broken or rotten teeth can affect your pet’s appetite and behaviour. Keep your furry friend happy and healthy have a dental check done today!

Ask Patzer Center

Q: “Why would I come for reflexology rather than having my husband rub my feet?”
Suzy G. – Transcona

A: “Having someone rub your feet can feel really good. Having someone who knows WHERE and HOW to touch your feet … is even better. Let me be specific. A Reflexology Therapist will work on ‘reflex points’ on your feet which correspond to organs, glands and various other parts of your body. In doing this, the therapist helps to balance the energies flowing to these areas, awakening sluggish organs, as well as finding and relieving painful issues; such as lower back pain, headache or even constipation, just to name a few. By the way, your therapist will likely finish off the session by ‘rubbing’ your feet with a refreshing lotion. Be sure to ask if your therapist is a Registered Certified Reflexology Therapist (RCRT) and member of the Reflexology Association of Canada.”

Suicidal thoughts…to New Life!

Several years ago, I realized I hit bottom. That moment was a wake-up call and I got help! I was feeling disrespected in every aspect of my life and it took me a while to figure it out. Over time, I have discovered that I had been paying a heavy price for being “too nice!” Dr. Phil refers to this as “Going along to get along”. Beyond getting psychiatric care, I found myself in a yoga class with a wonderful instructor.

Thanks to Kim Meades, I was introduced to Huna Kane Massage. Huna Kane loosely translates from Hawaiian into ‘inner knowing of the higher self’. As I became friends with myself and honoured my thoughts and feelings, I got stronger and stronger. I opened my own Huna Kane practice and now help others who had been lost on the ‘journey of self’. Since 1999, I have also added hypnotherapy and psychosomatic (body-mind) therapy to my list of offerings. The truth is, my greatest problems have transformed me into the person I am today – healthy, happy, and, vibrantly alive.

Respectfully submitted, Monique L. Dorge

Intuitive Abilities

Do you have a history of Anxiety? Have you had any unusual Spiritual or Religious experiences?

Do you have a family history of Psychic Phenomena? Do you have any history of Brain Trauma?

According to Dr. Daniel G. Amen, one of the foremost leaders in brain imaging, of the Amen Clinics in the US, in their research, they have observed that there are certain parts of the brain that are associated with these symptoms, especially psychic phenomena and if you are able to answer YES to three or more of the questions, there is a high likelihood that you have strong intuitive abilities.  Being so connected to Spirit can offer great peace once you learn how to manage and understand these abilities.  Consider seeking out experts and like-minded individuals to help you explore your natural gifts.

Sue Berard, Intuitive Medium at Divine Connection

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