Do you have an underlying health condition that stops your immune system from protecting you the way it should? In today’s world you need a healthy body and immune system to protect yourself. Now is the perfect time to strengthen your immune system and increase your body’s ability to fight off infection. Your body needs to stock up on the immune boosting essentials it requires to fight the flu virus and Covid-19. Specific nutrients for the adrenals, spleen, lungs and lymph nodes are vital to boost your immunity. Now is the time to give your body what it needs to prepare for the months ahead.
Prepare & Strengthen Your Immune System
Do you have an underlying health condition that stops your immune system from protecting you the way it should? In today’s world you need a healthy body and immune system to protect yourself. Now is the perfect time to strengthen your immune system and increase your body’s ability to fight off infection. Your body needs to stock up on the immune boosting essentials it requires to fight the flu virus and Covid-19. Specific nutrients for the adrenals, spleen, lungs and lymph nodes are vital to boost your immunity. Now is the time to give your body what it needs to prepare for the months ahead.
Book Club
Living Well with Arthritis: A Sourcebook for Understanding and Managing Your Arthritis Living Well with Arthritis is written by Canadian doctors for Canadians. Its authors, all respected experts in the field, focus not only on medications and complementary treatments, but also on management of the many aspects of life that arthritis can affect. Topics such as dealing with chronic pain and fatigue, developing emotional and social coping strategies, and managing relationships are all explored, taking readers through the steps of how the body is affected, and ways to manage the disease.
Words to Live By
Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love. ~ Hamilton Wright Mabie
Words to Live By
It is every man’s obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it. – Albert Einstein
Releasing What No Longer Serves You
Having the courage to let go of what is no longer needed or serves you in your life helps make the space for something new to emerge, even if you can not see it yet. Our expectations, worries and fears of what’s to come keep us bound from fully living in the present moment and enjoying the process, appreciating what we do have. Our world as we know it is changing at a rapid pace. Important to declutter and let go from the inside out so we can find an inner freedom, lighten the load and bring our best versions of ourselves to make our world a more loving place to be.
Free Online Alzheimer Education
Learning new skills can help you face the daily realities of living with and caring for a person with Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia. The Alzheimer Society of Manitoba is offering free online family education to help empower and inform people with dementia, their families and friends. Join us for a wide range of topics, such as navigating the first steps after a diagnosis and end of life care, so you can feel more confident on your dementia journey. To learn more about our sessions and to register, please visit our website at
A Good Night’s Sleep – Naturally!
A good night’s sleep does not come from a bottle because sleeping pills are not able to create natural, good quality, deep and refreshing sleep.
You may have already tried various strategies to manage sleeping problems or taking one or more medications to help you fall asleep or stay asleep. Interestingly, people who take sleeping pills are very often dissatisfied with their sleep despite taking one or more sleeping pills. On top of that, sleeping pills have longterm consequences. If you want deep, refreshing sleep, take a fresh approach. The research and medical community rank Cognitive behaviour therapy for sleep, which involves no remedies, the most effective and safest strategy. Happy zzzz!
The Little Things That Matter
Often in life, the most meaningful moments are the moments spent with those who teach you something, with those who share laughs with you, and with those who support you no matter what. And within those moments, it’s the little things that become the most significant and valuable. Professional caregivers can be there for you, when you need a little extra hand around the house or someone to accompany you on your outings. Caregivers can help with the day-to-day tasks, so you have time to enjoy the little things in life, while remaining safe and independent in your own home.
How’s Your Sleep Posture?
You spend nearly 1/3 of our lifetime sleeping, making your sleep posture extremely important to your daily wellbeing. Ideally, your head should remain in a neutral position. When side sleeping, if the pillow is too thick or thin, the neck becomes side flexed with one side being compressed while the other side is stretched; this can lead to compressed nerves. “Head forward posture” which is a jutting forward of the chin, is becoming more prominent with increased cell phone usage. Add to that a back sleeper with more than one pillow, the neck muscles are in a constant state of contraction trying to return to their normal length. Being pro-active could save you from a real “pain in the neck” later.
What is Computerized Biofeedback?
Computerized Biofeedback testing and Bioresonance treatment is a highly effective way of testing and treating the body. This computerized analysis identifies underlying imbalances in organs and tissues. It also identifies impurities such as, chemicals, metals, toxins, yeasts and viruses, that can cause or trigger health problems. Additionally, the testing will indicate if there is a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and proteins in the body. If an imbalance, deficiency or impurity is identified, they can then be treated with a Bioresonance wave or frequency. This wave helps to stimulate correction of the affected area or imbalance, to help your body function optimally.