Clenching and grinding your teeth, whether during the day or at night, is the most common cause of jaw pain. Over time, the heightened muscle activity can lead to trigger points within the chewing muscles that may cause pain, soreness, limited mouth opening, and even headaches. Physiotherapy can provide effective treatment for temporomandibular dysfunction. Your therapist may use a combination of manual therapy, intra-oral massage, dry needling, and home exercises to decrease muscle tone and encourage relaxation. Try to avoid the forward head posture, common when in front of a computer, as it negatively affects the biomechanics of the jaw.
Cannabis for Arthritis Pain
Did you know that cannabis is gaining popularity as a treatment for arthritis? Cannabis can be used to ease pain and reduce swelling related to arthritis. It can also be a far less harmful and less addictive way to treat those suffering from chronic pain associated with arthritis. This can be done without getting “stoned” or feeling “high”. Products that are CBD-based (cannabidiol) can help manage pain and relieve symptoms without any “high”, while THC-based products (tetrahydrocannabinol) can cause a more intoxicated feeling. Some products offer a balance of both CBD and THC for another effective option for pain relief.
Enriching the Life of Your Pet
Keeping your pet in good physical shape is an important part of their wellness, but it’s crucial to provide mental stimulation and enrichment for them as well. Depending on the breed and personality of your dog, a walk doesn’t always provide enough stimulation. Drop-in visits from a pet sitter give your dog the opportunity for an extra play session during the day. For high energy dogs, or those needing more socialization, daycare is a great option. Even if it’s not every day, it gives your dog something to look forward to during the week. There are also many cognitive enrichment toys and puzzles you can purchase for your dogs, cats and birds to keep their minds sharp.
Avoid Overdoing It
If you’re starting to work out for the first time in a while, not only can it be easy to lose motivation, but it’s also easy to suffer an injury if you rush back too quickly. Listen to your body. There’s a difference between feeling sore after a good workout and being in pain. If something feels weird, gives you pain, or hurts more than you feel it should, take a break and slow down. Include a warm-up and cool-down. A good warm-up prepares your body for activity and a cool-down helps you recover. Both are important. Don’t skip them because you want to rush into things. Increase gradually
Have a Smoke-Free 2021
Something about leaving an old year behind and looking ahead at the clean slate of a new one inspires most of us to try. We think about making lasting positive changes in our lives, and we do it with hope and enthusiasm. If you’re planning to start the new year without a cigarette in your hand, but have had no luck sticking with past New Year’s resolutions, consider laser therapy. Laser therapy can help to control cravings and withdrawal symptoms. In clinical studies, patients report a noticeable reduction in cravings, and have a higher chance of success in quitting.
Why Pea Protein?
A lactose-free protein source, Pea protein powder is loved for its taste, texture and protein content. Unlike many other plant-based protein powders, you can get a smooth texture with pea protein powder. Plus, it’s pretty taste-neutral, so you do not taste split peas in your smoothie. The pea ingredients are also a great gluten free option. Check out our selection for Vega Protein powders which are pea protein/plant based and taste great!
4 Tips to Ease Stress
Learn to say no – both on a professional and personal level. You should never take on more than you can handle. Cut down your to-do list – Analyse your schedule and prioritise your tasks by level of urgency. Limit the time you spend with people who stress you out – If someone causes stress in your life, limit the amount of time you spend with them and be more aware of your reaction to them.
Take control of the situation – Identify how you can limit stress in a particular situation e.g., if shopping makes you stressed do your shopping at a less busy time or make a list.
Fight Colds & Flus & Viruses
Your immune system needs a strong thymus and spleen to produce antibodies and specialized white blood cells that help prevent disease. Do you know how yours are functioning? Nutritional testing is a great way to find out if there is a weakness or imbalance in these immune organs. If a weakness or imbalance is identified, specific nutrient formulations designed to naturally support and strengthen the thymus, spleen and immune system can be taken. This will help you to better fight against influenza, rhinovirus (common cold), pneumonia, and COVID. Remember the old saying, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
Words to Live By
New Year’s most glorious light is sweet hope! – Mehmet Murat ildan
Words to Live By
If you asked me for my New Year Resolution, it would be to find out who I am. – Cyril Cusack
A Unique Holiday Gift
This holiday season, why not give the gift of wellness with the tasty combination of HEYRU Hibiscus Flowers and Monk Fruit Sweetener? HEYRU Hibiscus Flowers are ethically-sourced and cultivated in Nigeria, and when steeped in cold or hot water, make a highly nutritious, caffeine-free beverage. The high vitamin C and antioxidant content in the flowers help boost the immune system. HEYRU Monk Fruit Sweetener can be used to sweeten the hibiscus beverage without adding any calories, while providing antioxidants for reduced inflammation and improved heart health. Shop local this holiday season and give the perfect flavourful gift for everyone!