Community News
The Safe Alternative To Online Dating

Online dating can be exhausting, dangerous and demoralizing. Hours of searching profiles, followed by unsuccessful date after date can result in dating ‘burn out’. Furthermore, when it comes to online dating, you never know who you are really meeting. You have no idea about their actual age and relationship status, their true intentions or if they have a criminal history. Online dating can be extremely dangerous. This is why I recommend a professional matchmaker. An experienced matchmaker will introduce you to the right match, who is screened, and hand picked for you. Finding true love is important and hiring a matchmaker could be the best decision you ever make.

Redox Signalling Molecules

“All disease begins with damaged cells.” Dr Gary Samuelson. PhD. Redox Signalling Molecules are native to our bodies. As we age production of these molecules slows down, resulting in aging skin, fatigue, disease, weight gain to name a few consequences. Increasing proper Redox Signalling Molecules in your body is the most important thing you can do for your health. Your body is the most complex communication network on earth. These molecules communicate with each other to repair or eradicate damaged cells for optimal healthy living. Isn’t it time for you to live your best life?

Optimize Your Health

Optimize your neurology and you optimize your health! Did you know that the metatarsal area of your foot has over 10,000 nerve receptors? Their main purpose in life is to report back to your brain, via your nervous system, what is happening in your body. A neurological problem, such as MS, Parkinson’s, and Fibromyalgia can compromise messaging to the brain. Voxxlife HPT helps to improve that communication. VOXX HPT is a very specific sequence and pattern of neuroreceptor activation on the bottom of the feet that triggers a signal that aides in the brainstem reaching homeostasis.

Natural Product Review

Made locally in Winkler, Manitoba, Nuscht Magnesium Deodorant is like nothing you have ever used! It is a mixture of 100% natural ingredients that neutralize body odor. It is an unscented product that you can use as is or add 10 drops of peppermint essential oil and 10 drops of sweet orange essential oil for an amazing fresh result. Nuscht means “nothing” and that is what you need to smell like. Nuscht! Use after shower or bath. Spray on to underarms, or feet or anywhere else in between. Let dry and have a great day! 100% Natural Ingredients: Magnesium Chloride, Magnesium Hydroxide, Witch hazel.

Digestive Problems? Treat The Cause!

More than 20 million Canadians suffer from digestive disorders every year. Whether it’s heartburn, reflux, indigestion, abdominal pain, bloating, irritable bowel, or colitis, those suffering seldom find long term solutions. Conventional medicines offer temporary relief but rarely address the cause. If you do not find the cause, the symptoms will continue to worsen. One of the best ways to determine the cause of your condition is with nutritional testing. This non-invasive testing will let you know if you are lacking specific nutrients essential for proper digestion. If deficiencies are found, specific nutritional formulations can be given to address the cause and heal the area.

Community Announcement

Health Canada sanctioned phase 2 clinical trial of novel cure for C Difficile Infection. C Difficile Infection (CDI) is caused by Clostridioides Difficile bacteria, a gram-positive spore forming pathogen that causes severe diarrhea. ImmuniMed Inc, a Winnipeg based Biopharmaceutical company is the trial sponsor and developer of the novel treatment. Eligible patients will have what is considered mild to moderate C Diff Infection, with associated clinical symptoms. For further information, patients should ask their physician to contact the sponsor or Trial Study Nurse to see if they are eligible to participate. ImmuniMed Inc John Hare, 204-955-8495 Trial Study Nurse Karen Babaian, 204-292-6038

Digital vs Text Book?

Today’s students see themselves as digital natives, the first generation to grow up surrounded by technology like smartphones, tablets and e-readers. We’ve seen more investment in classroom technologies, with students now equipped with school-issued iPads and access to e-textbooks. The question is, do we learn better from printed books than digital versions? The answer from researchers is a qualified yes. Print books are tangible; the act of turning pages, dragging highlighters across information, and seeing progress has been shown to leave spatial impressions on your mind that help absorb content. And print books don’t have online distractions!

Optimize Your Golf Game!

Have you taken that first swing of the day and felt like things just aren’t moving right? Whether you are late for your tee time, focused on your first big drive, or catching up with your friends, it is easy to forget the importance of a good warm up. Your warmup can be the difference between a great day on the course, or a frustrating day with fifteen bogies and a strained rotator cuff. Even before trying your warm up swings, you should start with a routine of stretching and mobility exercises. This includes warming up your shoulders, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, hip mobility…and gets the blood pumping!

Stop Procrastinating When Looking for Love

So, you’ve tried online dating and found it’s not the right fit for you. That doesn’t mean your chances of finding your soulmate aren’t still there! Some people spawn the internet looking for a hookup and others have their confidence shattered because of the online games. A good matchmaker works with people who go through an integral interview process and criminal record check to show they are serious about their commitment to finding long-term love. Your time could be now. Maybe fate is waiting for you to take a step forward to meet your destiny. Why wait?

Allergies and Food Intolerances

Allergies and food intolerances usually result from our diminished ability to digest certain basic foods, such as milk, wheat, egg, or soy. Our digestive system may have weakened due to not having enough enzymes to break down the food, or some other reasons, including genetic factors. Once an allergy or food intolerance has developed, it is difficult for the immune system to correct itself and get back in shape. In time, the allergies may grow in strength and bring on additional allergies that cause increasing issues for us. Bioresonance can help to treat allergies and food intolerances swiftly and effectively.

Walking Your Dog in the Summer Heat

When walking your dog, keep in mind that if it feels hot enough to fry an egg outside, it probably is. When the air temperature is 30 degrees, the asphalt can reach a sizzling 60 degrees Celsius—hot enough to cause blistering, burns, permanent damage and scarring after just one minute of contact. Hot pavement can not only burn paws, they also reflect heat onto dogs’ bodies, increasing their risk of deadly heatstroke. To reduce the risk of blistered paws, test the surface with the back of your hand. If you can’t keep it there for five seconds, it’s too hot. Stay on grass and in shaded areas.