Many people suffering from head pressure, itchy eyes, and a runny or stuffy nose this allergy season will find only temporary relief, or no relief at all, from over-the-counter remedies. Alternative approaches, such as nutritional supplementation and Biofeedback focus on more than just symptomatic relief. They enable the body’s ability to remove existing allergens imbedded in the sinus tissues, thereby minimizing the histamine and inflammatory reactions. This stops the over-production of mucus that the body makes to try and push the allergens out. Take a different approach this allergy season – treat the cause, not just the symptoms.
Pets and Bee Stings
Warmer weather, blooming plants and buzzing insects can all spell trouble for your pets. If your curious pooch or pouncing feline gets stung by a bee, here’s what you can do: Scrape away the stinger if you can find it. Pulling the stinger with fingers or tweezers could rupture the poison sac allowing toxin to enter the bloodstream. If no medical history or treatments contraindicate, administer 1 mg Benadryl® per pound of your pet’s body weight and apply a cold pack for short periods at a time. If swelling is severe or if ANY breathing difficulties develop, do not delay—seek veterinary attention immediately.
Not All Water Is Created Equal
Water is essential for your health. It is also very important to consume the right KIND of water. Drink ‘GOOD WATER’ such as mineral water or hard water, which has lots of calcium and magnesium. Find water with a strong reduction power that has not been polluted with chemical substances. This can help keep your body at an optimal alkaline pH levels. Some say that alkaline water can help prevent disease, such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, and also aid with digesting acidic foods. Besides the possible health benefits, it can also be used for cooking, beauty, and cleaning.
Amazing Modern Prostheses
Do you know anyone with an artificial limb? If you said no, you’re probably wrong! Modern prostheses (proper name of an artificial limb) work so effectively and can look so convincing that you might not even know someone was using one. People with prosthetic legs can often climb stairs, walk, and run as well as those using natural limbs, while prosthetic hands have advanced to the point of individual control of all five fingers. You might think prostheses look boring, but they are among the world’s truly great inventions. By creating independence, they boost optimism and dramatically improve people’s lives.
Learning-Related Vision Disorders Editorial
While 20/20 vision is a great start, our vision is also related to how well our eyes work together with our brain to process visual information. Many children who suffer with vision problems can go undiagnosed since learning-related vision disorders may not be revealed through a regular eye exam. Lack of eye movement control, focusing difficulties, poor visual memory, and much more can make learning seem overwhelming. Without fundamental visual skills, children may have more difficulty with reading, writing, and comprehension at school. A developmental optometrist diagnoses and provides treatment options for learning-related vision disorders.
Reduce Your Risk of Falling
Losing balance comes naturally with age. But as we age, the consequences of a fall becomes more serious. In fact, complications from a fall are the leading cause of injury and death among seniors aged 65 and older, and the risk of falls increases proportionately with age. At 80 years, over half of seniors fall annually. Voxx HPT socks and insoles will help improve your balance, providing an 8X reduction in fall risk! By reducing injury risk, seniors will have more confidence and freedom in day to day activities.
Words To Live By
“Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.” – Orison Swett Marden
Words to Live By
“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”
-John Wooden
Effects of Concussions on Vision
When someone has a head injury, they typically have vision problems that can be temporary or permanent. When a vision problem is causing or contributing to a problem with reading, balance, or movement, the recovery process will move slowly until the vision component is treated. Some symptoms might disappear after a while, such as eye pain or headaches, and yet other symptoms may remain, such as blurred or double vision, or vice versa. If you suspect that a concussion has caused vision problems resulting in difficulty coping with daily activities, see a developmental optometrist for a visual evaluation.
Anderson Family Vision Care,
Immunade – Nature’s Immunity Food
We question ourselves everyday if we’re OK, as good health supersedes everything. Your Immune System is charged with maintaining good health but sometimes fails. Antibiotics can be effective for serious infection but are often abused, have side effects and promote resistance. And other treatments only deal with symptoms. Immunade, Nature’s Immunity Food, goes back to what’s supposed to keep you healthy. It’s a daily serving of extra immunity, giving your Immune System more capacity to better do its job of getting and keeping you healthy.
John Hare, J. H. Hare & Associates Ltd,
Strive for Independence After Amputation
Immediately after your amputation, it is normal to seek out and receive assistance from family members or friends to help you during this transition. However, at some point, the sooner the better, you should strive to become as independent again as possible. With a comfortably fitting and properly functioning prosthesis, you should be able to do many, if not all of the things you did before becoming an amputee. Talk with your Prosthetist about your goals. Setting short and long term goals is a great way to see positive outcomes and at the same time regain your independence.
Winnipeg Prosthetics & Orthotics,