Community News
What is Diabetic Neuropathy?

Diabetic neuropathy is nerve damage caused by diabetes. Over time, high blood glucose levels can damage the small blood vessels that nourish your nerves with oxygen and nutrients. Without enough oxygen and nutrients, your damaged nerves can cause a loss of sensation in your feet, while others may experience a burning or shooting pain in their lower legs. VoxxLife HPT has been proven to improve circulation. In a clinical study involving 1,000 participants, more than 90% reported significant reduction in pain from diabetic neuropathy by using VoxxLife HPT technology. Improve your quality of life; wear VoxxLife neurotech.

Darlene Neufeld,

Signs of Caregiver Fatigue

Looking after a loved one is an important and rewarding responsibility, but how do you know when you’ve taken on too much and are headed for burnout? Look for these signs that will let you know when bringing in a professional caregiver might be beneficial to both you and your loved one. 1) You’re experiencing physical and mental fatigue. 2) You’ve lost interest in other people and things you once enjoyed. 3) You’ve gained/lost weight inexplicably. 4) You’ve been losing your temper. 5) You’re feeling like nothing you do is good enough. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Right At Home Canada,

Natural Product Review

U-Dream® Sleep Aid was specially formulated by phytopharmacologists and healthcare professionals with a variety of safe, proven, and effective plants including: Passionflower (calming herb for anxiety and insomnia), Lion’s Mane (mushroom known for reducing anxiety and depression), Schisandra (‘superberry’ that provides relief from stress and insomnia), Loquat fruit (fruit extract that acts as a mild sedative), L-tryptophan (essential amino acid with sleep-inducing qualities), and Tuberfleece flower and Rehmannia roots, which also assist with alleviating insomnia. U-Dream® combines traditional Eastern medicinal herbs and state-of-the-art Western herbal medicine, creating an effective natural sleep formula that promotes a healthy and prolonged sleep.

Nutrition Plus,

Physiotherapy to Prevent Falls

As we get older, our health and physical status changes and can put us at risk for falling. Falls are the leading cause of injury in older adults. Physiotherapists can assist with preventing falls in a variety of ways: 1) preparing a safe, at-home exercise program tailored to your needs; 2) answering any questions about gait aides (canes, walkers, crutches) to help with balance; and 3) helping you pick, fit, and use the right gait aide for your needs. If a fear of falling has kept you from being active, a physiotherapist can help get you back on your feet!

Erin Blaine, MPT, Physiotherapist at Prairie Trail Physiotherapy,

Your Health is Your Wealth!

For those who don’t believe there’s any value in investing in your health, it’s time to think again. With health, you’re either going to pay for it now, or you’re going to pay for it later. If you do it now, it’s called PREVENTION, and it’s cheaper. If you do it later, it’s called a CURE, and a lot of times more expensive (and often too late). The Kyani “Triangle of Health” is all you need to give you ALL the needed supplements your body requires to defend, repair and maintain an optimum level of health. Invest in your health today, you ARE worth it!

Imelda Mesa, Kyäni Inc.,

Avoid Injury This Spring

Spring means two things: yard work and stiff, sore muscles. Stretching to prepare muscles for strenuous activities that haven’t been done since fall is very important. Simple things like doing arm circles, shrugging your shoulders, and touching your toes should be done before and after activity. If you do overexert and your neck, shoulder, arm, or back pain is not going away within a week, there are natural alternatives that can help. Options such as NIR therapy and designed nutritional formulations will reduce inflammation and stimulate muscle repair to help you recover quickly and get back to enjoying spring.

Centre For Alternative Healing,

Book Club: Regaining Who You Are

(By Cindy Matychak, Spiritual Author, Advanced Life Coach, Reiki Master.) You are not who you think you are. There is much more to you and your world. Each of us has come into this lifetime to expand our consciousness and find our true place. In Regaining Who You Are you will discover why you are here and what you are being asked to heal in this lifetime.

Helping Seniors Recover after a Heart Attack

With advancements in medicine, more people are surviving heart attacks, and that’s great news. However, about a quarter of seniors feel depressed, afraid, and angry after going through a heart attack, and they need their loved ones. You can help by visiting often (keeping visits short at first) and being encouraging regarding lifestyle and diet changes. Making the same changes to your own lifestyle and diet is a great way to be encouraging and benefit your own health, while helping to ensure that the person who experienced the heart attack doesn’t feel resentful.

Dr. Donna Alden-Bugden, BSc, BScN, RN(NP), MN, DNP Doctor of Nursing Practice,

Best Way to Eat Fruits

Did you know that by simply adding more whole fruits to your diet you can rejuvenate your cells? However, fruits should be avoided after a meal because eaten on top of a full meal, fruit will lead to the excess intake of glucose as well as indigestion. If you eat fruit 30-40 minutes before a meal, it will help to prevent excess intake of carbohydrates, such as rice or bread, during the meal. Fruits are best eaten 30 minutes to 1 hour after drinking a full glass of water each morning.

Thuy Dao, Kangen Water,

Clean Eating Recipe

Purple Power! Beet Black Seed Detoxer Smoothie.

Ingredients: 1 medium raw beet, peeled, and shredded. 1 large Gala, Fuji or Honeycrisp apple, chopped into 1 inch pieces. 2 inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled, and chopped fine (1 tablespoon). ½ teaspoon Enerex Black Seed Oil. ½ avocado. ½ lemon, juiced. ½ cup water (more, if needed). 2 teaspoons Chia seeds. 2 teaspoons honey or maple syrup (if needed).

Directions: Place all of the ingredients into food processor and blend until smooth and creamy. Serves 2.

Feel Supported

Amputees all have something in common. Going through daily life as a new amputee can be a challenge and everyone deals with it differently. A great way to help with the adjustment is to meet with other amputees who have gone through or are going through what you are. Whether it’s about dealing with daily struggles, getting back to work, or rekindling interest in recreational activities, meeting and talking with other amputees who are in a similar situation is a great way to feel supported, reassuring you that you’re not alone. Our on-site Peer Support Specialist is happy to help.