Processed Meats: Can have up to 400 percent more sodium and 50 percent more preservatives than unprocessed meats. The worst part: Some contain nitrites and nitrates, chemical additives that have been linked to various cancers, but are still used to enhance color and promote taste. 2. Margarine: Is marketed as a cholesterol-free, healthy alternative to butter, but it’s the ultimate source of trans fats, which actually elevate cholesterol and damage blood vessel walls. Stick to real foods and eat real butter instead. 3. Artificial Sweeteners: Anything with the word “artificial” in it is chalked FULL of chemicals. These fake sweeteners cause symptoms that range from migraines to weight gain and even more serious conditions like cardiovascular disease. Unless you are diabetic, please stop using these sugar substitites immediately! 4. Microwave Popcorn: Bags, in particular, are often lined with a chemical called perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), which has been shown to affect fertility, cancer risk, and kidney functioning.
How Much Vitamin D Do We Really Need?
Vitamin D ensures our body absorbs sufficient calcium. Calcium is required for metabolism, heart and muscle function, and, along with phosphorous, is a key component of bone structure. If your body does not get enough Vitamin D, you are at risk for developing bone abnormalities such as soft bones (osteomalacia) or fragile bones (osteoporosis). Although it has not been proven, Vitamin D may help to prevent falls, boost weight loss, fight infections (colds and flus) and reduce your risk for diseases such as multiple sclerosis. To obtain these potential benefits, most adults need to take 1000 I.U per day. You should never exceed more than 4000 I.U per day unless you are severely deficient, as diagnosed by your doctor. Your body also limits the amount of Vitamin D it gets from the sun, so it is safe to continue with supplementation well into the summer months.
Care At Home Pharmacy,
September 14
6:15 pm
Free Community Dinner
Learn how to achieve real health to last a lifetime.
Limited seating available, call 204-985-6750 to register.
Academy Chiropractic.
Anger Free Sessions for Adults, Anxiety/Stress Management Sessions, and Pranic Healing.
Renaissance Centre
Call Colette for more info. 204-256-6750 (ext. 23)
September: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program (MBSR)
Renaissance Centre
204-803-2002 or at
September: Yoga Sessions (French & English)
Renaissance Centre
204-803-2002 or at
October: The Five Love Languages: Secret to love that lasts (Couple’s Group and Teen Group).
Book your spot today!
Renaissance Centre
October 15
9:30 am
Cancer Killers Make Over.
Learn what cancer, heart disease, diabetes and headaches all have in common.
Receive practical protocols to get yourself healthy BEFORE disease sets in.
Tickets $10
Call 204-985-6750 to pick up your tickets
Academy Chiropractic.
Financial Fitness – How Much Does it Cost?
Each individual’s financial situation is unique. There are a few factors that determine how much you will need to pay in order to complete a summary administration bankruptcy or a consumer proposal filing. Payments under a consumer bankruptcy proceeding are typically set by governing bankruptcy legislation and will include surplus income obligations and/or repayment of non-exempt assets owned by the debtor. In a consumer proposal filing, payments are determined by the terms of the proposal. In both proceedings the fees that the Trustee can take for administering the file are prescribed by tariff in the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. The amount and timing of any payments can be discussed more fully during your free initial consultation with a Trustee in Bankruptcy when all your options are being explored.
Ginseng for Weight Loss
Ginseng does many things to help human health, but many people do not realize that ginseng is good for weight loss. It gives an energy boost and can help fight fatigue. Because of this, it allows for you to be more active. One of the big things that it does in the weight loss battle is by regulating blood sugar. It does this by reducing the amount of carbohydrate that is converted into fat. Also, it is important to point out that ginseng alone will not help lose weight if you engage in poor dietary choices. It is vital that a well-balanced diet is followed and that you are active. Otherwise, like the old English proverb says, “Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork.” One of the active ingredients in SlimROAST weight loss coffee from Valentus – The Healthiest Coffee on the Planet!
Pharmacists as Prescribers (Part1)
Many times we have found ourselves lost in the big aisle of non-prescription medications. Spending time, trying to match our symptoms with the most suitable medication, trying to eliminate the occurrence of adverse reactions and also getting confused at the thought of weather to approach the BUSY pharmacy staff or not and finally end up buying tried and tested medication. BUT…. maybe your symptoms do not require the same old medication or use of the same medication has worsened your condition. At times like these even your family physicians may not be available for immediate assessment, and you may not have the time or patience to wait in a walk-in-clinic. Here in Winnipeg, Expert Pharmacist can assess, diagnose and treat certain medical conditions. For the better health outcomes of Manitobans, we are putting our knowledge and skills to maximum use. Hence, next time one less worry for you.
Hajra Mirza, Rossmere Pharmacy
More Than Just Words
There’s a lot of talk out there about positive affirmations, but do they really do anything? Research has revealed that negative words and thoughts have a damaging neurochemical effect. The brain interprets negative words and thoughts as a threat and it goes into survival “fight, flight, or freeze” mode, which in turn releases stress hormones and interrupts rational thinking and decision making. The good news is that positive words and thoughts can counteract the negativity. The bad news is that positivity isn’t perceived as a threat and, thus, the brain does not respond as swiftly or dramatically to positive words as it does to negative ones. Researchers say that we must repeat positive thoughts or words a minimum of three times for every negative one. This engages the motivational center of the brain and reduces stress. So yes, science tells us we should keep saying those daily affirmations.
Timing of Medications
It is important to understand clearly when to take medications and how to take them. Some prescription drugs have to be taken on an empty stomach while others are taken with food – check with your pharmacist to ensure you know what that means – (how long before or after a meal do you wait)? This helps with the appropriate absorption of the drug. Some medications should not be taken with other drugs as this can lead to reduced effectiveness. The timing of medications is also important regarding when to take them – morning vs. evening – to alleviate side effects. As well, it is key to follow the instructions on the number of times per day to take the medication. When you are prescribed new medications, ask your pharmacist to fully explain these medications so you have a good understanding of them. A full medication review of all your prescription drugs and over the counter products can further help you to see how they work together.
Urgent Need for Plasma Protein Therapies
Urgent and Ongoing need for Plasma Protein Therapies
Did you know that a large number of patients depend on protein therapies derived from human plasma and blood donors in Canada? Donors are required because large volumes of plasma, the liquid portion of blood are required to treat a wide variety of diseases.
For example:
- 1200 plasma donations are required to treat one patient with hemophilia, a bleeding disorder.
- 130 donations to treat one patient with primary immunodeficiency, condition where people can not make functional antibodies to fight infections.
- 900 donations are required to treat one alpha-1 patient, a disorder that affects the lungs.
These therapies replace missing or defective proteins in patients with rare disorders so they can lead healthier and otherwise normal lives. They typically require on-going infusions throughout their lives as they are chronic diseases so plasma is always required.
Bill Bees, Vice- President, Plasma Technology
Examples of diseases and their products are outlined in the table below:
Disease | Product | Description of Condition |
Hemophilia A | Factor VIII | Bleeding Disorder caused by a lack of Factor VIII clotting factor. Affects 1 in 10,000 people. |
Hemophilia B | Factor IX | Bleeding Disorder caused by a lack of Factor IX clotting factor. Affects 1 in 25,000 people. |
Von Willebrand Disease | Von Willebrand Factor VIII | Bleeding disorder due to a defective Factor VIII gene. Affects 1.2 million people worldwide. |
Antithrombin Deficiency | Antithrombin III | Bleeding disorder due to a defective ATIII gene. |
Primary Immunodeficiency (PID) | Immune Globulin Intravenous or subcutaneous | Genetic disorder where insufficient or defect immune globulin is produced, leading to susceptibility to infections. |
Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) | Immune Globulin Intravenous | Autoimmune disorder that affects the peripheral nervous system of both children and adults. Can lead to muscle weakness and paralysis. |
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) | Immune Globulin Intravenous | Autoimmune disorder that affects blood platelet levels leading to bleeding disorders. |
Kawasaki | Immune Globulin Intravenous | Primarily affects children under 5-years of age leading to heart disease. |
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) | Alpha-1 Protease Inhibitor | Also called genetic emphysema that affects lung function. |
Burns, Shock, Trauma, Major Surgery | Albumin | The major plasma protein is used for fluid replacement for a variety of disease conditions. |
Infectious diseases like:
Rabies Tetanus Varicella Zoster Hepatitis B |
Hyperimmune globulin directed against a specific virus or bacteria | Used for treating ore preventing a variety of infectious diseases. |
Hereditary angioedema | C1-esterdase inhibitor | A rare and potentially life threating condition characterized by acute attacks of swelling of face, airway, stomach and extremities. |
Clean Eating – Turkey and Sweet Potato Curry
2 Tbsp finely chopped ginger;
2 Tbsp finely chopped garlic;
1/2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes;
2 Tbsp curry powder;
2 tsp garam masala;
1 cup plain greek yogurt;
1 lb cooked turkey breast, chopped;
1 Tbsp cooking oil;
1 yellow onion, chopped;
2 tomatoes, chopped;
1 lb sweet potatoes, chopped;
1 cup chickpeas;
1 Tbsp brown sugar.
Directions: Put ginger, garlic, red pepper flakes, curry powder, garam masala and yogurt into medium bowl and stir to combine. Set aside. Heat oil in large skillet over medium heat. Add onions and cook until translucent. Reduce heat; slowly add curry sauce being careful not to boil. Stir in turkey, tomato, sweet potato, chickpeas and sugar; cook until heated through. Serve with basmati rice or toasted pita bread. Delish!
Book Club – Always Hungry?
Conquer Cravings, Retrain Your Fat Cells, And Lose Weight Permanently by Dr. David Ludwig. Renowned endocrinologist, Dr. David Ludwig, explains why traditional diets don’t work and presents a new plan to help you lose weight without hunger. “Always Hungry?” turns dieting on its head with a three-phase program that ignores calories and targets fat cells directly. The recipes and meal plan include delicious high-fat foods (like nuts and nut butter, full-fat dairy, avocados, and dark chocolate), healthy proteins, and natural carbohydrates. The result? Fat cells release their excess calories, and you lose weight and inches without battling cravings and constant hunger. This is dieting without deprivation. This helpful book reveals a liberating new way to tame hunger and lose weight for good. Available at your local bookstore.