Community News
Laughter is the Best Medicine

My face in the mirror isn’t wrinkled or drawn. My house isn’t dirty. The cobwebs are gone. My garden looks lovely and so does my lawn. I think I might never put my glasses back on.

Disability Tax Credit: Combating Inflation

The Disability Tax Credit (DTC) is a valuable tool in mitigating the impacts of inflation and rising costs of living for individuals with disabilities. By accessing this credit, individuals can receive financial relief that helps them manage their daily expenses. The DTC provides tax breaks for eligible individuals with disabilities, recognizing the additional costs associated with their condition. It offers a means to offset the financial burden imposed by inflation and increasing living expenses, such as medical costs, adaptive equipment, and specialized care. By claiming the DTC, individuals can access much-needed financial support, ensuring their ability to maintain a decent quality of life despite economic challenges.

The Power of a Morning Routine

Discover the transformative benefits of a well-crafted morning routine. Enhance your mental and physical wellbeing, while cultivating confidence and empowerment. Some advantages include: 1) Stress Reduction: Combat anxiety by introducing structure and predictability into your day. 2) Sleep Enhancement: Achieve restful nights with consistent morning routines that regulate sleep patterns. 3) Laser-Focused Mind: Start your day with intention and concentration to improve focus throughout the day. 4) Optimal Physical Health: Incorporate exercise, stretching, or meditation into your morning routine to enhance your physical health and reduce the risk of chronic illnesses. Unleash the power of a morning routine and empower yourself to conquer each day with vitality and vigor.

Hair Care Habits to Prevent Hair Loss

Protect your strands and prevent hair loss with these hair care habits. Be gentle when washing and drying to avoid breakage, especially when hair is wet and fragile. Use mild shampoo and conditioner, avoiding hot water. Massage your scalp regularly to stimulate blood flow and promote healthy hair growth. Minimize heat styling and embrace natural drying methods. Nourish your hair from within with a balanced diet rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. Avoid excessive tension through tight hairstyles or constant pulling. By caring for your hair diligently, you’ll maintain its strength and prevent unwanted hair loss.

Precision Nutrition for Your Gut

We are what we eat. Gut health is what everyone is talking about, but no one has told us what to do about it until now. NucleoGenex offers personalized and cellular health supplements that can help correct your gut’s microbiome. It doesn’t take years, just 90 days to make a positive cellular change to your gut health and to make you to start to feel better. NucleoGenex’s products are revolutionary and backed by our scientific team, giving you detailed insight into your very own genetics. This knowledge can contribute to keeping you healthy, helping you perform your best, and to position your body & mind in better managing your weight.

The Benefits of Canine Massage Therapy

Uncover the benefits of canine massage therapy provided by a skilled professional. This specialized therapy induces deep relaxation, alleviating stress and anxiety in dogs. By improving circulation, it facilitates the delivery of vital nutrients while eliminating toxins, promoting overall well-being. The targeted approach to muscles and joints eases tension, diminishes pain, and enhances flexibility, making it ideal for seniors and those recovering from injuries. Maximize your dog’s physical and emotional wellness with the exceptional service of a qualified Animal Certified Massage Therapist (ACMT), located within Gram’s Real Meats & Dog Treats.

Ticks and Lyme Disease

If you spend time in wooded, shrubby, or grassy areas, it’s important to check yourself for ticks. Deer ticks (aka black-legged ticks) carry bacteria that can cause Lyme disease. A “bull’s-eye” skin rash and flu-like symptoms are common signs of the condition. Lyme disease is typically treated with doctor-prescribed antibiotics. To avoid tick bites, avoid brushing against vegetation, wear light-coloured long-sleeved shirts and pants, and use insect repellent containing DEET. If you find an embedded tick, gently remove it using tweezers by pulling close to the skin and avoid squeezing the tick. Clean the bite wound thoroughly.

Maximizing Your Gym Time

When it comes to making the most of your time at the gym, there are several key strategies you can employ. Firstly, strike a balance between socializing and maintaining focus, ensuring that conversations don’t distract you from your workout. Secondly, regularly vary your exercises to prevent your body from adapting, enabling continued calorie burn and strength gains. Thirdly, prioritize proper form to maximize the effectiveness of each exercise. Fourthly, keep your rest periods under a minute to optimize recovery without wasting precious time. Lastly, incorporate free weights into your routine to boost strength, sculpt your physique, and increase calorie burning during cardio sessions. By implementing these strategies, you can optimize your gym time and achieve optimal results.

Puppy Breath

What is puppy breath and why are we emotionally connected to this distinct smell? When a puppy is teething, their teeth and gums are developing, and the combination of diet and oral bacteria causes the scent of sweet and musky breath. For many of us, this smell triggers an emotional response, as we associate puppies with innocence, playfulness and the joy of an adorable puppy. This connection can bring back memories, trigger feelings of happiness and reduce overall stress. Why not adopt a puppy? Go to to visit all the amazing faces waiting for a family.