Community News
Love Your Lungs!

February is the month of St. Valentine, cupid, and love. Here are some ways to show love for your lungs. 1) Ask your prescribing health provider about a spirometry test if you experience coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, or chest tightness. 2) Protect yourself against the flu, COVID-19, pneumonia, and RSV by staying up to date on your vaccines. 3) Manage your lung disease or quit smoking with the support of a community. Join any of Lung Saskatchewan’s online support groups at

Treatment Centers after the holidays

Post-holiday, treatment centers become crucial as the holiday rush can lead to awareness of substance abuse issues that become exacerbated during the holidays, or perhaps someone who was lead astray from their treatment plan. As much as the holidays can be a time of loneliness for some, others it can bring realization of issues that are amplified during the holidays. Additionally, detoxification and treatment centers help individuals safely manage withdrawal symptoms after the holiday season and gain control with the proper guidance and support. At Valley Hill, “Every youth deserves a second opportunity”.

Role of a Funeral Director

In winter, especially in Saskatchewan, funeral directors play a crucial role, ensuring dedication and commitment to families despite weather challenges. They navigate cold temperatures, snow, and ice, coordinating logistics for transportation and graveside services, frozen ground complicates burials, requiring special equipment or waiting for thawing grounds. Effective communication with all involved parties is paramount to manage expectations and address weather-related concerns to ensure they maintain the dignity of the farewell. Funeral directors provide essential support, combining compassion for grieving families with the practical considerations required to navigate winter conditions successfully.

Hearing Loss and Balance

Hearing loss is one of several factors that can cause falls. Individuals who have even a mild degree of hearing loss are three times as likely to experience accidental falls. Studies have shown that wearing hearing aids improves balance compared to an individual who does not wear hearing aids but who has hearing loss. There are three major ideas for why hearing loss can affect our balance: 1) hearing loss causes less awareness of our environment, which means less awareness of people or activities around us; 2) hearing loss decreases spacial awareness, which makes it harder to know where you are compared to your surroundings; and 3) hearing loss uses more brain energy, which means there is less energy for balance.

Breakfast: Balancing Nutrition

Breakfast is ‘the most important meal of the day’, for good reason. As the name suggests, breakfast breaks the overnight fasting period, replenishes your supply of glucose, boosts energy and alertness, while providing essential nutrients. If you’re a breakfast fast food person, look for options that offer healthier choices. Healthy eating focuses on nutrient-dense foods, while fast food offers convenience but is high in calories, low in nutrition, thus may contribute to high blood pressure and heart problems.

Suicide Prevention – Where to Begin?

Navigating the struggle of suicide prevention involves seeking
support from friends, family, and professionals. Finding
helpful tools such as the Embracing Life App (Scan the
QR code in our Ad) or finding other immediate assistance
sources are key to prevention, along with therapy which
provides coping strategies, and staying connected to help
combat isolation. Educate yourself about warning signs,
whether it be for yourself, a loved one, a child in need, create
a safety plan, encourage professional help. Remember, you are
NOT alone— reach out. Prioritize safety, seek help, and work

Valentine’s Day Smoothie

Did you know that the pomegranate has been a symbol of love and fertility as far back as ancient Greece? and they aren’t the only fruit with a story to tell.
Other berry meanings include raspberries (kindness) and strawberries (modesty, perfection, and “sweetness in life and character”).

1 ½ cup almond milk or coconut milk;
1 ripe banana;
½ cup frozen pomegranate seeds;
1 cup frozen berries;
Add the almond milk, frozen fruits, and banana to your blender.
Blend until the smoothie reaches your desired consistency.
If it’s too thin, add more fruit; if it’s too thick, add more almond or coconut milk.

Interment & Cremation

There are many options when choosing a final resting place for cremated remains. At a cemetery, you may choose an above ground niche or in ground burial. Some, express a wish to scatter cremated remains or take the urn home. Have you considered that these latter options, could affect your family in the years and generations ahead? What will happen to the urn at home in 20+ years? There is peace of mind in a final resting place that is permanent, secure and sacred, that allows you to honour a life and have a place that family & friends can come to gather, visit, and grieve- honouring family heritage for years to come.

Coldest Night of the Year Fundraising Event

Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY) is an annual event that supports people experiencing homelessness in your community. This fundraiser helps YWCA Prince Albert provide shelter, care, and holistic support to women and families experiencing homelessness to heal and find hope. CNOY 2024 takes place on February 24th, 2024 – drawing individuals together to support the cause through raising money as well as taking part in a 2 km or 5 km walk. Across Canada, over 190 communities are involved with CNOY, supported by people who care about their communities and the most vulnerable people who live in them. Learn more + get involved at

Recreational Therapy vs focusing on disability

Recreational therapy is a health profession using activity-based interventions to enhance individuals’ well-being. Therapists assess needs, plan personalized interventions, and employ activities like sports and arts to address physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges. The focus is on fostering inclusion, socialization, and skill development to improve overall quality of life. Applied in diverse settings, recreational therapy benefits individuals with conditions such as physical disabilities and mental health disorders. Ongoing evaluation ensures adjustments for personalized progress, making it an integral part of holistic healthcare. A focus on Residents abilities and well-being vs. focusing on disability, promotes life with meaning.