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Matchmaking Testimonial

“I joined Camelot Introductions and found the love of my life! If it wasn’t for Lianne’s persistence, and her innate ability for matching people, then I would still be floundering. On-line dating was a waste of my time. Camelot was exactly what I was looking for – a professional service dedicated to matching people with similar interests and dreams. Getting married in November – I’ve never been happier! Thanks Lianne!”
~Brian. Camelot Introductions,

Get a Better Sleep with Ganban-Yoku

For most people who are suffering from insomnia, the sympathetic nervous system is overly active when the body is trying to fall asleep at night – making it hard to fall asleep or resulting in poor sleep. Ganban-yoku (Japanese thermal therapy) can help improve quality of sleep by tuning the nervous system. The deep, gentle warmth during the session, uniquely keeps the body in the active state while relaxing the mind. This equally engages both sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system instead of one of the two overly being active for over one hour. Having the nervous system function at this sweet spot for a prolonged time helps to ease the symptoms of insomnia. Some users were able to achieve good quality sleep for up to five days post session. Mieko Morisawa, Pocca Poca Spa,

Allergies & Bio-Resonance

The bio-resonance method has become well-known for its ability to treat allergies swiftly and effectively. Word of its obvious success has rapidly spread amongst clients, and consequently, many allergy sufferers are seeking out the practices of bio-resonance therapists. This is certainly attributable to the fact that the number of people suffering from allergies has been steadily increasing for years. This includes allergies to food, animals, pollen, fragrances, and various toxic substances. A bio-resonance therapist will search for the allergens triggering your symptoms and then work to alleviate those symptoms using frequency therapy. Bio-resonance therapy is completely painless and non-invasive. Dennis Ludwig, Evergreen Holistic Health Centre

Medication-Related Falls among Seniors

According to the Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada, falls are the leading cause of injury-related hospital visits among Canadian seniors. Between 20% and 30% of adults 65 and older have at least one fall per year. Medications are increasingly being recognized as contributors to falls, and common problematic medications include opioids, sedatives, anti-depressants, cardiac medications, and hypoglycemic agents such as insulin. It is important that seniors and their caregivers are aware of possible side effects of medications, and that correct dosages are given and any negative drug interactions are avoided. A pharmacist can assist in determining how and when to use medications to help avoid injury from falls.Source used: Care at Home Pharmacy,

Leggings for Chronic Illness

If you live with a chronic illness that causes pain, sensitivity, bloating, swelling, or nausea, it’s not always possible to throw on a pair of jeans or slacks. Many types of pants are made with coarse material and have seams that can dig into your skin and waistbands that can press into your stomach.
Leggings and yoga pants can be tight and uncomfortable for some; however, for many others in the chronic illness community, they may be the only types of pants that are bearable some days. Finding the perfect pair of leggings involves the right material, length, shape, thickness, snugness, elasticity… it all depends on what feels best to you. Shelley Harcus, She’s Got Leggs,

Brushing Your Pet’s Teeth

Pets need to be slowly introduced to the process of brushing their teeth, just like you’d introduce hygiene to your child, which can be challenging as well. Try getting your pet to lick toothpaste off of your finger. As they become comfortable with that, rub the paste on their gums. Again, when your pet accepts this, start introducing a toothbrush. As with any training process, it’s important to reward your pet for good behaviour. Some pets enjoy affection or rewards and praise, and other pets want the food reward. Being proactive about dental health can help save your pet from unnecessary pain and more serious complications. Jamie Hercun, Best West Pet Foods,

Honour Yourself During the Holidays

The holidays can be a time of loving reunions, catch-ups, heartfelt connections, and joy, or they can be filled with obligations, expectations, and old patterns with emerging drama. When we can empower ourselves to know we have a choice as to where to best put our energies, what to let go of and forgive, and where to take a stand and set boundaries, we honour ourselves. Despite the illusion of social media, the “perfect family” does not exist where all things look “wonderful and together” all the time. Instead, the holidays offer us the perfect opportunity to stay true and nurture ourselves in the midst of giving and receiving.
D’Arcy Bruning-Haid,

Natural Product Review: pureWash Pro

Are you still using detergent to wash your clothes? There’s a healthier, safer, and smarter way to do laundry. The secret is activated oxygen. PureWash Pro transforms ordinary water into a powerful cleaning agent by adding dissolved oxygen, giving you clean clothes while killing up to 99.9% of pathogens, mold, and bacteria. Used by hotels and hospitals for years, this amazing and affordable cleaning and disinfecting technology is now available for home use. Get your clothes clean without the need for soap or bleach, using only cold water. The oxidizing technology helps relax fabrics, so your clothes stay wrinkle-free without using fabric softener. Ideal for anyone with skin sensitivities, this is a product that everyone should use. Protect the environment, your clothes, and your washer. PureWash Pro pays for itself in months, saving you hundreds of dollars on hot water costs and laundry products. See the PureWash Pro at Aviva Natural Health Solutions,

Book Club:

The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact
by Chip Heath, Dan Heath
Many of the defining moments in our lives are the result of accident or luck—but why would we leave our most meaningful, memorable moments to chance when we can create them? The Power of Moments shows us how to be the author of richer experiences.

Where Is Love?

You’ve decided enough is enough. You have plenty going for yourself and you want to share your life with someone special but where on earth are you going to find them? Times have changed. We live in an electronic world but computers don’t have hearts and you don’t know if the person behind the screen is authentic. You have asked your friends and coworkers if they know anyone right for you and you have been insulted by who they have suggested! A matchmaker specializes in finding love for people who are looking for one special partner. An effective matchmaker meets with all potential clients in person and determines who the right person is for them. A criminal record check should be conducted on each client. When choosing a matchmaker it is important that you work with a service that has been in business for quite some time and has many success stories. Lianne Tregobov, Camelot Introductions, Camelot

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