Community News
Alkalizing Your Body

Having an overly acidic diet can lead to a weakened immune system. Here are six ways to alkalize your body! 1. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day to keep your body systems regulated. For an extra boost in alkalinity – add lemon! 2. Trade coffee for green tea. 3. Use stevia, coconut sugar, or small amounts of honey in place of sugar. 4. Eat more greens. 5. Exercise to create more oxygen and qi flow in the body, and to avoid stagnation. 6. Reduce stress by meditating, practicing deep breathing, doing yoga, and getting plenty of sleep.
Care At Home Pharmacy,

Considering a Pet Sitter?

Planning a winter vacation? Arranging for pet care while you’re away can feel like an overwhelming decision. It’s important to look for caregivers who will not only provide for basic needs like food and water, but also companionship, reassurance, and playtime while you’re away. If you can find someone to come to your home, your pet gets to stay in his familiar surroundings, which is less stressful than taking him to a new location. You and your pet should feel comfortable about the care arrangements, so you can enjoy your vacation without worry! Lisa Tustin, Professional Pet Services

3-Ingredient Almond Butter Cookies

These flour-less almond butter cookies are SO good, and made with only 3 ingredients (1 cup almond butter, 6 Tbsp raw sugar, and 1 large egg)! Preheat the oven to 350°F and spray two nonstick baking sheets lightly with cooking spray. In a medium bowl, mix the almond butter, sugar, and egg until well combined. Spoon 1 level tablespoon of the mixture about 1 inch apart onto baking sheets. Flatten the mounds with the tines of a fork, making a crosshatch pattern on the cookies. Bake until golden around the edges, about 10 minutes.

Daily Routine Important for Seniors

People are afraid of the unknown. If an older adult is losing control over their physical abilities, independence, or cognitive abilities, their world gets filled with more and more unknowns. Establishing routine is extremely important for seniors. A daily routine offers a level of stability that individuals often enjoy, as it allows them to settle into a schedule that they understand. Doing the same basic activities like eating, dressing, and bathing at the same time every day is known to improve sleep quality. A predictable routine also helps to reduce stress and anxiety.
Alevtina (Alia) Tuhari, Reliable Home Care Agency Inc.,

Ready for Homeownership?

Here are three steps when considering buying a home:

1. Create a detailed budget in the rental world. Include the financial demands of your social life, hobbies, and other key priorities of your life.
2. Do a second budget, remove the rental items, and include property tax estimate, hydro, water, insurance, and repair estimates. Once you have accounted for all annual required miscellaneous savings that you will put away for monthly, what is left is the mortgage payment you can afford.
3. If you are happy with your numbers from the steps above, it may be time to meet with your financial institution to get pre-approved and see what amount of mortgage your payment will buy. Don’t bite off more than you can chew!
Brian Denysuik, CREDITAID,

Take a Load Off

Maintaining workplace mental health is vitally important. Stats show that most people spend the majority of their waking hours at work. Using break times is one effective way to improve overall mental health and boost productivity! Oftentimes, busy schedules and looming deadlines prevent us from taking breaks when we need them most. A short time away, doing something we enjoy, helps to reduce stress and emotional exhaustion, while providing a fresh focus and the necessary energy to accomplish tasks. Stretching, walking, listening to music, and reading or watching something funny are all ways to help lighten the load.
Stacey Shule Krueger, CMHA MB & Wpg,

Holiday Hazards: Protect Your Pets

It’s the most wonderful time of the year—until your pet ingests some tinsel or decides to drink from the Christmas-tree water. Here are some common holiday hazards for pets: 1. Ribbon and rubber bands. If ingested, these can cause serious damage to the intestines. 2. Plants, including mistletoe, holly, poinsettia, and even your Christmas tree, can be very toxic and may lead to kidney failure. 3. Electrical cords. We all saw what happened to poor Fluffy on ‘National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation’. Use cord keepers to cover power cords or store all loose cords to make them less enticing for your cat or dog. Jamie Hercun, Best West Pet Foods,

Lose Weight & Still Enjoy Wine!

Research suggests people who follow a Mediterranean diet lose 52% more weight than the standard low-fat diet because it isn’t just a fad or limited list of foods. It’s a lifestyle based on a balanced approach to your meals, which focuses on produce, healthy fats, whole grains, legumes, fish, and even some red wine. Committing to losing weight for three months using the Mediterranean diet as a base, along with three booster products and three lifestyle changes, guarantees results. And there is no meal skipping! Look and feel great for all of your holiday parties and events!
Valdine – Modere,

Product Review:

Serrapeptase, the little miracle enzyme! Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme, which means it breaks down long protein chains into amino acids that the body needs. These enzymes bind to the alpha 2 macroglobulin in our plasma where it is shielded from the immune system while retaining its enzymatic activity. They are then free to roam through the blood stream seeking to break down hard protein (non-living tissue), fibrin surfaces, scar tissue, granuloma, and even thin out mucous to ease conditions such as chronic sinusitis.

It’s been proven to be a safe and effective alternative to NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen) and should be taken on an empty stomach. The capsule must be a special DRcap (Delayed Release capsule) or enteric coated capsule that allows the Serrapeptase to pass through the stomach to the small intestine where the enzyme is then released.

Suffer from Low Back Pain?

Kidney stones are often the reason for pain in your lower back. One in every 20 people develops kidney stones at some point in their life, normally due to a lack of water in the body. The stones press against nerves in the kidneys and cause various degrees of pain. When the pain travels down into the thighs, it is called sciatica. Bioresonance therapy can test to see if you have kidney stones and, if the stones are present, can help remove them. This is done by sending healthy frequencies into your body, allowing the stones to pass out of the body and relieving your pain. Dennis Ludwig, Evergreen Holistic Health Centre,

Do’s and Don’ts of Dating

In today’s distracted world, where people are panicked when they don’t have instant access to their electronics, face-to-face meetings can be a foreign concept. When getting to know someone, it is important that they feel you are giving them your undivided attention. Cell phones need to be on silent and put away while on a date. Exes are not discussed. Communication needs to be real. Texting and emailing are not appropriate ways to get to know someone. Take the time to call them and have a real conversation. Do an activity on your date where you have ample time to get to learn more about the person. Mini golf, bowling, the zoo, or walking through craft shows are some suggestions that allow you to get to know one another without pressure. Lianne Tregobov,

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