Stress is often thought of as something that happens to us. However, stress is a response to an event and therefore mostly within our control. A major study found that when people view unpleasant physical sensations, like a racing heart and nervousness, as helpful instead of harmful, the risk of heart disease, stroke, and early death diminishes greatly. How can we change our mind about stress? By intentionally subjecting ourselves to a healthy stressor. Fifteen minutes of intense exercise releases endorphins – our body’s natural pain killers and stress fighters – which helps us associate a positive feeling with stress-inducing events. Sean Miller, CMHA MB and Winnipeg,
Community Event
Thurs., Nov. 23, 7-9 p.m. Night on the Rocks! New Japanese ganban-yoku thermal spa is hosting a wellness night (1.5 hours). Ganban-yoku session includes 15 min. scalp and facial massage on a therapeutic rock bed. (204) 488-1314, 3-840 Waverley St.,
Real Beauty Benefits of Collagen with BioSil™
BioSil™ is clinically proven to reduce wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, thicken and strengthen hair, and strengthen nails. BioSil™ is not “made out of collagen,” it “generates collagen” through your body’s own natural pathways. That means the collagen you add is collagen with your own DNA fingerprint. That’s why BioSil™ helps you look beautiful, youthful, and healthy – naturally! Starting at age 21, collagen diminishes by 1% per year. That’s when the vital collagen “mesh” begins to loosen. By age 30, the signs of reduced collagen on skin, hair and nails become visible. BioSil™ has been through the most rigorous testing procedure known, the double-blind, placebo controlled, university-conducted clinical trial. Here’s what they found: BioSil™ Clinical Trial Results:
• Thickens Hair
• Strengthens Hair
• Reduces Fine Lines and Wrinkles
• Improves Skin Elasticity
• Strengthens Nails
Now see what BioSil can do for you! Take it from Christie Brinkley: “I take BioSil™ every day, and I am amazed at the difference I see in my skin, hair and nails!”
Aviva Natural Health Solutions.
Is Your Toothpaste Toxic?
Did you know that your mouth is one of the most absorbent places in your entire body? While you’re brushing, the ingredients in your toothpaste enter your mouth and gums, which are the gateway to every system in your body. This is why you need to be very careful when choosing toothpaste. Many brands contain questionable ingredients that you’re far better off avoiding. Modere’s toothpaste received the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) gold standard verification. • Sugar-free • Fluoride-free • Water-soluble abrasives clean without damaging tooth enamel • Supports healthy looking teeth and gums • Our non-toxic formula means it is safe for the whole family • Natural peppermint oil freshens breath. Valdine Doering, Modere,
Conquer Your Past
Conquer your past and control your destiny. It is never too late to change your life for the better and there is no better time than now. Your mind is the most powerful tool you have. It controls your body and your thoughts. Your subconscious is both your worst enemy and your best friend. It is the problem, and it is the solution. You have the power to choose. How effective and fast does hypnotherapy work? The American Health Magazine provided this comparison:
• Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions
• Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions
• Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions
Sherry Wilkinson, Winnipeg Hypnotherapy,
Decreasing Debt-Related Stress
Consumer debt is at an all-time high and dealing with debt can be a lonely, frightening, and stressful experience. Some ways to manage debt-related stress include:
• If you are carrying balances on your credit cards, stop using them immediately and start making payments, starting with the card that has the highest interest rate.
• Talk to your financial institution to see if they have any suggested solutions to help you manage your debt.
• If your financial institution can’t assist you, select a credit counselling organization to help you evaluate your entire financial situation. This should be a local organization that does face-to-face counselling. Confirm with the Consumer Protection Office of Manitoba that the organization is licensed by the Province of Manitoba.
Brian Denysuik, CREDITAID,
Winter is Coming
Staying active during the winter months can be difficult with our harsh Manitoba winters; But it shouldn’t have to be. Whether you’re heading outside, bundled up, or staying in, there are many ways to stay active. Outdoors, you will need to be prepared. Cover any exposed skin to reduce the risk of frostbite, and be sure to wear proper footwear to reduce to risk of slipping or falling on any icy surfaces. Proper footwear should have that extra tread just as a winter tire would, or supplemental attachments on the bottoms of your shoes will help dig into those slippery surfaces. If you’re staying inside, fitness or walking DVDs are helpful and remember to wear the proper footwear indoors too. If you have the internet, YouTube is an excellent free source full of multiple types of exercise led workouts or exercises. Carly Appler, CAT(C)
Community Event
Nov. 24, Dec. 1, Dec. 8. 12-1 pm. Join us and experience a mild hypnotic state as you relax and get rid of stress and anxiety. St. James Legion. 1755 Portage Ave. (upstairs) Open to the public, must be 18+. $15.00. Veterans are FREE!
Do’s and Don’ts of Dating
In today’s distracted world where people are panicked when they don’t have instant access to their electronics, face-to-face meetings can be a foreign concept. When getting to know someone it is important that they feel you are giving them your undivided attention. Cell phones need to be on silent and put away while on a date. Ex’s are not discussed. Communication needs to be real. Texting and emailing are not appropriate ways to get to know someone. Take the time to call them and have a real conversation. Do an activity on your date where you have ample time to get to learn more about the person. Mini golf, bowling, the zoo, or walking through craft shows are some suggestions that allow you to get to know one another without pressure. Lianne Tregobov,
Meet Your Practitioner
Meet Michelle Oikonen from Lisa Reid Audiology. Michelle has been working in the hearing industry since 1995 and previously worked with Lisa Reid (Dr. Lisa Hirayama). Originally from Thunder Bay, Michelle received her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Manitoba and then went on to Georgian College, where she graduated with Honours from the Communicative Disorders Assistant Program.
Her current area of special interest is advanced digital hearing instrument technology. Michelle looks forward to helping clients improve their quality of life through better hearing solutions, and Lisa Reid Audiology was thrilled to have her come aboard.
You Need an Autumn Massage if…
• You’ve been active this summer. Help your body recover before temperatures drop and joint pain increases.
• You’ve traveled long hours. Resulting in neck and back strain.
• Summer sandals have been your style staple. Without proper support, this can result in back pain.
• You’ve been gardening. Squatting and bending over can put stress on your body.
• You suffer from seasonal depression.
• You’ve been getting poor sleep.
Too often, we look at massage as a frivolous expense and ignore the powerful benefits it can have on our bodies and minds.
Fall is the perfect time to take care of yourself and to renew your energy. Julie Sagnes, RMT