Community News
Connections Matter on Father’s Day

Father’s Day offers a poignant reminder of the vital role mental health plays in the lives of our aging parents. For seniors residing in independent living homes, the benefits extend beyond physical care. These communities foster crucial social interactions that can stave off the loneliness and depression often faced by those living alone. Friendships formed in these environments provide emotional support, joy, and a sense of belonging. Celebrating Father’s Day in such a setting underscores the importance of a strong support network. By prioritizing companionship and mental well-being, we honor our fathers not just with gifts, but with the invaluable gift of connection.

Free Cooking Show

Sign up for a free Saladmaster® Cooking Show and enjoy an interactive, fun experience with great food and great people. Our Cooking Coaches will share healthier food preparation methods and demonstrate Saladmaster’s techniques. You’ll see, hear, smell, and taste the difference in our nutritious, low-fat meals. Friendly and knowledgeable, our Coaches cook and clean while you enjoy a flavorful, nutrient-dense meal. Learn new cooking techniques, gain valuable nutritional insights, and discover the Saladmaster® Cooking System. Call 204-504-6224 or email to sign up. Follow us: IG-the.greenapronofficial FB: Thé Green Apron-Saladmaster

Microchip Your Pet!

A simple procedure can save a lot of heartache. Your veterinarian can inject a microchip — the size of a grain of rice — beneath the surface of your pet’s skin, usually between the shoulder blades. It’s almost instantaneous, but it contains contact information so that if you and your pet ever become separated, a shelter or veterinarian will easily be able to reunite you. Being separated from their owner, especially if lost in a strange environment, is traumatizing for an animal. Get your pet microchipped – then be sure to keep the information up-to-date if you move or change your phone number.

Surprising Sleep Tips

According to the Canadian Government, one-quarter of adults report problems with falling or staying asleep, most, or all of the time. Here are some surprising tips to improve your sleep. #1- Close your eyes and roll them backward. Rolling your eyes causes your brain to release melatonin, a natural sleep hormone. #2- Breathe through your nose, not your mouth. Breathing through the mouth can have a stress effect on the brain. Breathing through the nose sends relaxation signals to your brain. #3- Tell yourself “I’m not going to sleep”. Reverse psychology works better than you think. Give these tips a try tonight to help you get to sleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Aging At Home

Many seniors would prefer to stay at home than move into a senior care home, but there are some challenges to consider. Factors like finances, physical mobility, social network, health concerns, and safety in the home are all things to think about. If you decide to remain in your home, discuss your plans with your family or a trusted advisor. It’s important to prepare your home to ensure you can live comfortably and safely there, using various aids and tools to make things easier. In-home care can also provide much-needed day-to-day support, as well as transportation to appointments and gatherings.

June Brain Teasers

.1 What can a man do standing up, a woman do sitting down, and a dog do on three legs? 2. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I? 3. What has a thumb and four fingers but is not alive? 4. What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps?

Your Annual Denture Check-up

Has it been a while since you’ve last had your dentures checked? Full dentures and partial dentures need the same level of care as natural teeth. If you wear dentures, it doesn’t mean you’re off the hook for maintaining great oral health. Routine checkups help prevent any major oral problems from developing and allow for planning any changes your dentures require to ensure you’re never without your teeth. With yearly checkups, your dentures will continue to perform properly, and your maintained oral health will mean shorter and smoother visits!

What is Photokeratitis?

Sunburn on the eyes, also known as photokeratitis, results from excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from sunlight or artificial sources like tanning beds. This condition affects the cornea and conjunctiva, causing pain, redness, tearing, and a gritty sensation, akin to having sand in the eyes. Prolonged UV exposure without protection, such as sunglasses or goggles, increases the risk. Symptoms usually manifest within a few hours after exposure and can last up to a few days. Prevention involves wearing UV-blocking eyewear and avoiding prolonged exposure to bright sunlight, especially at high altitudes or near reflective surfaces like water.

The Healthy Book Club

The Harvard Medical School Guide to Men’s Health – distills 25 years of research on men’s health into a comprehensive resource. It covers diet, exercise, supplements, and diseases like prostate cancer. The guide also offers advice on alcohol consumption, stress control, and navigating the healthcare system, making it an essential reference for men’s health. Ask at your local bookstore.

What Happens When You Quit

The quitting smoking timeline varies from person to person, but generally follows a similar pattern:
20 minutes: Blood pressure and heart rate drop.
12 hours: Carbon monoxide levels in the blood decrease.
2 weeks to 3 months: Circulation improves, lung function increases, and physical activity becomes easier.
1 to 9 months: Coughing and shortness of breath decrease as lung function continues to improve.
1 year: The risk of heart disease is halved compared to a smoker’s risk.
5 years: Stroke risk is similar to that of a non-smoker.
10 years: The risk of lung cancer is halved compared to that of a continuing smoker, and the risk of other cancers decreases further.

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