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Book Club: Healing and Transformation

Healing and Transformation through Transcendental Meditation (TM) by Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal. Learn the basics about this ancient technique, and for seasoned meditators, broaden your knowledge and deepen your understanding. Rosenthal’s central point emphasis on TM changes the brain, and can help a vast array of different people to live longer and better lives, and achieve lifelong success.

Clean Eating: Thai Carrot Coconut Soup


1 ½ cups water
1 ½ cups carrots cut into 1” pieces
1 green onion
5 tbsp. shredded, unsweetened coconut
1 tsp. turmeric
½ tsp. sea salt
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1 date
2 tbsp. fresh lemongrass (finely chop the heart of 2 stalks)
1 tbsp. freshly chopped ginger
1 avocado –half to blend and half cut into ½” – ¾” pieces for topping
2 tbsp. fresh cilantro (to mince for topping)


Blend all ingredients, except avocado and cilantro, until smooth.
Add half avocado and blend.
Pour into bowls.
Sprinkle top with avocado pieces and minced cilantro.

From Uncooking with RawRose by Rose Vasile

Compassionate Beauty Care

There are many thoughts that go through a person’s mind once a cancer diagnosis is received. What does the future look like and how will my life be changed. What common activities that I do now, will be affected by treatment and subsequent side-effects?

One thing that does not need to change is pampering yourself.  You may think that a trip to the spa is not something you want to experience while being in treatment. Not only is there the possibility of increased infection because your immune system is low, there is the discussion that you will need to have with the esthetician, that may make you uncomfortable.

Perhaps, going to a place that provides safe and hygienic manicures and pedicures is something you would consider. Where the treatments are non-invasive, no cutting of cuticles, no razors used on feet, just simply therapeutic services that are focused on the individual going through any cancer. Having a facial with no extractions, just comforting and customized for your skin. Using all natural products that contain no carcinogens or any toxins. Products with ingredients listings you can pronounce and recognize. The best part – not having to explain what you are going through because we know.

The Unexpected Gift 

Make School Lunches Fun

Making a school lunch desirable to eat and keep it uber-healthy is quite a challenge. Here are a few easy tips to help make your morning easier. At first, leave out whites. As in, white processed breads, sugar and dairy. Instead, keep your food colorful. Like a rainbow. Engage your child in conversation about their likes and needs, tell them that you would like to make the food more beautiful, fun and healthy. Bring your creativity into the lunchbox. Nowadays you can find different fun containers, bottles, and bags to keep your child’s lunchbox more fun when it’s open. Put your heart into it. Your kids will love it! Visit my website you will find more ideas plus a list with 7 foods which will upgrade your kid’s lunch this year.

Martina Vantuchova

Caregiver Pharmacy Support

It can be difficult to be a caregiver and manage multiple or complex medications for a loved one. It is important to ensure medications are taken appropriately to help maintain good health. A visiting pharmacist provides personal support with regular medication delivery and home consultations. The pharmacist reviews a client’s prescription drugs and over the counter medications to advise if there are any drug interactions and makes adjustments as necessary. This level of support can reduce emergency room visits and hospital stays and results in strong, trusting relationships between clients, caregivers and pharmacists. The visiting pharmacist also provides seamless care for hospital discharge patients and works closely with other health professionals to deliver a high level of care to the client. Care is tailored to specific individual needs such as assisting with blood pressure readings, adding medications as needed to adherence packaging and making changes in an efficient manner.

Teresa Giesbrecht, Care at Home Pharmacy

Book Club: Gut

The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ. By Giulia Enders. The gut’s nervous system, food intolerances, allergies, gut bacteria and the science of bad breath are detailed, suggesting the body’s “most underrated organ” plays a greater role in our overall wellbeing than we might have otherwise thought. Throughout the book, Enders points out, it is the gut that most frequently presents us with some of life’s most pressing questions. Pick up a copy at your local book store.

Clean Eating: Easy Healthy Borscht


4 cups of organic beef broth
1 cup diced carrot
½ cup garden peas
1 cup chopped green beans
1 cup chopped potatoes
2 cups beets with stems and leaves diced
1 onion chopped
4 fresh sprigs of dill
2 Tbsp Italian seasoning
Salt and pepper to taste


Combine all ingredients into a crockpot and cook on low for 6-7 hours. Alternately, cook on top of the stove until the vegetables are soft enough to eat. Serve topped with sour cream.


Burn Fat, Don’t Abuse Carbs

Many leading scientists, medical professionals, and nutrition experts agree the ketosis lifestyle is the pinnacle of health and wellbeing. Ketosis is a natural metabolic state where the body burns fat for most of its energy rather than carbohydrates. Fat offers the body 225% more energy than carbohydrates. Today, most people have sugar-burning bodies, not fat-burning bodies. Fat-burning bodies typically experience better energy and fewer cravings due to balanced blood sugar levels. Typically, without several days of fasting or sticking to unrealistic diet plans, our bodies cannot reach ketosis and take advantage of this energy. So unless you have serious discipline and nowhere to go, nutritional ketosis has been believed to be out of reach… until now.

David Warfield, ForeverGreen Ketopia

The Procrastinator’s Challenge

How many projects are on your back burner?

If you’re like most people, that back burner is chock-full of tasks that have been in the planning phase for far too long. Getting stalled projects off the ground can be difficult. A plan of action is what’s called for:

1) Set a specific date & time aside for your project, allowing time for prep and cleanup.

2) A week previous, anticipate and gather all required supplies.

3) Enlist help! There are times in our life when we all could use a hand – that extra push is often what we need to see a project through to a successful conclusion.

4) Put on some great tunes, have your beverage-of-choice on hand and Get to Work.

5) You’ve done it – enjoy your results!

Done & Done Family Concierge Service

Say Goodbye to Guilt

Letting go of guilt is a huge step in becoming the STRONG being you are! We hold a lot of responsibility to our children, significant other or our parents to make sure they are happy and taken care of. We often feel guilty for saying NO or for spending any time on ourselves. This is especially true for women. We spend time in negative self-talk even though we know this is not the way we should be. Feeling guilty is a bad habit that we could kick out of our lives. When you feel the heaviness in your heart, you just have to talk yourself through it. Spend some time and dig deep to see why you’re feeling this way. This isn’t always easy to work through on your own. Engaging a Holistic Health Coach can help you figure out the cause of the guilt and release it.

Martina Vantuchova

Food Matters

You know good food is key to a healthy life. So imagine knowing that everyone in Manitoba has nutritious food to eat. That’s what Food Matters Manitoba is working towards. It starts in the garden, at the local grocery store, and in the kitchen. Food Matters Manitoba is a registered charity teaches good food skills for life to North End kids. We all know the troubling reality of childhood diabetes and obesity. Weekly cooking classes give kids a chance to learn how to read a recipe, food safety tips, and what goes into planning a healthy and well-balanced meal. And the best part? Kids are getting excited about healthy eating and sharing new recipes with their friends and family. Interested in helping turn our vision of good food for all Manitobans into a reality? You can help even more kids become young cooks by donating to Food Matters Manitoba today.

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