Community News
Acupuncture for Allergies

Acupuncture has gained recognition as a natural remedy for various medical issues, including allergies. The practice targets specific meridians associated with immunity, such as the lungs, colon, stomach, and spleen, to help restore defensive qi and reduce swelling, watery eyes, runny nose, and other allergy symptoms. Acupuncture may also impact the activities of cells and inhibit an overactive immune system, leading to decreased inflammation in conditions like hay fever. Some individuals seek acupuncture as an alternative to conventional allergy treatments, while others combine it with medications for enhanced effectiveness. Acupuncture may be used alone or in combination with other treatments, but it’s important to see a licensed acupuncturist for safe and effective care.

Sound Healing for Better Sleep

Sound healing uses sound and vibration to promote healing and balance in the body, and one of its many benefits is improved sleep. It helps improve sleep by: 1) Relaxing the body – releases pain-relieving chemicals and reduces muscle tension. 2) Reducing stress and anxiety – reduces sympathetic nervous system activity. 3) Calming the mind – promotes peaceful and restful sleep. 4) Improving sleep quality – waking feeling more refreshed and having less difficulty falling asleep. 5) Creating a peaceful environment – helps improve mood. 6) Regulating the circadian rhythm (your internal biological clock) – can help avoid insomnia and improve the sleep/wake cycle.

End the Self-Sabotage

Did you know your unconscious mind could be keeping you from having what you truly want in your life, and could even be sabotaging your best efforts? Most of us don’t realize that we make commitments to ourselves other than the ones we’re consciously aware of. These unconscious commitments fuel your thoughts and behaviours, and create your reality. They are what creates the gap between what you say you want and what you are actually experiencing. For example, when you were young, you experienced a difficult situation and didn’t know how to process it. You made a decision (consciously or unconsciously) to make it mean something about you or the world around you. This formed a belief as a coping mechanism and your mind believed it was necessary for survival. Maybe it’s “I’ll stay quiet so I won’t seem stupid” or “Good girls do what they’re told”. Even though these beliefs and decisions are old, they have stuck with you, been reinforced over time and prevent you from having the things you truly desire. Ready to expose and erase those unconscious commitments and choose new ones? This is the powerful work we do in the Shine True programs.

Lesley Steppler RHN, BSW, RSW | Shine True Wellness

Don’t Use Super Glue on Dentures!

Dentures that crack intraorally can indicate the begin of potential issues. Even a small crack needs to be fixed by a denturist, as there are dangers to a quick fix solution like super glue. A chemical in super glue, called cyanoacrylate, emits dangerous fumes that can cause flu-like symptoms, irritation to your eyes nose and throat, or could potentially cause asthma when inhaled. It’s important to get a denture crack fixed by a professional. If your dentures are cracked, broken, or a tooth has fallen out, see your denturist first.

6 Health Problems Caused by Smoking

Here are 6 health problems caused by smoking that you probably didn’t know about! 1. Loss of Eye Sight – Smoking increases your risk of age-related macular degeneration.
2. Erectile Dysfunction – Tobacco causes narrowing of the blood vessels all over your body, including those that supply blood to the penis. 3. Ectopic Pregnancy – Is a life-threatening reproductive complication in women that is more likely in smokers. 4. Hip Fractures – Smokers lose bone density.
5. Colorectal Cancer – Smoking is linked to an increased risk of developing and dying from this type of cancer. 6. Rheumatoid Arthritis – It causes painful swelling that can eventually result in bone loss and joint deformity.

Microchip Your Pet!

A simple procedure can save a lot of heartache. Your veterinarian can inject a microchip — the size of a grain of rice — beneath the surface of your pet’s skin, usually between the shoulder blades. It’s almost instantaneous, but it contains contact information so that if you and your pet ever become separated, a shelter or veterinarian will easily be able to reunite you. Being separated from their owner, especially if lost in a strange environment, is traumatizing for an animal. Get your pet microchipped – then be sure to keep the information up-to-date if you move or change your phone number.

Hip Mobility for Pain Prevention

Hip mobility is essential for maintaining proper alignment and preventing pain in other areas of the body. Tight hips can often lead to lower back or knee pain, as the joints above and below compensate for the lack of mobility in the hips. To prevent this, it’s important to incorporate hip mobility stretches into your Physiotherapy program. With effective customized treatments for improving hip mobility, we can help reduce pain in other areas of the body and improve your overall function and movement. Remember, it’s all in the hips!

Physical Activity for Depression & Anxiety

Physical activity should be considered as a first-line treatment for depression and anxiety, according to a scientific review that analysed more than 95 scientific reviews involving 128,000 participants. The study found that physical activity was more effective than counselling or medication in some cases, and provided positive impacts across all studies. Shorter exercise interventions of 12 weeks or less were found to be the most effective in reducing mental health symptoms. The research highlights the need for exercise to be prioritised as a mainstay approach for managing depression and anxiety, particularly as it can make a positive change to mental health quickly. Study found in The British Journal of Sports Medicine –

Over 65? Assess Your Risk

Bone mineral density (BMD) testing is crucial in assessing the risk of developing osteoporosis or fractures. Women and men over 65 and those with risk factors for fracture should get a BMD test. Combining BMD tests with clinical risk factors can determine fracture risk and inform treatment decisions. Protect your ability to live your best life with Echolight™, the new ultrasound bone density measurement scanner that takes 15 minutes to do. First time in Manitoba. You have the option of either having the scan in our office or in the comfort of your home since we have a portable one. Echolight™ is radiation-free, safe, accurate as well as Health Canada and FDA approved.

Physical Activity for Depression & Anxiety

Physical activity should be considered as a first-line treatment for depression and anxiety, according to a scientific review that analysed more than 95 scientific reviews involving 128,000 participants. The study found that physical activity was more effective than counselling or medication in some cases, and provided positive impacts across all studies. Shorter exercise interventions of 12 weeks or less were found to be the most effective in reducing mental health symptoms. The research highlights the need for exercise to be prioritised as a mainstay approach for managing depression and anxiety, particularly as it can make a positive change to mental health quickly. Study found in The British Journal of Sports Medicine –

Over 65? Assess Your Risk

Bone mineral density (BMD) testing is crucial in assessing the risk of developing osteoporosis or fractures. Women and men over 65 and those with risk factors for fracture should get a BMD test. Combining BMD tests with clinical risk factors can determine fracture risk and inform treatment decisions. Protect your ability to live your best life with Echolight™, the new ultrasound bone density measurement scanner that takes 15 minutes to do. First time in Manitoba. You have the option of either having the scan in our office or in the comfort of your home since we have a portable one. Echolight™ is radiation-free, safe, accurate as well as Health Canada and FDA approved.