It’s not uncommon to feel intimidated by gyms, so it’s unsurprising that given the choice, most people prefer to exercise in the comfort, privacy, and safety of their own home. Our in-home personal trainer programs for all ages and fitness levels will teach you how to command your own body and get in incredible shape with the guidance of a certified trainer and a personalized program. We also offer convenient online personal training through Zoom workouts. Increase your strength and flexibility or work on your weight loss goals using a customized program designed just for you. No equipment necessary!
Eating with New Dentures
Learning to eat with new dentures can be a challenge, but with the right guidance and patience it is possible. Start with soft foods and chew slowly (this will help to avoid biting your cheeks or tongue). Purees, boiled eggs, fish, applesauce, soup (especially at this time of the year) are a great starting point. Also, it may be difficult to judge food temperatures correctly because of the insulating quality of the dentures. Touch the food or beverage to your lips before putting it in your mouth. Perseverance is the key and keep your denturist updated if any problems occur.
Choosing Contact Lenses
Contact lenses are a popular alternative to corrective eyewear. They can be worn full-time or part-time for sports and recreation. The two main categories are soft (or gel) lenses and rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses. Soft lenses are more popular and available in various formats to correct far-sightedness, near-sightedness, and astigmatism. RGP lenses have an important role in certain types of astigmatism and with fitting irregular corneal surfaces. All contact lenses touch eye tissue, and as such are a medical device that must be professionally fit, including training for proper handling and for important hygiene considerations.
What is Holistic Dentistry?
What is Holistic Dentistry?
In holistic dentistry, the mouth is viewed as an integral part of the digestive tract, which is crucial to overall health. A holistic dentistry practitioner takes time to educate patients on key nutrients for systemic and emotional health, the importance of restful oxygenated sleep and proper digestion, and the dangers of infected teeth and gum inflammation. Specialized technology is used in holistic dentistry, such as PRF, ozone, lasers and CBCT imaging, to properly diagnose and manage disease. In addition, only biocompatible materials are used, as opposed to ‘tolerable’ ones such as BPA-free composites, zirconia, and no amalgam silver fillings.
Control Your Destiny
At times, you may struggle to find you meaning. By meaning, I am speaking about your purpose or significance. This could be in a relationship, at work, or in the community. This lack of clarity impacts how you convey yourself and the quality you bring. As a Coach, I partner with you in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential. We will set goals that are significant, remove any obstacles or barriers to you reaching them, and ensure they are aligned with your values and passion.
From Self-Sabotage to Self-Mastery
Our Band of Brothers men’s mentorship group program guides you into making better choices in your life by learning how to heal past wounds to stop hidden patterns that are sabotaging your destiny. This customized transformational program guides you to regain full control of your life by providing everything you need, including a mentorship guide, lesson plans, a goal assessment tool, and monthly one-to-one mentor calls. Start living with clarity, inspired by a deep conviction for who you are and supported by a community of strong, resilient men. Work to fill your life with meaning and purpose once again.
It’s All About Energy
Whether it’s working, playing, eating, or sleeping, our bodies need energy and problems occur when you’re not producing enough. Our bodies need energy to transport the nutrients we digest, to allow our immune system to fight infection, and for our cells to repair and rebuild. Muscles, such as the heart, need lots of energy to function properly. If energy supplies to the brain are low, brain fog, confusion, or apathy can result. One of the best ways to make sure that your body is producing enough energy to function optimally is with nutritional testing. It will determine if any of your energy-producing organs are nutrient deficient and therefore unable to produce the necessary energy for you to thrive.
What’s Your Path to Wellness?
Most of us face health challenges at some point in our lives. As we experience these challenges, we strive to return to wellness but often get overwhelmed with health options or frustrated with advice and approaches that simply don’t work. An Integrative Health Coach helps to sift through wellness options to guide you to the most meaningful health strategies that make sense to you. As your Integrative Health Coach, I draw on a wide knowledge base of diverse healing practices to find the most helpful options that align with your goals and life experiences. What’s your path to wellness?
Back-to-School Vision Care
Along with the usual back-to-school preparations, children’s vision should rank high in importance. It is not unusual for the refractive status of eyes to change up to age 18, but these changes are more likely during the early growth years. Young kids might not readily notice problems at a time when 80% of what they learn is through the eyes. In addition, eye muscle imbalances can affect reading and concentration, both of which are important for academic success and a confident student. Arrange for a professional and comprehensive oculo-visual assessment, including ocular health, for your child soon!
Compression Stockings for Travel
Today’s travel often involves long flights in cramped seats that can be very hard on your circulation. Wearing socks or stockings with mild compression will comfortably help increase circulation and reduce the risk of swelling. The compression steadily squeezes your legs, helping your veins and leg muscles move blood more efficiently. They offer a simple, safe and economical way to keep blood from stagnating. Other things that will help you during long flights include getting up and stretching every hour while flying, staying hydrated and flexing your ankles every 30 minutes.
Microchip Your Pet!
A simple procedure can save a lot of heartache. Your veterinarian can inject a microchip — the size of a grain of rice — beneath the surface of your pet’s skin, usually between the shoulder blades. It’s almost instantaneous, but it contains contact information so that if you and your pet ever become separated, a shelter or veterinarian will easily be able to reunite you. Being separated from their owner, especially if lost in a strange environment, is traumatizing for an animal. Get your pet microchipped – then be sure to keep the information up-to-date if you move or change your phone number.