There is an old wise tale about an inner fight that goes on between two wolves in the wild. One is harsh, angry, full of sorrow, regret and arrogance. Motivated by self-pity and filled with false pride, greed and ego. The other wolf is full of joy, lightness, nurturance, hope, love, humility, kindness, generosity, compassion and trust. That same wolf struggle resides in each one of us at different times in our lives and we are often hard on ourselves when fighting our demons. When asked which wolf wins the battle? The wise one responds: “it all depends, which one you decide to feed”.
Acupuncture and Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes is one of the most prevalent health problems in the world today, and the number of people who have diabetes is growing dramatically. Keeping Type 2 Diabetes under control requires a lot of daily effort and working with a team of health care professionals who care about you. Acupuncture has been shown to help improve many types of disease related to endocrine function. Research has indicated that acupuncture treatment can help to reduce fasting and after-eating blood sugar levels, increase insulin production, and reduce insulin resistance. Regular follow-up appointments can result in a better maintained morning fasting blood glucose.
Keep Your Pet Cool This Summer
Heat exhaustion can lead to brain damage, organ failure, and death. Here are a few tips and reminders to keep your pets safe. Don’t let them play hard on hot days and make sure they have access to fresh water. Before walking your pets, test the temperature of the pavement. If you can’t hold the back of your hand on the pavement for 10 seconds, it is too hot for your pets’ pads. Never leave your pet in a vehicle, even for “just a minute” while you run errands. Studies have shown that, even with the windows partially open, interior temperatures can rise to over 38 C in about 7 minutes at 31 C.
Product Review:
Introducing the NEW pureAir 3000 with ODOGard®, the only purifier to combine both active and passive air purification technologies with the odor-eliminating power of ODOGard®. The advanced active technology includes ionization and a proprietary form of photocatalytic oxidation, active radiant catalysis (ARC®). In addition to reducing volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the pureAir 3000 reduces allergens such as pollen, pet dander, smoke from wildfires, and odors caused by mold, bacteria, and other pollutants. Visit GTECANADA.CA to learn more and use the coupon code WN3K for a free pureAir 50 when you purchase a pureAir 3000 + ODOGard®.
What is Psoriatic Arthritis?
Much like psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis occurs when the immune system targets the joints and causes inflammation and damage. Psoriatic arthritis is a possible complication due to psoriasis, although not everyone who experiences psoriasis will develop psoriatic arthritis. Symptoms include localized tenderness, pain, and swelling, along with joint stiffness and reduced range of motion. There are also generalized symptoms that affect the entire body, such as chronic fatigue. Women and men between the ages of 30 and 50 are typically affected. Talk to your healthcare provider about treatment options that can offer the best results with minimal side effects.
6 Health Problems Caused by Smoking
Here are 6 health problems caused by smoking that you probably didn’t know about! 1. Loss of Eye Sight – Smoking increases your risk of age-related macular degeneration.
2. Erectile Dysfunction – Tobacco causes narrowing of the blood vessels all over your body, including those that supply blood to the penis. 3. Ectopic Pregnancy – Is a life-threatening reproductive complication in women that is more likely in smokers. 4. Hip Fractures – Smokers lose bone density.
5. Colorectal Cancer – Smoking is linked to an increased risk of developing and dying from this type of cancer. 6. Rheumatoid Arthritis – It causes painful swelling that can eventually result in bone loss and joint deformity.
Blocking Blue Light
Blue light emitted from the sun is essential to your body. However, exposing your eyes to the artificial blue light from computers, fluorescent lighting, smartphones and other digital devices may cause eye strain and interfere with sleeping. Blocking UV and HEV (high-energy visible) light can help protect against cataract and age-related macular degeneration. Ask your trusted eye care professional about blue light blocking lenses available to you. Our tip: If you are working on your laptop, tablet or smartphone long hours, we recommend giving your eyes frequent breaks by looking into the distance often.
Weight Loss & Dentures
It may come as a surprise to you, but when you lose weight, your clothes are not the only thing that you’ll notice become loose! Your weight loss can affect the fit and suction of your dentures, causing them to be uncomfortable. Weight loss causes changes to your entire body, including your mouth and gums. However, there is a solution: your Denturist can perform a simple procedure called a reline. A reline will “tighten up” your dentures so they fit well, create good suction, and feel comfortable again.
Book Club: Healthy Aging
A Lifelong Guide to Your Wellbeing. Best-selling author Dr. Weil’s advice combines traditional and non-traditional medical advice to help us age in good health. Highlights include advice on eating right, nutrition, and the anti-inflammatory diet, exercising right, and a solid background on the aging process in general terms. Weil wants us to be sensible about growing old… He argues that we should not fight aging. There is no winning that war. Instead, we should concentrate on aging well.
Product Review:
Introducing the NEW pureAir 3000 with ODOGard®, the only purifier to combine both active and passive air purification technologies with the odor-eliminating power of ODOGard®. The advanced active technology includes ionization and a proprietary form of photocatalytic oxidation, active radiant catalysis (ARC®). In addition to reducing volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the pureAir 3000 reduces allergens such as pollen, pet dander, smoke from wildfires, and odors caused by mold, bacteria, and other pollutants. Visit GTECANADA.CA to learn more and use the coupon code WN3K for a free pureAir 50 when you purchase a pureAir 3000 + ODOGard®.
Laughter is the Best Medicine
Did you know…laughter may relieve pain! Laughter may ease pain by causing the body to produce its own natural painkillers. Subscribe to for a chance to Win 2 Tickets to Rumors Comedy Club. Check out our Featured Upcoming Events.