Studies reveal that acupuncture stimulation may induce an immediate effect to treat dizziness and vertigo. When experiencing dizziness or vertigo, you may feel like the world around you is spinning, that you are unbalanced, or that there is movement within your head. From the Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, problems with dizziness and vertigo often involve phlegm, deficiency, wind or fire. TCM follows a holistic approach to treating dizziness. We consider the overall health of the body and whether there is an imbalance in the qi, the body’s life force. This approach addresses the root cause of our dizziness and provides long-lasting symptom relief.
Signs of Too Much Screen Time
Our eyes are not designed to focus on digital devices that are 1 to 3 feet away for extended periods of time. Concentrating in front of a computer can slow your blink rate by a third, which dries the surface of the eyes. Common symptoms of too much screen time include tired, dry, red eyes; headaches; loss of concentration; and trouble remembering what was read. If it’s possible, reduce your screen time and apply the 20-20-20 rule: take a break every 20 minutes and look 20 feet away for 20 seconds. We recommend blue light filters as well as ocular lubricants to ease eye strain symptoms.
Local Spotlight: Innovative Medical Supplies
Innovative Medical Supplies has been serving the Winnipeg area since 1994. From ligamentous and osteoarthritis bracing products to athletic injury, cold therapy, and home health care supplies, they can meet all your needs in a convenient one-stop shopping environment. They provide sales, rentals, and services across four Manitoba locations – Brandon, Steinbach, and two stores in Winnipeg. Did you know that they also direct bill Manitoba Health and other various third-party insurance providers? To learn more about coverage information, or products and services available check out their website!
Book Club: Helping Your Anxious Child
A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents by Ronald Rapee, Ann Wignall, Susan Spence. Most children are afraid of the dark. Some fear monsters under the bed. But 10 percent of children have excessive fears and phobias. Separation anxiety, panic attacks, social anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive disorder-that can hold them back and keep them from fully enjoying childhood. If your child suffers from any of these forms of anxiety, the program in this book offers practical, scientifically proven tools that can help.
Words To Live By
“Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping them up.” – Jesse Jackson
Words To Live By
“Things do not happen. Things are made to happen.” – John F. Kennedy
Are You Activating Your Best?
You have everything inside of you to make your life work. But parts of you are buried beneath years of distress, distraction, and dysfunction. Your soul has the scar tissue to prove it!
A perfect way to get started is with a life inventory. You need clarity. Know what to keep, and what to release. When you align your clarity – with your purpose – you activate your best.
I co-created the Life Mapping Process. It precisely maps your next actions to fulfilling purpose. Start with the life inventory assessment – the world is waiting for you.
Keep Your Joints Happy
Many of us have an old injury, or joint that tends to stiffen up with a change in weather. With an increase in barometric pressure or humidity, especially in these nasty cold spells we’ve been experiencing, our joints get cold and cranky just like the rest of us. These changes cause the “synovial fluid” in our joints to increase in viscosity, causing inflammation. A few easy ways to keep our joints happy is with extra layers of warmth. For examples: Wearing Long John’s, a knee or elbow sleeve, tensor bandage or even putting your clothes in the dryer before putting them on. Stay warm out there!
Benefits of Prenatal Massage
Prenatal massage is therapeutic bodywork that focuses on the special needs of the mother-to-be as her body goes through the dramatic changes of pregnancy. Did you know that you can safely get a massage any time during pregnancy? That’s right- anytime! From the moment you conceive until the moment you give birth. Prenatal massage is helpful for many reasons including:
-Better Sleep -Reduce Stress and Tension -Relieve anxiety and depression -Manage Low back pain
-Reduce symptoms of sciatica or hip pain -Reduce muscle cramps and carpal tunnel symptoms -Reduce Swelling -Help prepare you physically and mentally for labour -And much more!
CBD and THC – Know the Difference
Cannabinoids interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for creating a state of homeostasis in the body by regulating various functions. THC and CBD offer similar health benefits – increasing energy, providing an overall sense of wellness, decreased discomfort, or an improved mental state. However, CBD can be taken without becoming inebriated, THC on the other hand can cause a feeling of intoxication due to the euphoric effects on the brain. Both THC and CBD are extracted from cannabis plants. Knowing these differences will help you make well-informed decisions when purchasing cannabis products.
Alcohol Free Elixirs
Ancient wisdom describes an elixir as a magical or medicinal potion designed to cure. Solbrü has redefined a modern elixir as a liquid infusion of herbs that serves a function in the body. They have soulfully infused a blend of balancing herbs and adaptogenic mushrooms, to raise vibes and ground souls. Their Brü replaces alcoholic spirits in a sophisticated way, with its own unique flavours and novel functionality, delivering a bold authentic bite without the hangover. Drink it as a shot, sip it on the rocks; or enjoy it in an AF (alcohol-free) cocktail. Pour over a glass of nut or oat milk or mix it with orange or grapefruit juice for an extra Vitamin C punch.