Our ability to stay healthy and have more energy relies on how well our cells function. And the function of every cell in the body relies on something called redox signaling—cellular messages that help protect, rejuvenate, and restore cells. As environmental toxins weaken our defenses, normal cellular function declines, and with it, the body’s ability to produce and maintain a proper balance of redox signaling molecules. Now there is a technology that can create and stabilize active redox signaling molecules in a consumable form. This proprietary process suspends these life-giving molecules in a pristine solution—a first-of-its-kind, cutting-edge health breakthrough. ShopAsea.com
Underarm Harm? Make The Switch!
Are you still using a traditional antiperspirant? Antiperspirants clog up pores and don’t allow the body to properly release the sweat necessary to cool down the body and release toxins (why they’re called anti-perspirants). Not to mention that they’re completely unnecessary for preventing body odor. Sweating is our bodies’ natural way of regulating temperature and releasing toxins, two very crucial jobs. Did you know that sweat isn’t what actually smells? it’s just a mixture of salt and water. What does create that dreaded body odor is when sweat meets the natural bacteria that lives on our skin. Changing this reaction is easily done with natural deodorant.
Sore The Next Day?
Delayed onset muscle soreness, commonly referred to as DOMS, is characterized by the residual soreness felt in the muscles hours after exercise and can even last up to a few days. DOMS is caused by strenuous exercise and performing exercises that the body is not accustomed to yet. Dynamic and static stretching, soft tissue mobilization such as massage and foam rolling, and general warmups before exercise has shown to attenuate the sensation of DOMS and provide a temporary effect of pain relief and tolerance in order to prepare the body for upcoming activities. Ask your healthcare professional if you have any questions or concerns about DOMS!
To Err with BP
Monitoring your blood pressure at home can sometimes be misleading. Checking the same arm several times in succession can give inflated results. For more accurate readings, first empty your bladder. Sit for five minutes with your back supported and your feet flat on the floor. Ensure your arm is resting level with your heart. Put the BP cuff snuggly on your bare arm. Don’t talk while taking a reading. Refrain from smoking or ingesting caffeine prior to checking. Consistent readings over 150/90 should be recorded with your pulse and reported to your doctor.
Solving Reading Difficulties
When a student struggles with reading and learning, it is important to first rule out the possibility of a vision problem. Often, this can be an eye coordination problem, which means that your child will pass most vision screenings in school and even at the pediatrician’s office. Vision screenings typically test for how clearly one can see the letters on the eye chart (“20/20”), which is only 1 of 17 visual skills required for reading and learning. If reading is difficult and homework takes longer than it should, be sure to schedule a developmental vision evaluation for your child.
Home Remedy for Denture Pain
There are many reasons to replace missing natural teeth with dentures; aesthetics, proper mastication of your food, digestion, proper jaw alignment (to avoid a TMJ disorder), and speech to name a few. However sometimes dentures can cause pain or discomfort, especially if they are old or ill-fitting. An easy home remedy to help relieve gum/oral tissue pain is rinsing with saltwater twice daily. Doing this will help reduce swelling and help heal any sores that may have developed. It also inhibits growth of bacteria in the mouth. Simply dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth in the morning and evening. (Note: not intended to replace consultation with qualified medical professional.)
Imagine Your Strength
August is the month of Gladiolus and Poppies which are said to represent Strength of Character and Imagination. Imagine your dream self: Healthy, strong, happy, smoke free, able to take in clean fresh air and run with the kids, the grandkids, and the fur baby. Imagine life free of addiction and full of self control and a firm resolve to change. These are attainable goals! Reach out to for help in your area to find people that can come along side you with natural strategies and encouragement. Your dreams matter and you are not alone. Help is closer than you think!
Eat More Fibre!
Fibre has many health benefits. It normalizes bowel movements, helps maintain a healthy bowel, lowers cholesterol levels, helps control blood sugar levels, and aids in achieving a healthy weight. The best way to get fibre is from whole foods and whole-grain products including fruits, vegetables, beans/peas and other legumes, and nuts and seeds. You can also get fibre from supplements like Metamucil or foods with fibre added like granola bars, yogurt, and cereal. The daily recommendations for fibre intake are: 38 grams for men age 50 or younger, 30 grams for men age 51 or older, 25 grams for women age 50 or younger, and 21 grams for women age 51 or older.
In Your Neighborhood
Are you 55+ and looking for opportunities to stay active, meet new friends, and have fun? Good Neighbours Active Living Centre, 720 Henderson Highway, provides a variety of programs and services for older adults. You can learn about what we offer for free during our Open House Week, August 19 – 23, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. This includes our fitness, creative arts, music and dance classes as well as our recreational opportunities. Our café, Hobnobs, will also be open, so you can enjoy a tasty lunch, snack or coffee at a great price. For more information call 204-669-1710 or visit our website at www.gnalc.ca.
Book Club: Why Can’t I Get Better?
Solving the Mystery of Lyme and Chronic Disease by Dr. Richard Horowitz. Lyme disease and its related conditions are incredibly complicated. Different patients can have completely different sets of symptoms. Through his years of working with more than 12,000 Lyme disease patients—many of whom had failed several treatments before they even came to see him—Dr. Horowitz has developed a way of looking at the complex factors that embody this disease.
Words To Live By
“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.”
~ H. Jackson Brown Jr.