Community News
What is Adaptive Clothing?

One of the many challenges for many individuals who suffer from disability, and for those who care for them, is the difficulty of getting dressed and undressed. The design of regular clothing can make it very difficult, and in some cases impossible, for those with certain disabilities to dress themselves. Adaptive clothes are garments specially designed to be easy to wear. Features such as side-opening elastic waist pants, Velcro closures, and open-back tops and blouses make them easy to take on and off. We carry premium quality brands for both men and women.


Described as ear or head noises, tinnitus can take the form of ringing, buzzing, hissing, or similar sounds, and it can be constant or intermittent. In some cases, tinnitus can result from medical conditions such as wax buildup or ear infection, which can be treated, often resulting in total relief of symptoms. In many cases, tinnitus is the first sign of hearing loss. The first step in managing any type of tinnitus is to undergo a complete hearing assessment by a hearing professional. If hearing loss is found and medical intervention is not the answer, your hearing health professional will go over additional treatment solutions with you, such as tinnitus maskers or hearing aids.

Rethink Your Drink

Just because it isn’t soda doesn’t mean it’s not packed full of sugar! These drinks aren’t as healthy as they seem: 1. Fruit Juice – If you’re trying to cut your sugar intake, try adding pieces of fruit into your water for a subtle flavour instead of drinking fruit juice. 2. Energy Drinks – An 8-ounce serving can run you more than 25 grams of sugar. If you need a boost, stick to coffee with a natural sweetener. 3. Tonic Water – Twelve ounces of tonic water adds a whopping 32 grams of sugar to your glass (that’s eight teaspoons). Try soda water instead!

Nurse Practitioners Are Here for You!

NP on Wheels, a mobile private nurse practitioner (NP) medical service business, was created to meet the needs of patients who preferred care at their homes. NPs are fully qualified to assess, diagnose, prescribe medications, perform surgical procedures, refer to specialists, and much more. We take into consideration your social environment, lifestyle, habits, risk for complications, and factors contributing to WHY you are sick or WHY you got injured in the first place. We also opened the very first on-site private NP care clinic in August 2017 and are currently renovating to expand because we are so busy! Our services are tax deductible and are covered under many major insurance plans.

Community Profile: Kelburn Estates

Kelburn Estates Mental Health & Addictions Recovery Centre is a private residential wellness centre on 45 beautiful acres along the red river, here in Manitoba. We pride ourselves in providing confidential and multi-disciplinary expertise for our guests to reclaim, develop, and sustain a meaningful life. A life free from the destructive mental health disease and related substance abuse. Our mission is to create and maintain a lasting relationship with our guests, families, and community service providers. At Kelburn Estates, we will walk with you on your journey to recovery.

70 is The New 50

Working into retirement, postponing having kids, living longer – the lifecycle of Canadians is changing. New research suggests that old age now starts at 74, with middle age lasting at least nine years longer than current estimates. What we think of as old has changed over time and it will need to continue changing in the future as people live longer, healthier lives. In terms of health, longevity, and view of life, “baby boomers” in their sixties and seventies will be more like their parents and grandparents were at 50. For many people, 70 is the new 50 and signifies the quiet revolution that has taken place in longevity.

Brushing Your Pet’s Teeth

Pets need to be slowly introduced to the process of brushing their teeth, just like you’d introduce hygiene to your child, which can be challenging as well. Try getting your pet to lick toothpaste off of your finger. As they become comfortable with that, rub the paste on their gums. Again, when your pet accepts this, start introducing a toothbrush. As with any training process, it’s important to reward your pet for good behaviour. Some pets enjoy affection or rewards and praise, and other pets want the food reward. Being proactive about dental health can help save your pet from unnecessary pain and more serious complications.

Book Club: Beyond the Label

Beyond the Label offers a unique perspective on mental health: it shares the author’s own recovery from four major mental health conditions: anxiety, depression (attempted suicide), bulimia, and bipolar disorder type 1. The book outlines a detailed, step-by-step plan for how others can achieve optimal mental health. A combination of practical clinical experience and years of lived experience, the book shares insight into how diet, exercise, and sleep can be optimized for improved mental wellbeing, as well as strategies for coping with negative thoughts and emotions, and building self-love and compassion, among other skills.

3 Ingredient Banana Ice Cream

You will need: 2 peeled and frozen bananas, 2 T almond or peanut butter, 2 T almond or coconut milk. Optional add ins: nuts, chocolate chips, fruit, coconut, cocoa powder. Directions: In a blender, mix the bananas and the milk substitute. You may need to cut the banana into chunks depending on how powerful your blender is. Once they are partly chopped up, add in the nut butter. Continue to blend until you get a soft serve consistency. Spoon ice cream into a bowl and stir in any additional ingredients you desire. That’s it! Enjoy this healthy ice cream alternative!

Quit Smoking with Laser Therapy

Is quitting smoking on your ‘Spring Clean List’? Have you tried just about everything, with little success? Laser Therapy is clinically proven to help to control cravings and withdrawal symptoms. In clinical studies, patients report a noticeable reduction in cravings, and have a higher chance of success in quitting. The benefits of quitting smoking with laser over other interventions include no medications with unpleasant side effects, no unhealthy nicotine in your system in the form of patches, and pleasant side effects of relaxation which are a result of the endorphins released in response to the laser.

Excited For The Next Chapter of Love

Being single is often very isolating. We live in a couples’ world. It is so important to have friends and a social circle, as well as taking up hobbies where you will meet new people. There are groups designed for singles’ outings, which are enjoyable, but what about love? Tiptoeing around online dating sites is often where people start, but is not recommended. An experienced matchmaker will have your best interest at heart and safely match you with the right person. It makes sense to trust your heart to an experienced professional who will present appropriate matches as they are available. This is the smart and safe way to date in 2018!

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