Community News
Catching Your Breath

Because breathing is an involuntary action, we rarely pay attention to the process. But did you know that how you breathe impacts your health? Deep nasal breathing can reduce stress, help you fall asleep faster, aid toxin removal, and lower blood pressure to a greater extent than mouth breathing can.
And did you know that your nasal passage serves as a biological air filter, humidifier, and air conditioner to cool the brain? So the next time you’re catching your breath, try deep breathing through your nose and note how much better you feel while going about your day.

Vipassana Meditation

Research has shown that meditation can expand the brain, and help people avert stress and disease. One way to achieve this is through Vipassana meditation, a technique that emphasizes mindfulness, with the goal of seeing things as they “really are”. An ancient meditative technique from India, Vipassana was taken up by Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) just over 2,500 years ago. Vipassana meditation is an honest and direct practice: the moment-to-moment investigation of the mind-body process through calm, open, and precise awareness. This experience fosters clarity and penetrating insight into the nature of who we are, as well as increased peace in our daily lives.

What Defines Addiction?

Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of the brain. It is a condition in which a person engages in use of a substance or in a behaviour for which the rewarding effects provide a compelling incentive to repeatedly pursue the behaviour, despite detrimental consequences. There is scientific evidence that the addictive substances and behaviours share a key neurobiological feature—they intensely activate brain pathways of reward and reinforcement, many of which involve the neurotransmitter dopamine. Studies show that there are genetic factors, making some people more susceptible to addiction. Are you or someone you love suffering from addiction and looking for help?

Are You Having Fun?

As an older adult, you know that you need to stay active for optimal mental and physical health. But are you having FUN? Fun and joy are what make us feel truly alive, engaged, and connected to others. The world becomes more vibrant and inviting when we give ourselves permission to laugh and play. Every senior deserves to pursue enjoyable pastimes that make him or her lose track of time or feel like a goofy kid at heart. Plus, many of the best activities for senior citizens cost little or no money. Explore activities that spark the kid in you!

Get Your Greens

Spring is just around the corner, and the timing is perfect to start adding more colours into your diet. Leafy green vegetables contain many important macro and micronutrients. In 1 cup of broccoli or kale, there is actually 3 grams of protein! Try adding vegetables such as spinach, kale, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage to your salad. These vegetables will not only add flavour and a richer colour to your meal, but also drastically increase the amount of vitamins A, C, and K, which help with immune function and vision, decrease cholesterol, and assist in synthesis of protein and the binding of calcium for bone health.

Community Profile: Core Mental Health

At Core Mental Health Support & Education, our focus is on anxiety and depression, as these are the most common mental health issues facing Canadians today. We provide one-on-one and group peer support, as well as education programs for individuals, families, and organizations. Our mission is to support, educate, and encourage Manitobans of all ages to optimize their mental health and well-being; positively impacting employment, education, and relationships in the home and community. We ensure that all individuals who are suffering from mental health concerns will receive timely and effective support in a safe, non-judgmental, and compassionate environment.

Rethink Your Drink

Just because it isn’t soda doesn’t mean it’s not packed full of sugar! These drinks aren’t as healthy as they seem: 1. Fruit Juice – If you’re trying to cut your sugar intake, try adding pieces of fruit into your water for a subtle flavour instead of drinking fruit juice. 2. Energy Drinks – An 8-ounce serving can run you more than 25 grams of sugar. If you need a boost, stick to coffee with a natural sweetener. 3. Tonic Water – Twelve ounces of tonic water adds a whopping 32 grams of sugar to your glass (that’s eight teaspoons). Try soda water instead!

Oils to Improve Athletic Performance

Whatever sport you participate in, trainers recommend using different essential oils, both pre- and post-workout. Before any workout or therapy, use a muscle rub, and then reapply post-workout. A hand massage with essential oil before or after an event can help relieve tension. Pre-workout, some runners like to use peppermint essential oil to clear their airways. Apply four to five drops to the chest five minutes before exercise or an event. Post-workout, place four drops of lemon into 16 ounces of water and drink, then apply lemongrass oil to calves. Also, try Siberian fir, wintergreen, and frankincense essential oils during post-workout for muscle tension.

The Eyes and Ears Connection

As we age, we’re more susceptible to hearing loss and vision changes. According to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB), you’re at greater risk of social isolation and reduced community participation if you have vision loss. The same goes for hearing loss. Having both a vision and a hearing problem can affect your ability to lip-read, which is detrimental to communicating with co-workers, family, and friends. A decreased ability to socialize is linked to a greater risk of dementia. However, Statistics Canada reports that 90 percent of people with hearing loss can improve communication with a properly fitting hearing aid, counselling, or environmental changes.

Tips for a Teething Puppy

Puppies are adorable, but teething can be a difficult time for both him and your family. Introducing your puppy to age-appropriate dog chew toys early can save your precious household items. Chew toys designed for puppies are a little smaller and softer than the adult toys are, because puppy teeth are more prone to fracture. Ensure your new dog is getting a properly balanced diet, including vitamins and minerals such as calcium, so that his new adult teeth can develop normally. Having two teeth crowded into a space meant for one can cause discomfort and possibly initiate some destructive tendencies in your pup.

Clean Eating: Turmeric Hamburgers

1 lb. of organic grass-fed ground beef, 1 egg, ½ cup of oatmeal or bread crumbs, 1 Tbsp. cracked black pepper, 1 Tbsp. turmeric, 1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce, 1 Tbsp. organic BBQ sauce, 1 chopped onion, 1 minced head of garlic. Mix together lightly. Form patties. Brush lightly with oil. Grill on low/med heat, 5 min. per side.

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