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Boost Mental Health & Performance at Work

Boost Mental Health & Performance at Work
During this global pandemic, the need for mental health support has increased fourfold. As an employee, the best thing you can do for your mental health is to be vocal. If you are struggling, speak up or use the Wellness Together Canada free resources. Waiting causes longer term damage impacting productivity and quality of life. If you are an employer, ask how you can support your team every day. Then, get a Mental Health First Aid kit and put it somewhere visible to demonstrate mental health is just as important as physical health. Our mental health kits contain motivational cards, mindfulness colouring and tools, stress balls, breathing exercises, a guide to psychological first aid, resilience tips, and much more.

Healthy Home, Happy Home

Now more than ever it’s important to maintain a clean and healthy home. The good news is that you don’t have to rely on bleach and harsh chemicals to kill germs, viruses, and bacteria! Using purpose-built products can effectively disinfect your home the safe and proper way. It’s also important to remember to follow proper personal hygiene protocols like washing your hands thoroughly and often, and avoiding touching your face. With Movember in full swing this month, another great cleaning tip is to use a paper towel to line your sink before you groom your moustache to keep things tidy!

Get Fit for the Holidays

The holidays are right around the corner which can bring a feeling of excitement, but for some, ‘dread’. The visualization of trying to fit into your favorite dress for Christmas & New Years can bring up many emotions. Imagine the feeling of a boost in confidence, extra energy, feeling strong & fit walking into your holiday party. When striving to reach a fitness and/or weight loss goal, there’s nothing more powerful than a timely, focused 30-day challenge that offers you step-by-step daily activity checklists. This effective 30-day challenge is not just for weight loss, but also for better physical and mental health. Give yourself the gift of confidence this holiday!

Why Wear Compression Socks?

How much do you move during the day? If you spend a lot of time sitting, your calf muscles that usually help pump blood through your veins do very little. This can cause swelling and blood to pool in the lower legs. Standing all day can have the same effect. Walking is a great exercise to help the calf muscles do their job. Socks with compression squeeze your legs to move blood up your leg whether you are sitting or standing. Voxx Knee Highs offer gentle compression, are comfortable to wear and have HPT to help with pain, balance and stability.

Boost Mental Health & Performance at Work

Boost Mental Health & Performance at Work
During this global pandemic, the need for mental health support has increased fourfold. As an employee, the best thing you can do for your mental health is to be vocal. If you are struggling, speak up or use the Wellness Together Canada free resources. Waiting causes longer term damage impacting productivity and quality of life. If you are an employer, ask how you can support your team every day. Then, get a Mental Health First Aid kit and put it somewhere visible to demonstrate mental health is just as important as physical health. Our mental health kits contain motivational cards, mindfulness colouring and tools, stress balls, breathing exercises, a guide to psychological first aid, resilience tips, and much more.

Who Are You?

Truly getting to know ourselves is not something that happens quickly, and we won’t experience a sense of fulfillment until we know what it is that brings meaning to our lives. Reflecting upon the patterns of your day is a good place to start in your quest for self-knowledge. It only requires a few minutes a day of quiet meditation or journaling to take note of patterns you like or patterns that once were good, but are not serving you anymore. What would you like to allow more of in your life? These questions and awareness can transform your life.

Words to Live By

If you think about what you ought to do for other people, your character will take care of itself. -Woodrow Wilson

November Brain Teasers

.1 When you have me, you immediately feel like sharing me. But, if you do share me, you do not have me. 2. What can you hold without ever touching or using your hands? 3. What can be seen once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in a thousand years? Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?

Words to Live By

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou

Laughter is the Best Medicine

A man walks into a doctor’s office. He has a cucumber up his nose, a carrot in his left ear, and a banana in his right ear. “What’s the matter with me?” he asks the doctor. The doctor replies, “You’re not eating properly.”