Reiki is an energy healing treatment that works holistically on the whole body, mind, and spirit. Natural healing vibrations are transmitted through the hands of a Reiki practitioner to the body of the recipient. Reiki treatment can relieve stress and pain, induce relaxation, release emotional blockages, accelerate natural healing, balance subtle energies, and support other medical modalities, including traditional therapies. Reputable medical facilities are now offering patients alternative healing programs such as Reiki and are analyzing the benefits and submitting them for review and compilation. Look at your options on how you can learn Reiki to experience personal healing and to help others.
Product Review: Egret EO Sprayer
In an attempt to keep our surroundings free of bacteria and odours, we might use household cleaners that contain harsh chemicals and toxins that can aggravate health conditions. Egret Lab Canada’s Egret EO Sprayer is a patented cleaning generator that creates a natural, non-toxic cleaning solution called electrolyzed water. Also known as hypochlorous acid, electrolyzed water is created through the process of combining salt, water, and electricity. Research has shown that this natural cleaning solution removes 99.9% of many common germs, odours, and bacteria from surfaces, equipment and more, without the need for chemicals or toxins.
Wellness Trivia Questions:
.1 What part of the human body can expand 20 times its normal size? 2. TRUE or FALSE – Hair helps us hear. 3. How many bones does an adult have? 4. What is the name of the cells that help our blood to clot? 5. To reduce one pound weight, exactly how many calories need to burn?
Regina Funeral Home & Cemetery
Proudly serving the Regina area since 1954, Regina Funeral Home & Cemetery and our compassionate professionals will help you customize your arrangements, while respecting your faith, taste and budget. Our 66 acres are dotted with mature trees, benches and colourful flower gardens creating a warm and relaxing atmosphere for friends and family to gather and reminisce. We are proud to be a part of this community. Our helpful, dedicated staff are passionate about supporting families, local associations, religious organizations and cultural groups, and we are honoured to host a series of free memorial events throughout the year.
Book Club
“It’s Not Your Fault You’ve Been Lied To” by Dr. Ryan Greschuk, DC. Health has become so confusing, hasn’t it? Conflicting research, slick marketing, and lies about your health and your potential are being sold to you daily. Let’s keep it simple! By connecting to the timeless principles that have kept people healthy for thousands of years, you’ll finally find simple steps that will get you results so you can live the life you’ve always dreamed of. You’ll learn the five main areas of health that the world’s longest-living people have used to create vibrant, energetic lives free of illness and medication.
Electro-magnetic Fields (EMFs)
Low-level radiation is one type of EMF exposure and is emitted from cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, Bluetooth devices, computers, and even power lines. Some scientists report that this type of EMF exposure can cause sleep disturbances, including insomnia; headache; depression and depressive symptoms; changes in memory; and lack of concentration. You can reduce the risk by using the speakerphone function on your cell phone instead of holding it to your ear. Charge your phone in a different room at night, or put it on airplane/flight mode while you sleep. Products are also available that counteract harmful frequencies using healthy ones.
Regina Funeral Home & Cemetery
Proudly serving the Regina area since 1954, Regina Funeral Home & Cemetery and our compassionate professionals will help you customize your arrangements, while respecting your faith, taste and budget. Our 66 acres are dotted with mature trees, benches and colourful flower gardens creating a warm and relaxing atmosphere for friends and family to gather and reminisce. We are proud to be a part of this community. Our helpful, dedicated staff are passionate about supporting families, local associations, religious organizations and cultural groups, and we are honoured to host a series of free memorial events throughout the year.
Wellness Trivia Answers:
.1 The Stomach. 2. TRUE 3. 206 4. Platelets 5. 3500 Calories
Words to Live By
“You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes every day – unless you’re too busy; then you should sit and meditate for an hour.” Zen Proverb
Words To Live By
“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresea, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.”-H. Jackson Brown Jr.
Heart to Home Meals
EditorialHeart to Home Meals delivers delicious, nutritious meals right to your door. The company’s team of experts developed a menu to suit many tastes, dietary needs, and lifestyles, including high-protein, low carbohydrates and/or saturated fat, low sodium, high fibre, vegetarian, and no added sugar options. The Heart to Home Meals brochure includes a useful diet coding system to help you choose meals that are right for you. Meals also come in mini versions for smaller appetites, hearty versions for larger appetites, as well as minced or pureed options. It is as easy as ordering online or by phone!