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Keto ‘The Right Way’

Trying to figure out how to go into nutritional ketosis can be a daunting task. There’s so much information on the internet that can cause confusion, and it can be incredibly time consuming. You likely have questions like: What should my calories be? Which foods should I eat and how much? What are macros? Why do they matter to my results? Instead of trying to figure it all out yourself, why not hire a Certified Keto Coach who can answer your questions and create a specialized plan for you? She takes out all of the guess work, allowing you to simply get results in far less time.

Considering Compression Stockings?

Compression is great for jobs with prolonged sitting or standing, pregnancy and pre and post-vein surgery. They are also great for everyday activities, like hiking, and jogging! Benefits include improving circulation, reducing swelling, and relieving achy and fatigued legs. Get them fitted by a trained professional and ensure the compression is graduated; strongest at the ankle and less as it moves up the leg. They come in various colors and styles to meet your needs and personal preferences. Most benefit plans cover medical compression stockings annually with a doctor’s prescription.

How Healthy Is Your Home?

Are the chemicals you are using to clean your home actually doing more harm than good? The average household contains more than 60 harmful chemicals, which can negatively impact your and your family’s health. Cleaning with harsh chemicals can result in eye and throat irritation,headaches and even long-term effects like endocrine disruption (hormonal effects) and asthma. Consider using our superior Norwex® Microfiber used dry it catches the smallest dust particles to create a longer-lasting clean. Used wet it lifts and traps stuck-on messes Plus removes up to 99% of bacteria from a surface using only water, when following proper care and use instructions.

Fever Can Be Helpful

Did you know that the immune system’s ability nearly doubles for every 1 degree above normal your body temperature rises? A fever is extremely beneficial to help the immune system fight off disease. Over-the-counter medications can sometimes inhibit the release of glutathione – the body’s master antioxidant – which is also beneficial for fighting disease. While there are some cautions when it comes to fever, this bodily reaction can actually be a good thing sometimes, as it shows our immune system is kicking into high-gear. A couple of easy ways to cope include getting lots of rest and plenty of fluid intake.

Brain Teasers

.1 I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I? 2. I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I? 3. What can you hold in your right hand, but never in your left hand? 4. What has to be broken before you can use it? 5. What did the doctor say to the patient when he finished removing his appendix?

Words to Live By

“How do we nurture the soul? By revering our own life. By learning to love it all, not only the joys and the victories, but also the pain and the struggles.”- Nathaniel Branden

Reduce Costs with Estate Planning

It’s hard enough to think about death without having to consider the financial realities that go along with it. Making the right decisions about funeral and memorial expenses can be especially tough when you’re grieving the loss of a loved one. There is a way around that. The cost of funerals and cemetery services is unavoidable – but you can cut those costs and protect your family for that day when you have to leave them. With well-informed estate planning, you could save thousands of dollars, and spare your spouse and children from a heavy financial and emotional burden.

Eating Smart

Eating right plays a major part in a senior’s quality of life. Some important dietary factors that should be considered include: Sodium – OK in moderation, as long as the foods are high-quality. Fats – Monitor saturated and trans fatty acids, and lean more towards monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (like omega-3s). Carbohydrates – Spread carbohydrates throughout the day to manage blood sugar. Protein – Increase protein intake to maintain muscle mass. Fibre – Eat plenty of fibre and drink plenty of water. Sugar – Consume in moderation. Vitamin D – Consider taking a daily vitamin D3 supplement if sun exposure and dairy intake are limited.

Healthy Home, Happy Home

Now more than ever is it important to maintain a clean and healthy home. It was imperative to carefully rethink how we could further improve our industry-leading home cleaning services. By learning about microbiology, disinfectant chemistry and other important methodologies, we’ve armed ourselves with all the information required to create a healthy home. During our research, we discovered that you don’t need to rely on bleach and harsh chemicals to kill germs, viruses, and bacteria. Our ability to source purpose-built products allows us to effectively disinfect your home the safe and proper way. Rest easy and enjoy a healthy and happy home.

Natural Product Spotlight

The Raspberry Moisturizing Cream for dry and mature skin by Herbs & Butters Skincare is all-natural, vegan, biodegradable, and contains no parabens, sulfates or formaldehydes. Intelligently formulated with love by a local chemist, this lightweight moisturizing cream offers deep hydration and effectively improves the skin’s overall texture and elasticity. Raspberry seed oil helps to promote the regeneration of new skin cells, fights age spots and protects against premature aging. Other key ingredients like macadamia nut oil, sea buckthorn oil, oat protein, hemp seed oil, avocado oil, and olive oil help to effectively protect, soothe, moisturize, and nourish the skin.

Be Still…with Reiki!

Reiki is a gentle but powerful energy healing technique used for relaxation, stress reduction and balance that can promote healing on many levels. It is typically given by ‘laying on of hands’ as you lie on a massage table fully clothed. This higher frequency, positive energy flows through the hands of the practitioner into your energy field releasing ‘energy blockages’ by lifting and transforming lower frequency energies such as worry, fear, anger and anxiety. The deep relaxation experienced with Reiki can have many beneficial effects including more calm/stillness to the body & mind, better sleep, reduced stress & pain and reduction of overwhelm and anxiety.