Community News
Give Your Feet a Healing Treat

Reflexology is a non-invasive therapy that applies pressure and massage to areas on your feet, hands and/or ears to promote the body’s powerful self-healing capabilities and optimize physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Reflexology of the feet is the most common, and according to reflexologists, you have reflex areas in your feet that correspond with every body part, gland and organ in your body. Done either sitting up or lying down, depending on preference, most who get reflexology treatment comment on how it feels soothing and relaxing, and helps you unwind, de-stress, reduce anxiety, and recharge.

Help Children Express Emotions

There are many tools we can offer our children to deal with sad and unhappy feelings that may come from loss, being bullied, or experiencing disappointment. Instead of giving them reasons why they should not cry, we need to offer them the chance to use words to express their feelings. We must do this without analysis, criticism, or judgment. It might be tempting to fall back on offering logical and intellectual reasons why they shouldn’t feel bad. But we must let them express their pain in order to help them move beyond the loss, rather than internalize their feelings.

Words to Live By

Christmas magic is silent. You don’t hear it — you feel it. You know it. You believe it. ~ Kevin Alan Milne

HALT Emotional Eating

Let’s talk about emotional eating.

We are emotional and social beings and while we need food for energy, we also eat for pleasure, social connection, celebration and sometimes to avoid feeling strong emotions. And, note the emphasis here, there is nothing wrong with this! We are also one of the few animals that have sex for pure pleasure and I don’t think anyone is going to complain about that one now are they? 😊

However, problems can arise when food is our go-to source of relief for emotional discomfort. Bringing awareness to the reasons we are experiencing a craving or choosing to eat can help identify if we are eating because we are truly hungry, or if an emotion is at play.

HALT is an acronym that can help you pause and determine why you might be reaching for food. The acronym is formed from the following words: hungry, angry, lonely and tired.

Let’s look at each letter and corresponding word along with a few questions you can ask yourself to bring awareness to your current state and explore how to best meet your needs:

H – Am I hungry? Has it been longer than 3 or 4 hours since I last ate? Can I notice physical sensations related to hunger like shakiness, low energy, a rumbling tummy? If you answer yes to any of these, then it’s probably time to eat.
A – Am I angry? Or frustrated, disappointed, stressed, grouchy, edgy? If this resonates, ask yourself if there’s another way to relieve the tension and release the anger. How about getting outside for some fresh air? Or listening to music really loud and dancing it out? Talking with or confiding in a friend?
L – Am I lonely? Or sad, overwhelmed, blue, discouraged? Ask yourself, how can I find comfort other than with food? Can I phone or connect with a friend? Practice some self-care?
T – Am I tired? Or exhausted, fidgety, bored, blah, low-energy? If this is the case, consider a nap, or if it’s 9 pm or later, just go to bed! If that’s not an option, ask yourself, what can I do to rejuvenate myself? Maybe some movement – 10 jumping jacks or a walk around the block? Can I switch tasks or activities to something I find more interesting or invigorating?

Angry, lonely, and tired are just some of the possible emotions or states that may be driving the desire to eat. Other common emotions might be sadness, anxiety, overwhelm, hurt, or insecurity. For me, it’s usually boredom or restlessness.

Perhaps you can’t identify a specific emotion, but rather it’s a circumstance or situation. You had a long day at work, a fight with your spouse or significant other, a late night or a restless sleep. I often find myself rummaging around the pantry when I’m procrastinating.

If hunger is not the primary driver for wanting to eat, take a moment to pause and identify the emotion or situation at play. Then from that place of awareness, you can choose. You can eat, mindfully. Or perhaps you choose to explore other options to meet your needs and soothe your emotions.

When the World Grieves

We all experience grief when our hopes, dreams, or expectations surrounding a situation are unmet or shattered. We all experience conflicting feelings and emotions when we wish events turned out differently or better than they did. These feelings are normal and natural. We are heartbroken by the grief we see all over the country and the world. Our hearts go out to everyone impacted by these events, pandemic and all the other hurtful things happening. Our mission is to provide grief recovery assistance to the greatest number of grievers in the shortest period of time. There is hope and healing for everyone!

Healthy Holiday Gift Ideas

Share the holiday joy with gifts that everyone will love! If you’re looking for stocking stuffer ideas for your friends and family, why not give the gift of a healthier body and home? Norwex cleaning and personal care products are safe, effective, and sustainable, so you can feel good about the gifts you’re giving. Some of Norwex’s products include features such as a revolutionary microfiber that removes up to 99% of bacteria from surfaces using just water – when following the proper care instructions, and an exclusive Baclock® that self-purifies with a micro-silver antibacterial agent. Sustainable alternatives to single-use disposables like wipes are also available and so much more!

Mental Health This Winter

Winter months can be difficult for those experiencing a mental health challenge or illness, especially during and following the holiday season. There are, however, a myriad of evidence-based ways to boost your physical and mental well-being. One important tool is vitamin D. Research clearly shows the benefits of this powerful vitamin for improving body and thereby brain health. Our bodies synthesize this nutrient through exposure to the sun. However, during reduced daylight months we are unable to get what we need from our solar source. If low mood persists, contact your healthcare provider or local CMHA for additional information and resources.

Disability Tax Credit Eligibility

When people have restrictions, physically or mentally, they may be entitled to apply for a tax credit. There are different ways in which a person can be eligible for the disability tax credit (DTC). In all cases, the impairment must be prolonged. Also, the person must meet one of the following criteria: 1. Is markedly restricted in at least one of the basic activities of daily living. 2. Is significantly restricted in two or more or the basic activities of daily living (can include a vision impairment). 3. Needs life-sustaining therapy. The credit can allow a person $2500 in tax savings each year as well as a $20,000 Lump Sum Refund. Expert help is available in applying for this substantial tax credit.

Reimagine Mobility

A mobility scooter is a lifestyle-enhancing vehicle that can help you rediscover a sense of freedom and mobility. To get the most out of your scooter, you need the right one for you and your lifestyle. Things to consider include: – Can it be transported by car, taxi and plane? – Does it come apart and go back together easily? – Are the parts light enough to lift? – What are the weight restrictions? Take into account the things that you transport on a regular basis not just your own weight. Mobility scooters may be covered by extended health care plans.

Restless Leg Syndrome

Have you ever been told that you kick a lot during the night? Or perhaps your spouse does. This could be due to Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). The nerve receptors in the bottom of your feet are hyper-sensitive, and this disorder is part of the nervous system that causes involuntary movement of the legs. RLS usually interferes with sleep and is also considered a sleep disorder. People with chronic diseases like Parkinson’s, diabetes, and peripheral neuropathy often experience RLS. Sleep is important, even more rest is important. So wear at least one Voxxlife sock to bed to calm the nerve receptors.

Working in Home Healthcare

There are many benefits to choosing a career in home healthcare. If you are currently working as a nurse or personal support worker and are looking for new opportunities that give you control over when and where you work, home healthcare might be a great option for you! Some of the main benefits include: enhanced safety precautions, 24/7 nursing support, providing one-on-one care, one client at a time; flexible scheduling; and competitive wages and benefits. Why not choose a rewarding career path that benefits both you and your community?