Excess sugar consumption is associated with adverse health effects, including obesity, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer. Here are some ways to lower your intake: 1) Stick with whole foods at breakfast and drink water or unsweetened coffee or tea. 2) Check food labels for added sugars like “high-fructose corn syrup,” “agave,” and “honey”. 3) Eat whole fruit for fibre, vitamins, and other nutrients. 4) Go for Greek yogurt with fruit, or a piece of dark chocolate for dessert. 5) Use natural sweeteners like Stevia and keep high-sugar, highly processed junk food out of the house to limit temptation.
Laser Therapy for Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is generally caused by progressive wear and tear on our joints that results in the breakdown of our joint cartilage. When cartilage breaks down, the bones start to grind against each other, creating inflammation in the joint. These changes are what cause you to experience painful symptoms. The degenerative process itself may not be painful, however the resulting inflammation and irritation to surrounding muscles, ligaments, and tendons usually cause you to experience uncomfortable and sometimes debilitating symptoms. Cold laser therapy offers an innovative treatment for a variety of acute and chronic, often painful, conditions like osteoarthritis.
Why Hire a Matchmaker?
In today’s fast-paced and impersonal times, the search for love can be a daunting task. We have been wisely conditioned to fear strangers yet when looking for love most people throw caution to the wind by meeting strangers online. Very little is known about these people and are often not who they pretend to be. An experienced Matchmaker hand picks screened and good potential matches for their clients. Their identification and intentions have been verified and they have successfully passed the screening process. They have hired a Matchmaker to find their partner and to simplify the search process in a safe and effective way. When looking for love it makes sense to leave it to the professionals!
Words to Live By
“Energy and persistence conquer all things.” Benjamin Franklin
Caring for Hearing Devices
Taking good care of your hearing aids can significantly prolong their life. *Make sure your hands are clean and dry before handling your hearing aids. *Clean them regularly using your hearing aid cleaning kit. *Remove hearing aids before showering, bathing or swimming and store in a dry location away from condensation. *Remove them before applying perfume or hair spray. *Store them in their case or drying cup away from heat sources and direct sunlight. *If you won’t be using your hearing aids for an extended period, remove the batteries and store them separately. *Use a hearing aid expert if you need repairs.
The Power of Homeopathy
Homeopathy has the power to change the course of life or death. On July 4th, my mom and I saved our dog from dying from anaphylaxis/poisoning from a wasp, using homeopathy. Homeopathy is energy medicine that quantum physics is just starting to explain the beautiful way it works. It has zero side effects and can work alongside prescriptions medications. It is powerful yet gentle at the same time. It is beneficial from the birth of a baby all the way to transitioning to death and everywhere in between. It can treat small first aid issues to acute emergency situations and help reverse chronic diseases that supposedly “have no cure”. In my opinion, it is the most powerful natural medicine known to man.
Do You Grind Your Teeth?
Bruxism, better known as teeth grinding, can be caused by stress and anxiety, an abnormal bite, missing and crooked teeth, or it can be due to sleep disorder. When under stress, many people find themselves grinding their teeth or clenching their jaws during sleep. Over time, bruxism may lead to symptoms such as dull headaches or a sore jaw. Severe grinding can lead to painful, loose teeth or fractures in your teeth. Consult your dentist to determine if you have a problem. You may need a mouth guard to protect your teeth during sleep.
Do you get enough good quality sleep?
A lack of adequate sleep results in an increase of free radicals in the brain, which can have damaging health effects such as weight gain, cardiovascular disease, blood sugar dysregulation, anxiety, and depression, amongst others. General tips for better sleep include going to bed at the same time every night, potent calming teas and practicing meditation and deep breathing exercises. Very important in today’s world is to avoid TV/electronics later in the evening as the blue light they emit blocks melatonin production, which is essential for proper sleep. Also, equipping your room with blackout shades or otherwise creating a dark environment for the entirety of your sleep is crucial – especially in the summer months!
New Urgent Care Centres
Our government is providing $15.2 million for new Urgent Care Centres. The Urgent Care Centres will give people access to safe and appropriate care, including mental health and addictions services, 24 hours a day, every day, while reducing wait times in emergency departments. There will be two new facilities for Regina and Saskatoon. The Urgent Care Centres will alleviate pressure on emergency departments while adding expanded access to much need mental health and addictions services.
Home is Where the Heart is…
… Even if you can’t remember which box you packed it in. Is moving a great idea until you actually think about packing up and moving? Of the 100’s of things to consider, you should develop your plan before you ever list your property. No one ever said that “Buying or Selling your home and moving is easy and you’ll never feel like giving up”. Let my years of experience help make it easier by working with you from the start of your plans and helping you keep calm when it is your moving day.
Plan for the Future
There are many conversations that families should have. One of those concerns your final wishes. Planning your funeral and cemetery arrangements in advance means you can discuss the options with family in a relaxed, stress-free environment. The other conversation is planning for your future health care. If you were sick and couldn’t speak for yourself, would your family know your wishes? You might be surprised by the space between what you want for future care and what your loved ones think you want. It’s important that they know your values, what is meaningful in your life, and how you would like decisions to be made.