Community News
Tips for Fall Prevention

November is Falls Prevention month. Falls are a real concern for older adults and can lead to injuries. The following tips can reduce your risk: • Get regular exercise and physical activity. • Have your medications reviewed by a physician or pharmacist as some medication combinations can cause dizziness, leading to falling. • Have your vision and hearing checked regularly. Poor vision and hearing are linked to increased falls. • Fall-proof your home by removing tripping hazards, using nightlights, and keeping items within reach. A Fall Risk Assessment at Robynne Smith Physiotherapy can help you stay steadier on your feet and reduce your risk of falling.

Great Local Events in November

Festival of Trees: November 19 – 27. Take in the magic of the holiday season as you view dozens of beautifully decorated Christmas trees, wreaths, and gingerbread houses. Proceeds go to the Saskatoon City Hospital Foundation.
Saskatoon Fantastic Film Festival at the Broadway Theatre is showing the best in international independent cinema from November 22 – 27.

Business Spotlight: Cheetham’s Pharmacy

Serving our community for over 25 years, Cheetham’s Pharmacy aims to take seniors’ wellness to a new level with its many service offerings. Recognizing that many seniors face mobility issues, Cheetham’s Pharmacy offers free prescription delivery, as well as a free seniors’ shuttle for medical appointments. The business also provides free basic foot care to help seniors with their foot care needs. Cheetham’s Pharmacy pharmacists will visit care homes and independent living facilities for periodic medication reviews and consultations with onsite physicians and caretakers. Cheetham’s Pharmacy is always looking for new ways to improve health outcomes in our senior’s community!

One Change at a Time

Fitness is a life long journey. It can’t be earned in one workout, gained by eating well for one week, or through one eight hour sleep. The long-term benefits only come to those who stick with the plan, adapt as life changes, and most importantly enjoy the ride. We call this building healthy habits. Imagine if you ate one apple a day and did 20-30 minutes of varied physical activity 3 days per week. Over one year that would be 365 apples and 78 hours of physical activity accumulated through your habits. Focus on making only one change every 2-4 weeks and watch your life change.

Friendly Caller Program

Our friendly caller program is free and run by staff, volunteers and Social work practicum students that are passionate about working with Seniors. We aim to decrease social isolation in the Saskatoon senior population by providing social phone calls to those who would benefit from social interaction. If you or someone you know could benefit from this program please contact us today.

Early Osteoporosis Prevention

November is Osteoporosis Awareness Month, a condition that affects 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men in Canada. Osteoporotic hip fractures are more common and take up more hospital beds than stroke, heart attack, and diabetes. According to Osteoporosis Canada, after a hip fracture, 27% of people go into rehab care and 17% go to long-term care facilities. We begin to lose bone in our mid-thirties, so build it up in your twenties with weight-bearing exercise, balance support (yoga or Tai Qi), adequate calcium and minerals from diet, vitamin D supplements, and avoiding junk food/pop intake.

Snow Shoveling Program

Forms are now available to sign up for our Snow Shoveling program. If you would like to sign up for this program please contact our office or forms are available on our website at

Need Groceries? We Deliver!

Saskatoon Services for Seniors is proud to provide Grocery Delivery to seniors and disabled adults around Saskatoon Our staff deliver groceries three days each week to help seniors and disabled adults get the food and supplies they need. We shop at the store of the Seniors choice and get only what they order. Seniors that have mobility issues can also inquire if they need assistance with the delivery and our staff can help put their items away for them as well. We have a small $6 delivery fee, along with a 10% admin fee. If you are interested in this program contact our office today!

Help Support Seniors In Our Community Today!

Today more than ever your support is extremely valuable. Your support helps progress our services while playing a vital role in keeping seniors independent. Our generous supporters help to supplement the cost to some of our low income seniors in the community, as well as fund programs that are free to any senior like our Friendly Caller program. Every dollar of support stays right here in Saskatoon. We have many lower income seniors that need our services and the generosity of your support allows us to be able to assist them. Please visit our website at and show your support for seniors today!

November Brain Teasers

.1 When you have me, you immediately feel like sharing me. But, if you do share me, you do not have me. 2. What can you hold without ever touching or using your hands? 3. What can be seen once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in a thousand years? Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?

Words to Live By

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou