Community News
Seniors and Stress

Chronic stress is harmful to people of all ages, but its impact on older adults can be particularly severe, increasing the risk of age-related diseases, hastening cognitive decline and even triggering falls. Stressors that are common amongst the elderly include: loss of control, personal loss, declining health, financial worries, personal safety and loss of independence. To reduce stress, get regular exercise, eat balanced meals to ensure the mind and body are properly fueled and ask for help. Talking with a trusted family member, friend or healthcare professional, at the very least, releases pent-up stress and may even lead to a solution.

Experience the Power of Soul

We honor the power of the mind but the power of the mind is not enough. The next step to serve humanity is soul over matter, which is Soul Power. “Soul over matter” means soul can make things happen. It includes soul healing, soul prevention of sickness, soul rejuvenation, soul prolongation of life, and soul transformation of every aspect of life, including relationships and finances.” — Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha, THE POWER OF SOUL.
Attend a gathering to Experience the Power of Soul with the love meditation, chanting mantras, tracing Tao calligraphy and boosting your energy centers.

Coping with Grief

Grieving the loss of a family member or a close friend is among the most painful of human experiences. The passage of time can ease these feelings, but grief can persist indefinitely. People who are grieving may find these coping strategies helpful: Write about your feelings in a journal. Talk to others who are grieving and share stories about your loved one. Also, you may want to finish a project they started, or volunteer for a cause they cared about. Spend time with family and friends to avoid isolating yourself. Ask for what you need, whether it’s practical help or emotional support and remember to accept help when it’s offered.

Denture Care When Travelling

You want your smile to look its best no matter where you are, and having an organized plan for denture care can ensure that it will. Choose your meals and beverages carefully, bring along your own ‘denture friendly’ snacks for flights and long drives, pack the right cleaning products and tools, and remember to stick to your daily routine for the best results. Be proactive by taking the time to see your denturist before you travel. He can ensure your denture fits properly and is functioning as it should, which can help you avoid bigger problems while away from home.

Natural Product Review

Healing Power of Amethyst Crystals. If you need to release stress by relaxing your muscles and enjoying soothing Far Infrared Ray heat, simply lying on the BioMat promotes a feeling of well-being for a healthier mind and body. The core of the Richway BioMat technology is a combination of far infrared rays, negative ion and the conductive properties of amethyst channels. It’s a safe and natural way to own the ability to enjoy life for years to come with FDA approved temporary relief from minor spasms, minor sprains, strains, and joint pain associated with arthritis, minor muscle pain and more.

Protect Teeth from Acid Damage

Dental erosion is a form of tooth wear – where enamel and then dentin is worn down. It is defined as irreversible damage to the teeth caused by chemicals (usually acids). This acid can come from outside sources (e.g., food and drink) or from inside the body. External sources of acids include fruits and fruit juices (particularly citrus), soft drinks, sports drinks, wine, and vinegar. Internal acidic sources include stomach acids (think acid reflux and other gastric disorders), as well as frequent vomiting. Dental erosion is preventable. Rinsing with a natural mouthwash or water after eating can help neutralize the acid exposed to your teeth and gums.

Ask The Expert

Q. How do I help someone with untreated hearing loss this Holiday Season?
A. Too often, people with hearing loss withdraw socially, even during the holiday season. Be sure to:
• Turn down the volume. Keep background music and TV at a softer volume so conversations are heard more easily.
• Face each other and stay close. It’s easier for the person with hearing loss to follow conversations when they can lip-read at a close distance.
• Encourage them to have a hearing test. It’s one of the most meaningful things you can do this holiday season.

In Your Community

You can protect patients at Saskatoon City Hospital. Your donations to Saskatoon City Hospital Foundation will purchase an automated medication dispensing system, for use in more than a dozen departments and units. In Canada, automated dispensing is the standard, utilized elsewhere by 80 per cent of hospitals and 100 per cent of emergency departments. It’s more efficient, gets medication to patients faster, and it’s safer. With the hospital’s pharmacy processing 175,000 orders and 1.8 million medication packages every year, safety is the priority. You can ensure the right patient receives the right drug at the right time! Donate now at

Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy is nerve damage caused by diabetes. Over time, high blood glucose levels can damage the small blood vessels that nourish your nerves with oxygen and nutrients. Without enough oxygen and nutrients, your damaged nerves can cause a loss of sensation in your feet, while others may experience a burning or shooting pain in their lower legs. VoxxLife HPT has been proven to improve circulation. In a clinical study involving 1,000 participants, more than 90% reported significant reduction in pain from diabetic neuropathy by using VoxxLife HPT technology.

Healthy Holiday Season Tips

Party time: Drink a large glass of water and have a healthy snack before going to a party; add a few healthy choices in and minimize the treats. This can be a good time of year to add in a probiotic or digestive enzymes to help with the sugar over-indulgence. Alcohol – make a spritzer or use soda water to cut down on pop use. This will lead to better sleep and a happier person the next day! Don’t throw away your exercise regime – from a class at the gym to a simple walk, keep moving over the holidays. This helps to keep your mind clear and digestion moving. Be mindful – deep breathing, yoga or a simple meditation can help with holiday stress.