Community News
The Mouth/Body Health Connection

Did you know that you cannot have good general health if you have poor oral health? Gum disease (periodontitis) is an infection of the gums that can have major impacts on your oral and overall health. The bacteria in your mouth can make its way into the bloodstream and begin to cause problems elsewhere in the body. Gum disease has been linked to lung disease, cardiovascular disease, and even to Alzheimer’s. Be sure to have regular checkups and brush your teeth and gums every day for a healthier mouth and body.

Prepare for Cold and Flu Season

Cold & Flu Season is here! Viruses are spread by sneezing, coughing and direct personal contact. The best way to prevent the flu is by getting the flu shot. Flu viruses strike in late fall and winter and cause fever, coughing, muscle aches, headache and fatigue. Health Canada recommends all Canadians get the annual flu vaccine to protect themselves and other around them. Seniors, young children and people with chronic health conditions are at the greatest risk of developing serious complications from the flu. Reduce your risk by washing your hands thoroughly & regularly, wiping down surfaces, staying active and getting plenty of sleep. Protect yourself and those around you – Get the flu shot. To find out more, speak to your Pharmacist today.

Book Club

What Grieving People Wish You Knew. By Nancy Guthrie. When someone is grieving we want to help but sometimes we stay away or stay silent, afraid that we will do or say something that will hurt instead of help. Drawing upon the input of hundreds of grieving people, as well as her own experience of grief, Nancy offers specifics on what to say and what not to say, and what to do and what to avoid. Tackling touchy topics like talking about heaven, navigating interactions on social media, this book will equip you to support those who are grieving with wisdom and love.

Book Review

The Hidden Messages in Water. By Dr. Masaru Emoto. This New York Times Best Seller, shows how thoughts, words and feelings have a positive impact on water and our personal health. Dr. Emoto discovered that not all frozen water looks the same. His research shows that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words or crystals shows brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts, forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors. This research has the potential to profoundly transform not only your view, but world views about water we consume.

FALL for Someone Special

The leaves changing colour and the crispness in the air can only mean one thing. It’s fall! Those carefree summer days of soaking up the sun turn to days that are meant for curling up with that special someone and getting cozy indoors. It’s a great time to look for love if you’re single, as the distractions that often come with summer activities have come and gone. Instead, fall is the time to focus on finding a connection. Most people, however, are unsure where to find love. Reach out to a professional Matchmaker. With a long cold winter ahead, you will be thankful that you did.

Pelvic Floor Healing

The transition into motherhood can present physical challenges. Pelvic floor issues are common among women, both pre- and post-baby, but are not normal. Some symptoms include pelvic pain, incontinence, overactive bladder, pelvic organ prolapse, and diastasis recti (separation of the abdominals). The pelvic floor includes muscles, ligaments, nerves and connective tissue. Treatment will always start with an assessment of common areas that refer pain to the pelvic region include: the abdomen, lower back, hips, pubic symphysis (the front part of your pubic bones) and sacro-iliac joint (the joint formed by the sacrum and ilium from your low back to your coccyx).

Fillings for Baby Teeth

Since baby teeth just end up falling out, why not let the cavity fall out with the baby tooth? Because some primary teeth will be in your child’s mouth until the age of 12, losing a baby tooth too early due to decay, infection, or accidents can cause other teeth to shift. This could lead to eruption or crowding issues with the permanent teeth. Visiting your child’s dentist every 6 months will help them catch problems when they are small. A filling can be an inexpensive and easy way to maintain good dental health and prevent pain and infection.

Crystal Light for Health or Pleasure

Imagine the power of combining the latest in LED Light Body Therapy, FIR light heating, pure grade essential oil aromatherapy and Brain-Sync frequency music technology. Non-invasive treatments are delivered using advanced LED technology and real, natural quartz, hand-cut as Vogel crystals. Just as music can make us happy or sad, Crystal energy can help us heal and grow, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The Universe (Nature) creates. The Mind (Intention) commands. The Body (Reality) follows. This is the Magic of Life.

When It’s Not Just Aging

While it’s true that some health conditions are more common with age, there are some symptoms that should be discussed with your doctor. 1. Memory loss – this can sometimes be the result of medications, vitamin deficiencies, and some disorders. 2. Vision problems – getting treatment early for certain vision problems like glaucoma can prevent serious damage. 3. Tooth loss – getting regular dental care can help seniors avoid tooth loss. 4. Depression – certain health conditions and medications can make depression symptoms worse, but this problem can be treated professionally. 5. Weakness – a good exercise program can help prevent loss of muscle mass.

Busting Colds and Flus

According to Health Canada, millions of Canadians come down with either a cold or flu each year. With different strains of colds, many people catch more than one, which typically results in time off work and school. Colds and flus share many similar symptoms of sore throat, fatigue, stuffy nose, cough and chest discomfort; while the flu results in fever, more severe body aches and pain and more complications. Decrease your risk with optimal vitamin D status – get your levels checked and if low supplement to adequate levels, as it has shown to help prevent respiratory infections. Improve immunity, decrease incidence to decrease complications and use of antibiotics.