Community News
Quit Smoking with Laser Therapy

Is quitting smoking on your ‘To-Do List’ year after year? Have you tried just about everything, with little success? Laser Therapy is clinically proven to help to control cravings and withdrawal symptoms, with a 84-95% success rate! In clinical studies, patients report a noticeable reduction in cravings, and have a higher chance of success in quitting. The benefits of quitting smoking with laser over other interventions include no medications with unpleasant side effects, no unhealthy nicotine in your system in the form of patches, and pleasant side effects of relaxation which are a result of the endorphins released in response to the laser.

Transform Your Health with Better Habits!

What do you most want for your health? Your habits can be the key to achieving it! Our habits are behaviors we repeat, often without even thinking. While some may be content with their health habits, others find they no longer serve them well. The good news: habits CAN change! If we want different outcomes, we must take different actions! Changing our habits, and ultimately our lives, involves letting go of what no longer benefits us and making room for something different. What one habit can you let go of to improve your health and achieve what you most want?

Enter for a Chance to Win

A Soulful Mexican Yoga Retreat. Experience a transformative retreat at Copal House Retreat’s ocean-front villa in the Riviera Maya, featuring panoramic Caribbean views from our rooftop studio. Deepen your yoga practice amidst stunning cenotes and ocean breezes. Included: health and wellness-focused welcoming ceremony, accommodations, meals for any dietary restrictions, 2 daily yoga/meditation sessions, one-hour therapeutic massage, bikes, paddleboards, snorkeling gear, travel assistance, and several excursions. To Enter -> Explore Copal Retreat ->

Disability Tax Credit Eligibility

If you have COPD, neuropathy, or joint arthritis impacting your mobility with pain, exhaustion, or shortness of breath, you may qualify for retroactive disability tax credit payments. This credit helps individuals with differing abilities receive financial compensation for a previous period of eligibility. You may qualify if you are restricted in walking all or substantially all the time and take approximately 3 times longer to walk 100 metres. If you have experienced fatigue, pain, shortness of breath, lack of coordination, and balance issues while walking, then call us for more information. We can get the eligibility process started for you.

Book Club

Burnout – The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle – By Emily Nagoski PhD and Amelia Nagoski DMA. This ground-breaking book explains why women experience burnout differently than men—and provides a simple, practical plan to help women minimize stress, manage emotions, and live a more joyful life. With the help of eye-opening science, prescriptive advice, and helpful worksheets and exercises, all women will find something transformative in these pages—and will be empowered to create positive change.

Harm Reduction Advocation

Some call Hard Knox Talks an addiction recovery podcast. Others call us harm reduction advocates. Hard Knox Talks is a live streaming video podcast centered around all things substance use. From inspiring stories of recovery to useful information about drug policy, and current events, find new Hard Knox Talks episodes every week on YouTube or on your favorite audio podcast platform. We won’t dissapoint!

What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy focuses on non-invasive treatments to help your body do its own healing. A Naturopathic Doctor considers your symptoms in the context of your whole story. This big-picture approach allows the Doctor to get to the root of your concerns to create an effective and individualized treatment plan tailored to your needs. A detailed health history is taken and a physical examinations conducted. Lab testing and assessments may be used in order to investigate the underlying cause of your concerns. Treatments can include a combination of botanical medicine, acupuncture, therapeutic diets, lifestyle counseling, and nutritional supplementation.

Healthy Habits for Aging Well

Here are some key habits that we can adopt to keep body and mind in top condition. Regular exercise can help prevent chronic disease as well as improve overall health and well-being. A balanced diet. Focus on eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. Stay hydrated. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day and more if physically active or outside in hot weather. Get plenty of sleep. No explanation needed! For aging adults who are becoming isolated or less active, in-home care could help keep up with activities of daily living and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Use Your Teeth Wisely

Your teeth have a specific purpose, and it’s not to serve as a multitool. Opening packages, bottles, or using them as an extra hand can lead to unfortunate accidents and tooth damage. Engaging in such creative uses of your pearly whites is a recipe for disaster. It’s only a matter of time before you crack or break a tooth. Rather than risking your oral health, take the extra trip to find appropriate tools or locate a pair of scissors. By using your teeth for their intended functions, you can maintain a healthy, intact smile for years to come. Don’t jeopardize your dental well-being by treating your teeth as makeshift tools.

10 Things that Happen When You Quit Smoking

According to, after only 8 hours of your last cigarette, the oxygen levels in your blood increase. After 12 hours, your carbon monoxide blood levels drop to normal. After 2 days of not smoking, you’ll have heightened senses of smell and taste. 3 days later, your bronchial tubes relax and breathing may feel less labored than before. During the first 9 months smoke free, your shortness of breath will improve, and the tiny cilia hairs in your lungs will regain function, allowing your body to clean your lungs. After 1 full year, your risk of heart disease is about half compared with a smoker. After 15 years of being smoke-free, your risk of a heart attack falls to the same as someone who has never smoked.

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Awareness Month

August is Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Awareness Month, a time to focus on this genetic disorder affecting motor function. SMA causes progressive muscle weakness and can impact mobility and respiratory function. Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial. Physiotherapy plays a vital role in managing SMA, helping to maintain muscle strength, flexibility, and overall function. Regular physical therapy can improve quality of life and slow disease progression. If you or a loved one is affected by SMA, consult with our specialized physiotherapists for a tailored exercise program. Let’s raise awareness and support those living with SMA this month.