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Put Your Health First!

Start 2020 with a 10-Day Weight Loss Challenge from PureTrim. Boost Tea provides support for healthy glucose metabolism and helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates and fats. Liquid Daily Complete provides 194 vitamins, minerals, organic fruits, organic vegetables, enzymes, amino acids, organic Mediterranean herbs, pure phytoplankton, and other important accessory nutrients to your body in one liquid ounce a day. Experience helps cleanse the colon and promotes regularity. Mediterranean PureTrim Shakes provide 21g of plant-based protein, and are gluten-free, dairy-free, and soy-free. Included exercise and meal plan book gives you the education you need to make it all happen!

Coping with Senior Isolation

One of the biggest issues for seniors is that their social circles begin to shrink as the years go by. Friends, significant others and family members move or pass away. Even those who still live close may be inaccessible due to limited mobility, especially once a senior can no longer drive safely. Age-related changes in one’s physical condition, such as hearing loss, can make it so difficult to communicate that it doesn’t seem worth the effort anymore. Local senior centers or agencies are great resources providing home-visitation services as well as community transportation and outings. Do you have a loved one who may be lonely? Try to put in more effort to spend time with them.

Book Review: Spiritual Direction

Wisdom for the Long Walk of Faith. by Henri J. M. Nouwen. Beloved author, priest, and internationally recognized spiritual master, counselor, and guide—offers gentle wisdom for universal questions of the spiritual life: Who am I? Where have I been and where am I going? Who is God for me? Where do I belong? How can I be of service? As a priest, pastor, and professor of spirituality Nouwen offers spiritual direction in a book of profound wisdom for living a deep spiritual life.

Benefits of Practicing Gratitude

Research has found that people who practice gratitude consistently sleep better, have lower blood pressure, exercise more, have fewer aches and pains, and feel more alert, optimistic and alive. Socially speaking, grateful people are more outgoing, and they’re less likely to feel lonely or isolated. Feeling grateful, especially when you’re dealing with life’s challenges, takes effort. Here are some ways to cultivate your sense of gratitude: Keep a gratitude journal, write thank-you notes, live more mindfully and practice meditation. Cultivating gratitude takes time and practice, but the longer you do it, the more physical and psychological benefits you may see.

GemWater for Fitness

Experience drinking structured gem water that offers so many benefits on a regular basis. Thanks to the contrasting indications of Red Jasper (strength, exertion of all one’s energies, activity) & Magnesite (relaxation, letting go and rest) this mixture bestows both vitality and inner composure. Physically, the mixture encourages blood circulation, warmth and the combustion processes (Jasper), as well as metabolism, digestion, detoxification & muscle relief (Magnesite). This weight loss mixture for which clear quartz provides the necessary self awareness. Either way everybody can enjoy the benefits this blend brings. Just add water and wait 7 minutes… You’ll Be Amazed!

Daily Routine Important for Seniors

People are afraid of the unknown. If an older adult is losing control over their physical abilities, independence, or cognitive abilities, their world gets filled with more and more unknowns. Establishing routine is extremely important for seniors. A daily routine offers a level of stability that individuals often enjoy, as it allows them to settle into a schedule that they understand. Doing the same basic activities like eating, dressing, and bathing at the same time every day is known to improve sleep quality. A predictable routine also helps to reduce stress and anxiety.

What is Your Mouth Telling You?

The state of your mouth can offer valuable insights into your dental, oral and overall health. Any bleeding when you brush your gums is a sign that you should see your dentist. Unhealthy gums can affect your overall health. Atherosclerosis, clogging of the arteries, has a strong link to gum disease. Pain on biting might mean a cracked tooth. Sugar sensitivity usually indicates a cavity. Tenderness to cold might just need a change of toothpaste. Tenderness to hot is likely to be more serious. The only way to find out, for sure, what’s going on is to see your dentist.

Castor Oil Pack – Say What?!?

Our lymphatic system has been described as the sewer system of the body, collecting waste products from around the body and delivering them to the liver for filtering. If the lymphatic system gets sluggish, waste products and toxins can build up and we might notice more infection, digestive changes, and overall sluggishness. Castor oil is absorbed with the help of heat into the tissues supports lymphatic movement. This helps with gentle lymphatic drainage and detoxification support. Easy Castor Oil Pack; apply some organic castor oil over the whole abdomen, cover with an old towel, apply a hot water bottle and relax for about 30 minutes, 5x a week. Not during menstruation.

Single For The Holidays?

Finding love is possible any time of the year, but the holidays are a wonderful time to look for romance. There’s no shortage of festive music, delicious food, whimsical decorations, and most importantly, holiday cheer. Everyone seems to be slightly more upbeat in the lead-up to Christmas, which can make dating during the holidays surprisingly ideal. All the warm and fuzzy feelings floating around make the holidays a great time to meet a potential romantic partner. If you’ve tried to find love season and season again to no avail, maybe it’s time to trust in your local matchmaker. Everyone deserves love, and love sure makes special times so much better.

Coping with Grief

Grieving the loss of a family member or a close friend is among the most painful of human experiences. The passage of time can ease these feelings, but grief can persist indefinitely. People who are grieving may find these coping strategies helpful: Write about your feelings in a journal. Talk to others who are grieving and share stories about your loved one. Also, you may want to finish a project they started, or volunteer for a cause they cared about. Spend time with family and friends to avoid isolating yourself. Ask for what you need, whether it’s practical help or emotional support and remember to accept help when it’s offered.

Why Should YOU Work Out Regularly?

Many people exercise for weight loss, but what about working out so you are better prepared for the activities of everyday life, like carrying in groceries and putting them up? Like having the stamina for a busy day of errands and grandkids? Or climbing up and down the stairs without getting winded? That’s the idea behind functional fitness, an approach that’s increasingly popular with all sorts of people, including those over 50 who want to maintain their independence and quality of life without spending countless hours in a gym.