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Successful Love Stories

“I joined Camelot Introductions and thought I would not have a match and could go on with my happy single life knowing that I had tried and it wasn’t meant for me. Then, we were introduced and one year and one month later, we were married! Lianne gave good advice and continues to support us. I have never been happier in my life, with all the ups and downs, there is nowhere else I’d rather be than with my husband. I love him so much.” ~ M.

“I joined Camelot Introductions and met the love of my life (my soulmate). Richard was my first match. I felt an instant connection with Lianne. She is so intuitive! Richard and I met 2-1/2 years ago; got engaged on April 24 and our wedding day was on August 22. I am so thankful to Lianne. What a wonderful journey it has been!” ~ Liliane.

Camelot Introductions,

6 Ways to Alkalize Your Body

Did you know that your immunity is based on how alkaline your diet is? Having an overly acidic diet eventually leads to a weakened state, and our bodies become susceptible to disease. Here are six ways to alkalize – and healthify – your body!

1. Drink plenty of water. Drink half your body weight in ounces every day to keep your body systems regulated. For an extra boost in alkalinity – add lemon!

2. Trade coffee for tea. Green tea is highly alkaline. Try jasmine, sencha or matcha.

3. Kick that sugar habit. Use stevia, coconut sugar or small amounts of honey in place of sugar.

4. Eat more greens. Vegetables are highly alkaline and oxygen rich. Consume fresh green vegetables often as possible.

5. Move. Exercise to create more oxygen and qi flow in the body and to avoid stagnation.

6. Reduce stress. Meditate as often as possible, practice deep breathing, do yoga, and get plenty of sleep.

Care At Home Pharmacy,

Clean Eating: Cantaloupe & Cucumber Salad

Here’s a refreshing side salad for a change of pace. It’s delicious served with a spicy grilled chicken, tofu, or fish. Or serve this over a bed of leafy greens with extra dressing on the side. Gently fold together 1/2 small cantaloupe and 1 medium cucumber (cut into 1/2 inch chunks), 1/2 cup crumbled feta, and 6 big basil leaves (sliced thinly). Whisk and add to salad: 1 tbsp olive oil, 2-3 tbsp balsamic vinegar, and freshly ground salt and pepper to taste. Top with 2 tbsp sunflower seeds. (This is the perfect place to showcase your gourmet balsamic vinegars and good quality olive oil. Skip the salt and sprinkle with a little Fleur de Sel for some drama!)

Lisa Kehler,

Book Club: The Dirt Cure

Growing Healthy Kids with Food Straight from Soil. In the tradition of Michael Pollan, Mark Hyman, and Andrew Weil, pioneering integrative pediatric neurologist Maya Shetreat-Klein, MD, reveals the shocking contents of children’s food, how it’s seriously harming their bodies and brains, and what we can do about it.

Maya Shetreat-Klein, MD,

Meet an Intuitive Matchmaker

As a matchmaker with over 23 years of experience, I have facilitated thousands of matches that originated from a strong feeling. I am gifted with very keen intuition and have learned not to question it. Often, I meet a client and know exactly who their match is. I have told people by phone, prior to meeting them, that I suspect I know who their ideal match is. Sure enough, that hunch ends up being the start of a forever relationship. A year ago, a man walked into my office and I immediately knew who his match was. I contacted her and encouraged her to give him a call. She did, and it was one of the best choices she has made. I was just a guest at their wedding. Their connection is spectacular, their love is deep, and their respect for one another is tremendous.

Lianne Tregobov, Intuitive Matchmaker,

Relaxation; What’s That?

How often do we hear this? “The only time I relax is with a drink in my hand. My brain does not know how to slow down.” Diagnosed with anxiety, a recent client found counselling and group work to be highly stressful. “I’m always scared of what others will say or think!” She was always so tired that she barely had energy to complete daily tasks; yet, when she went to bed, she couldn’t sleep. Brainwave Optimization helped her feel relaxed for the first time in her life. By attending to her brain frequencies, she wasn’t stuck in fight-flight anymore. She was able to keep her food down and digest better. Her sleep came more easily without meds. She was calmer around others and felt less intimidated by them. She could hardly believe she could get to that point without having to try and figure out what was “wrong” with her.

Joanne Couture, RMFT, RSW

Diabetes – Do More Than Manage It!

Diabetics are told continually that the only thing they can do is manage their condition. History has shown that current treatments for diabetes still result in worsening health, albeit at a slower pace than without treatment. The only reason T2 and prediabetes exist are lifestyle issues; mostly diet. T1 diabetes is an autoimmune issue and may likely have been averted with a diet that the human body is designed to thrive on. There is no way to determine this, but it makes sense to feed your body the foods that it genetically adapted to consume. If you want your body to heal to its best ability, you have to correct your diet permanently. T2 diabetes and prediabetes can be eliminated and T1 diabetics can experience a 38% to 58% reduction in insulin requirements. Eat like your life depends on it, because it does!

Tom White

Natural Product Review: Garden of Life

Dr. Formulated Probiotics are clinically studied probiotics for mood and relaxation support. In his latest book, Brain Maker, Dr. Perlmutter presents riveting and novel research revealing a strong connection between our mood and the bacteria living in our digestive tracts. The exact mechanisms through which bacteria modulate our mood have yet to be understood fully, however, studies have shown that our microflora affect certain neurotransmitters and hormones that regulate and influence our state of mind. The Dr. Formulated Mood+ was specifically formulated with 50 billion CFUs and 16 different strains of bacteria. It contains clinically studied Lactobacillus helveticus and Bifidobacterium longum in the same amount shown to significantly decrease cortisol levels and thus support a balanced mood, relaxation, and emotional wellbeing. The formula has additional organic Ashwagandha extract, an adaptogenic herb shown to further support stress management, and organic Alaskan blueberries for antioxidant support.

Aviva Natural Health Solutions

Aging and Alzheimer’s

People usually take memory loss from aging for granted. I confess, I was one of them. Things have changed since I heard my dad was diagnosed with late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. His dad – of course, my granddad – showed the symptom of the disease just before he died. Is it genetic? I came across a shocking scientific fact. Few will not suffer from the disease at 110. According to Rudy Tanzi, the most renowned Alzheimer’s researcher, the disease occurs in half of individuals at 85. According to statistics from the Alzheimer’s Association in Chicago, the disease occurs in 12% of men and 20% of women at 85. I guess this difference is because Professor Tanzi included patients in the very early stage and the association didn’t. I concluded from various articles that everyone had better begin taking preventive measures for Alzheimer’s at 65, at the latest.

Re Vitamins of Charleswood

Considering a Pet Sitter?

If you’re a pet owner who travels, arranging for care for your pets while you’re away can feel like an overwhelming decision. It’s important to look for caregivers who will not only provide for basic needs like food and water, but also companionship, reassurance, and playtime while you’re away. If you can find someone to come to your home, your pet gets to stay in his familiar surroundings, which is less stressful than taking him to a new location! When finding a pet sitter, it’s also important that you’re both on the same page about what’s expected and the fees involved for things like the number and length of visits per day, grooming and walking, accident cleanup, and taking the pet to a vet in case of emergency. You and your pet should feel comfortable about the care arrangements, so you (and your pet) can enjoy your vacation without worry!

Lisa Tustin, Professional Pet Services

Clean Eating: Grilled Corn and Avocado Succotash


2 tbsp. vegetable oil
2 tbsp. lime juice
4 ears corn
½ pint cherry tomatoes, halved
1 bell pepper
¼ inch diced
½ red onion, finely chopped
1 avocado, chopped into ½ inch cubes
¼ c. fresh basil leaves


While steaks are cooking, shuck corn, toss in vegetable oil and let cook on other side of grill. Once you have nice grill marks on corn, take off and slice kernels off with sharp knife. Mix with rest of ingredients, and serve.

Prairie Box,