Community News
Never Stop Dating!

You found love and are expecting it to be until ‘til death do you part. It is so important to remember to always nurture your relationship and never take it for granted. Keep in mind the planning that went into dates before you were married. You always carefully chose what you were going to wear. You put great effort into arranging the date and presented as your best. This must be maintained to continue to fall in love with your partner each day. Far too often people become complacent and stop putting the effort into one another that they did when they were trying to capture their partner’s heart. Now that you have it, by all means cherish it! Lianne Tregobov, Camelot Introductions,

What Do Denturists Do?

Denturists help those who are missing some or all of their natural teeth. They design, repair, reline, and make removable dental appliances. Your denturist will collaborate with you, your family, and other healthcare professionals to promote and maintain your oral health.
When making a set of dentures, the objectives are:
• supporting and protecting your gums and the bones in your mouth;
• enhancing your face and holding your jaws the proper distance apart;
• carefully choosing individual teeth to match what you already have; and
• allowing you to speak clearly and chew without stress.
Andrew Fast, Fast Dentures,

Reversing Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease

This January, my dad was diagnosed with advanced late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. I wanted to find measures to delay the progress of the disease. I contacted my nephew, a neurologist, who told me there’s no treatment to reverse the condition and that all of the options are for delaying the progression. I chose the transdermal treatment because of fewer digestive adverse effects. My dad also began to take a nutritional supplement. Last month, my sister, an RN, visited Korea and found my dad’s brain function much better than the last time she saw him. Yong Han Lee, Re Vitamins of Charleswood,

Have You Had Your Probiotic Today?

Probiotics play a key role in the body by improving gastrointestinal functions, enhancing immunity, regulating hormones, protecting us from food-borne illnesses, controlling overgrowth of bad bacteria, and assisting in vitamin production & nutrient absorption. Here’s what to look for in your probiotic:
1. High culture count – Culture count refers to the total amount of live bacterial cultures in a single serving i.e. 50 Billion cfu (colony forming units)
2. Number of strains – There are over a thousand strains of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Look for multiple strains of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.
3. Make sure the capsule is designed to protect probiotics – Enteric coated capsules remain intact throughout the harsh stomach environment and begin dissolving in the intestine where the pH is more alkaline.
All of these factors can be found in the Ultimate Flora line of probiotics by Renew Life.
Aviva Natural Health Solutions,

Support Your Body In Healing

Food is the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison. Having a health issue indicates that you are on the losing end of a dietary issue. It has been proven that consuming foods that are appropriate for your ancestral heritage helps your body/mind to heal. Take advantage of a free discovery call with a Primal Health Coach and determine what steps are required to support your body in healing. Take control of your health. Sleep, stress, exercise/play, and toxins are addressed in your healing plan. No fad diets, detoxes, cleanses, or hunger. Eat like your life depends on it, because it does! Tom White,

Trust your Gut

Your immune system works hard to protect you from injury, illness, and disease. This process usually involves inflammation, a natural response to stress, tissue damage, and harmful stimuli like viruses, bacteria, and toxins. Inflammation functions similarly to an engine warning light, alerting you to the presence of a problem through symptoms such as heat, pain, redness, swelling, and/or loss of function. 85% of the immune system is located in our gut. An anti-inflammatory diet rich in vitamins A, C, and E and the mineral selenium provides your gut with the ingredients it needs to bolster immunity and achieve optimal mental and physical health. Sean Miller, CMHA,

Water for Your Healthy Lifestyle

Water is essential for life. It makes up nearly 70% of our body weight and is a vital component needed for the proper operation of many bodily functions.
•Regulates body temperature
•Helps maintain proper muscle tone
•Serves as a solvent for minerals, vitamins, amino acids, glucose and other small molecules, aiding their assimilation into the body.
•Carries oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body.
•Lubricates the areas around joints
•Aids in digestion of food
•Removes the waste products of our metabolic processes.
•Minimizes urinary tract infections.
•Prevents constipation
•Keeps skin healthy
It’s only natural that you’d want only the purest water possible to quench your thirst and replenish your body, head to toe. Dewdrop® World of Water

Avoiding Falls

As we age, the body begins to slow down, which greatly increases the risk of falling. There are many contributing factors to why we fall, including medication, nutrition, eyesight, strength, balance, and proprioception. Muscular strength is the amount of force a muscle can produce in a single maximum effort. Muscles pull from their tendinous insertions on bone to create movement. Proprioception is the body’s awareness of itself in space; this term directly relates to the body’s ability to maintain a balanced upright position while walking, standing, and sitting. It is important to perform exercises that challenge the body, as the body will only adapt to the loads placed upon it. This means that if you are sedentary, your body will not maintain strength or balance, so you must consistently challenge yourself. Talk to your athletic therapist or physiotherapist for exercises to strengthen your body and improve your balance.

Ashley Lund, Certified Athletic Therapist,

Suffering from Lyme Disease?

Lyme is fast becoming a Manitoba epidemic. How do you get Lyme disease? From a deer tick passing a bacteria called Borrelia Burgdorferi into your bloodstream. This bacteria weakens your immune system, allowing diseases to enter the body. “Many people are infected by nymph ticks, but don’t suspect Lyme disease because they don’t recall being bitten. In fact, 50% of people infected don’t remember being bitten and LESS than 50% of people will get any over-emphasized rash” (Source – If you are noticing increasing health problems lately, you may have Lyme disease. One way to improve your immune system is with Bioresonance Therapy. This therapy involves sending healthy frequencies into your body. These frequencies increase the body’s energy and consequently improve your health.

Dennis Ludwig, Evergreen Holistic Health Centre

Health Product Review

Super Critical Omega Norwegian Gold by Renew Life.

With well over 7,000 studies on their safety and efficacy for many health issues, there is not a single natural health product with more scientific validation than omega 3 fish oils essential fatty acids. They are necessary fats that humans cannot produce, so we must get them through diet or supplementation. With so many fish oil supplements on the market, what makes the Renew Life Norwegian Gold line so different?

• 100% fish gelatin, not pork or beef. This makes them ideal for fish-eating vegetarians or those with religious dietary restrictions.

• Enteric-coated and contain the fat-digesting enzyme lipase, so there is optimal absorption and no fishy aftertaste.

• Have a 5-star rating from the International Fish Oil Standards (IFOS) program. This proves that they meet or exceed all national and international standards for purity, potency, and freshness.

• Friend of the Sea certified. This certifies that the products are from sustainable fisheries and aquaculture.

Aviva Natural Health Solutions,


It is quite surprising and frustrating that the cause of primary hypertension has not been discovered yet, even though it has been around for centuries. Primary hypertension means hypertension that is not a complication from another disease, and 70% of hypertensive patients are diagnosed with the primary type. Hypertension is called the “silent killer” because, after a long period without prominent symptoms, death often results from the absence of blood pressure control. Unfortunately, many hypertensive patients give up taking medications because of adverse effects. Some antihypertensive agents may weaken the heart and some may cause mineral imbalance. I’m not against taking medications for hypertension. It is much better than doing nothing. When you can’t tolerate the adverse effects of the medications, you can find other measures rather than giving up controlling blood pressure. Sometimes, losing visceral fat, changing your diet, or taking the right nutritional supplements works more or less.

Yong Han Lee, ReVitamins of Charleswood,