Community News
Are Your Finances Affecting Your Health?

Financial problems have been linked to many physical and psychological repercussions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, fatigue, and anxiety. As a small or medium sized business owner, have you ever experienced any of these debilitating stressors? For instance, have you encountered a cash-flow crisis, untracked receivables, budget overruns, or a government audit? Wouldn’t it be a relief to have someone on your side, looking after the numbers, so you can do what you’re meant to do and run your business? It’s critical for you to work with a qualified team to help offset such worries so you can confidently lead your business. Don’t let the stress of financial problems take a piece of your physical and emotional well-being.

Ray Mihalicz,

It’s Tax Return Time!

Make sure to have your tax return filed on or before April 30th. This will ensure that you will not be penalized for being late or have to pay interest on outstanding amounts. Plus, if you have a refund coming, the sooner you file, the sooner you get your refund back. When returns have not been filed with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) on time, eventually you can expect to hear from them with a request to file your returns. Ignoring these requests long enough will usually result in an arbitrary assessment of CRA’s estimates of your income and tax payable. These assessments are often quite “generous” in their estimates of the income you earn and the resulting estimated tax payable will usually get your attention quickly. If you have fallen behind in your tax filings, talk to your accountant. They can help you assess your situation, prepare accurate tax filings and help determine your best possible course of action.

Thomas Johnson, Cascade Financial Group,

How Did Your New Year’s Resolution Fare?

A lifestyle change requires notable results to motivate you to continue. Trying to improve a chronic health issue, or just lose weight? Adopting a diet your body genetically expects is the best way to heal. Problems with autoimmune or inflammatory conditions, diabetes, gut, cancer, skin, sleep, mind/brain and allergies respond to a corrected diet. Of course, there are issues with over/under exercising, toxins, stress, and genetics, but food is the major determinant in health. Don’t ever accept the phrase “but (health issue) runs in your family, there is nothing you can do about it.” Make this the year that your New Year’s resolution turns into a permanent life changing event. Enlist the services of a Primal Health Coach to educate you of a sustainable path to health restoration. Turn off the chaos inside your body and THRIVE.

Tom White, www.becomeHEALTHY. ca,

5 New Year’s Resolutions to Boost Your Health

It’s a new year and a perfect time to start good healthy habits. Here are five tips to drive your immune system into gear so you can live 2017 full of strength and vitality! 1. Exercise. The Canadian Diabetes Clinical Practice Guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes of cardio plus two sessions of resistance training per week. 2. Eat more fruits and vegetables. The Mediterranean diet has been proven to lower one’s risk for heart disease and improve longevity. 3. See your doctor for routine checkups. Screening early for disease can help prevent or lessen problems from the disease. 4. Get vaccinated. This allows your body to fight off infections. Check with your doctor, nurse or pharmacist to see whether you are up-to-date. 6. Reduce stress. Meditate, do yoga and get plenty of sleep. Make time to pamper yourself!

Care At Home Pharmacy,

The Best Way to a Persons Heart

This Valentine’s day, you might be thinking the best way to a person’s heart is through their stomach. While this may or may not be true, research shows one of the best ways to optimal mental health is, indeed, through the stomach. What you eat is critical to the health of your entire body including brain health. Many of the nutrients we digest are essential building blocks of neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) that regulate mood, appetite, sleep, weight and a myriad of other processes that work to keep us functioning properly. Diets containing whole grains, fresh fruit, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, lean meat, and fatty fish as well as probiotic-rich foods like pickles, sauerkraut, and kefir are associated with better physical and mental health. Omega 3 fatty acid and vitamin supplementation can play an integral role in our mental health, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. Always consult your healthcare provider before making lifestyle changes.

Sean Miller, Canadian Mental Health Association,

3 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Are you looking to kick-start your metabolism? Here are a few tips! 1. Build Muscle. Your body always burns calories, even when you’re doing nothing. Your resting metabolic rate is much higher if you have muscle. After a session of strength training, muscles are activated all over your body, raising your average daily metabolic rate. 2. Keep Drinking. Your body needs water to process calories. If you are even mildly dehydrated, your metabolism may slow down. To stay hydrated, drink a glass of water or other unsweetened beverage before every meal and snack. 3. Power Up With Protein. Your body burns many more calories digesting protein than it does with carbohydrates. As part of a balanced diet, replacing some carbs with lean, protein-rich foods can boost metabolism at mealtime. Good sources of protein include lean beef, turkey, fish, chicken, tofu, nuts, beans, eggs, and low-fat dairy products. Now get ready to become a lean, mean, calorie-burning machine!

Book Club: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondō. Despite constant efforts to declutter your home, do papers still accumulate like snowdrifts and clothes pile up like a tangled mess of noodles? Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo takes tidying to a whole new level, promising that if you properly simplify and organize your home once, you’ll never have to do it again. The KonMari Method, with its revolutionary category-by-category system, leads to lasting results.

Home Remedies for a Cough

Did you know that onions can be used to cleanse airways and reduce congestion? Try a poultice of roasted onion to the chest every few hours. They can also be drunk as a warm broth. Cabbage also works well, as it has an extraordinary ability to draw out toxin. Crush the leaves with a rolling pin until the juice starts to appear. Place 3 or 4 leaves over the chest and cover with gauze. You can also drink the juice of a cabbage sweetened with a little bit of honey. Adapted from the book “The New Guide to Remedies” by Paragon Staff

6 Ways to Alkalize Your Body

Did you know that your immunity is based on how alkaline your diet is? Having an overly acidic diet eventually leads to a weakened state, and our bodies become susceptible to disease. Here are six ways to alkalize – and healthify – your body! 1. Drink plenty of water. Drink half your body weight in ounces every day to keep your body systems regulated. For an extra boost in alkalinity – add lemon! 2. Trade coffee for tea. Green tea is highly alkaline. Try jasmine, Sencha or Matcha. 3. Kick that sugar habit. Use stevia, coconut sugar or small amounts of honey in place of sugar. 4. Eat more greens. Vegetables are highly alkaline and oxygen rich. Consume fresh green vegetables often as possible. 5. Move. Exercise to create more oxygen and qi flow in the body and to avoid stagnation. 6. Reduce stress. Meditate as often as possible, practice deep breathing, do yoga, and get plenty of sleep

Retirement Checkup

Here are three signs that your retirement plan could use a checkup: 1. You don’t know your number. Are you aware of how much retirement savings you need to retire successfully? If you can’t answer that question, you can’t measure if you’re on track to hit your goal. 2. You expect to have one or more loans in retirement. Living on a fixed income in retirement isn’t easy and hefty debt payments don’t make it any easier. You should re-examine your debt repayment strategy if it looks like your mortgage, credit cards or line of credit are here to stay. 3. Are you unsure when to take government benefits? The timing of your government pensions is critical to a successful retirement. You’ve paid for them your entire working career so now is not the time to let that money go to waste!

Thomas Johnson, Cascade Financial Group,

Are Your Finances Affecting Your Health?

Financial problems have been linked to many physical and psychological repercussions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, fatigue, and anxiety. As a small or medium sized business owner, have you ever experienced any of these debilitating stressors? For instance, have you encountered a cash- flow crisis, untracked receivables, budget overruns, or a government audit? Wouldn’t it be a relief to have someone on your side, looking after the numbers, so you can do what you’re meant to do and run your business? It’s critical for you to work with a qualified team to help offset such worries so you can confidently lead your business. Don’t let the stress of financial problems take a piece of your physical and emotional well-being.

Ray Mihalicz,