Community News
Senior Health & Fitness

For Grandma, Grandpa, Granny, Gramps, Nana, Papa and all our well-loved elders, Senior Health & Fitness Day is a time to explore the many senior-friendly physical activity options, and to understand the importance of exercise and nutrition for ongoing health and illness-prevention. A healthy diet can boost energy and immunity. Regular exercise is necessary to retain bone mass, lower the risk of fractures, build muscle strength and reduce the risk of falls. Why not set realistic goals that you can easily attain? These five easy fitness tips may not turn you into a rock-solid triathlete, but they’ll get you into better shape and will help you feel much better about yourself.

1: Walk every day

2: Drink water

3: An apple a day

4: Park farther from the door and take the stairs

5: Be moderate with alcohol


Rick Drury, Scoop & Save

Your Financial Health Check

There are many dimensions to financial health, including the amount of savings you have, how much you are setting away for retirement and how much of your income you are spending on fixed or non-discretionary expenses. Not being sure of your bank balance, paying bills late and running behind on government remittances are sure signs you have an improper bookkeeping system. Businesses that have competent record keeping always know who owes them money. They have a clear view of the direction they are heading and can have financial reports ready for the bank in a matter of hours. Without proper and on-time bookkeeping you could lose control of the business you have worked so hard to build! Do you pass the ‘Financial Health Check’?

Ray Mihalicz, Ray-Lo Bookkeeping Services

Managing Multiple Medications

When taking medications more than twice a day, the likelihood of forgetting increases. For this reason, it is preferable to use convenience packing / bubble packs to serve as a reminder. This type of packaging can help to space your medications appropriately. Prescription medications can interact with each other, sometimes causing adverse side effects. However, over the counter products such as vitamins or herbal products can also interact with prescription medications – this can potentially change the effectiveness of the drug and cause harm. If you are on prescription drugs, it’s important to have a discussion with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any over the counter products. A pharmacist can also conduct a full medication review with all your prescription and over the counter products and advise you on safe use. If you are on a complex medication regime, a pharmacist is able to help you monitor the effects of your medication.

Ray Hogue, Care At Home Pharmacy

Clean Eating: Oven Roasted Chickpeas

Oven-roasted chickpeas are about as simple as it gets — toss with olive oil, your favourite spices, roast and eat! They are nutritious and a great source of protein and fiber!
This recipe makes approx. 2 cups of snacking goodness!


2 15-oz cans organic chickpeas
2 TBSP olive oil
1/2 tsp salt
2-4 tsp spices or finely chopped fresh herbs, like chili powder, curry powder, or smoked paprika.


Preheat oven to 400°F. Rinse chickpeas thoroughly, then pat dry with a clean towel. They should feel dry to the touch. Toss chickpeas with olive oil and salt: Spread them out in an even layer on the baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Stir to make sure the chickpeas are evenly coated. Roast for 20-30 minutes, shaking the pan every 10 minutes. The chickpeas are done when golden and crispy. Toss with the spices and serve warm!

Eilsa Pitamber

Book Club: Making a Good Brain Great

by Daniel Amen, MD

When our brains work right, we work right. But the brain is easily injured. A bump on the head, sleep deprivation and poor nutrition can all have long-term consequences leading to problems with attention, mood and even dementia. Dr. Amen shares his exciting insights into protecting, repairing and maintaining our brains with good nutrition, supplements and special exercises. A great read!

Dr. Anke Zimmermann ND,

Top 5 Ways Oregano Oil Can Help You

1. Defence Against Harmful Organisms. Oregano oil is known as nature’s most potent defender against unwanted invaders.

2. Strong Antioxidant. Antioxidants fight free radicals and oxidation — the process by which your cells age and wear out. Oregano oil contains high levels of antioxidants to help fight damaging free radicals.

3. Supports Good Health. Taking oregano oil is no guarantee that you’ll never get sick, but when you want to avoid what’s going around, oregano oil can be an extra line of defense and provide support against common, seasonal ailments.

4. Digestive System Support. Oregano oil supports digestion by stimulating the flow of bile to your digestive organs. This can help you get more nutrition out of your food and enjoy a more consistent system.

5. Excellent Nutrition. As an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and E, and zinc, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, copper, and niacin, oregano oil can be helpful in helping you meet your nutritional requirements.

4 Foods You Should Never Eat Again
  1. White flour. The body doesn’t even know how to properly digest this so-called food! Refined white flour has been bleached with chlorine and brominated with bromide, two poisonous chemicals that have been linked to organ damage.
  2. Frozen meals. Most conventionally-prepared meals are loaded with preservatives, hydrogenated oils and other artificial ingredients, not to mention the fact that most frozen meals have been heavily pre-cooked, rendering their nutrient content minimal at best.
  3. Microwaveable popcorn. This processed “food” is one of the unhealthiest foods you can eat. Practically every component of microwaveable popcorn, from the GMO corn kernels to the processed salt and chemicals used to enhance its flavor, is unhealthy and disease-promoting.
  4. Soy-based meat substitutes. Besides the fact that nearly all non-organic soy ingredients are of GM origin, most soy additives are processed using a toxic chemical known as hexane, which is linked to causing birth defects, reproductive problems, and cancer.
L-Carnitine & Chromium

L-Carnitine with Chromium is a blend of two nutrients that play important roles in the metabolism of fat. L-Carnitine is required for the breakdown of fats into energy, while chromium supports healthy glucose metabolism. Its main function is to help insulin carry sugar into muscle cells where it is stored as energy. A lack of chromium could cause fluctuating blood-sugar levels which trigger sugar cravings. As a carbohydrate dependent society, increasing the amount of L-Carnitine & Chromium in our diet in our formula’s proportions will assist the body’s ability to manage its carbohydrate cravings and, in turn, assist with a successful weight management protocol.

Valentus – The Healthiest Coffee in the World.

Vicki Friesen

Those Cool Drinks of Summer 

Well, spring has sprung and, in typical Winnipeg style, those sweet drinks of summer seem oh so tempting. While refreshing and sweet, there are things you should know if you choose to treat yourself and your family to these treats. They are not good for you! They cause cavities, weight gain and contribute to type 2 diabetes. You would be shocked at how much sugar and how many calories are in these drinks and slushes. In short, enjoy these sweet treats in moderation. Rinse and brush often and remember the health benefits of a tall cool glass of water: Aaaahhh!

Dr. George Cadigan

Financial Fitness

If you’re in the market for your first home, here are a few things you should know: The minimum down payment is not the maximum you should have. The most common question I get from first time homebuyers is “how much should I save for the down payment?” While the bank requires 5% of the purchase price, there are other costs you must pay for out of pocket. Expenses such as legal fees and the land transfer tax are unavoidable in Manitoba, so expect to add another 2-3% to cover additional costs of home ownership. Also, being “pre-approved” is not the same as being “approved.” When a lender tells you that you’re pre-approved for a certain dollar amount, they are giving you a limit to shop for based on your income, credit history, and lifestyle. Actual approval only comes when they’ve seen the property you intend to purchase. If you follow these guidelines, your first home buying experience will be much less stressful and much more financially sound.

Tom Johnson

The Cold Shoulder 

Spring is around the corner and everything is thawing out. Everything, that is, except your shoulder. Frozen Shoulder, also known as Adhesive Capsulitis, is a common condition where the joint swells and stiffens, restricting shoulder mobility, causing pain. It typically occurs after an injury or from overuse, though can occur without injury too. Here’s the real bummer for you ladies: 70% of all cases occur in women, especially postmenopausal, ages 40-70. It comes on slowly, most people don’t realize it’s happening until it’s too late, yikes! The good news: it’s treatable! With simple range of motion exercises, gentle stretching, shockwave therapy and manual therapy you can “thaw” it; often avoiding surgery. Things to “look for” if you think you have frozen shoulder: shoulder stiffness, limited movement, significant pain with movement, and pain worsening at night. Talk with your therapist/doctor if there’s concerns. Take care of yourself so you’re able to enjoy all your springtime activities!

Stacey Bulat