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Good Nutrition & Digestion = Good Health

No matter how clean, organic, and healthy you eat, if your body isn’t able to digest, absorb, and process essential nutrients properly, you are not benefitting from your efforts.
To do this, your stomach needs to fully digest, your intestines need to completely absorb, and your liver needs to properly process the food you eat.
One of the simplest ways to correct and improve any issue you may have with the digestive process is through nutritional testing.
If a weakness is found in a specific organ, nutritional supplementation can be added to your diet to improve the digestive process and in turn, help you benefit from your wise choices.

5-Ingredient Date Snickers

20 dates – pitted; 1/2 c peanut butter; 3 tbsp peanuts; 1 1/4 c dark chocolate chips; 1/2 tsp coconut oil. Line a plate with parchment paper. With a small knife, make a lengthwise slit in each date, slicing about halfway down. Fill each date with peanut butter & sprinkle peanuts on top. Place dates in the freezer to firm up until completely solid- approximately one hour. Add chocolate chips into a double boiler over medium low heat, stirring as the chocolate melts. Add oil if desired to make the chocolate thinner. Drop the dates one by one into the melted chocolate, flipping to get it entirely coated. Let cool in fridge & enjoy!

Good Nutrition & Digestion = Good Health

No matter how clean, organic, and healthy you eat, if your body isn’t able to digest, absorb, and process essential nutrients properly, you are not benefitting from your efforts.
To do this, your stomach needs to fully digest, your intestines need to completely absorb, and your liver needs to properly process the food you eat.
One of the simplest ways to correct and improve any issue you may have with the digestive process is through nutritional testing.
If a weakness is found in a specific organ, nutritional supplementation can be added to your diet to improve the digestive process and in turn, help you benefit from your wise choices.

Sound Healing for Wellness

Sound Baths are incredibly beautiful, but also incredibly healing! Sound healing is an ancient practice that uses vibrations, frequencies, and rhythmic sounds to promote deep physical and mental relaxation. A full body listening experience where participants are “bathed” in sound waves produced by instruments of specific frequencies – such as gongs, Tibetan singing bowls, crystal bowls, chimes and other resonant instruments that calm the nervous system and ignite the natural healing systems of the mind and body! Research suggests physical, mental and emotional benefits of mindfulness, mental clarity, the release of tension and lowering of cortisol levels, reduced pain and anxiety, enhanced mood and improved sleep quality. Tranquility Sound Baths & More.

Words to Live By

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose.” – Dr. Seuss

Hearing Loss and Balance

Hearing loss is one of several factors that can cause falls. Individuals who have even a mild degree of hearing loss are three times as likely to experience accidental falls. Studies have shown that wearing hearing aids improves balance compared to an individual who does not wear hearing aids but who has hearing loss. There are three major ideas for why hearing loss can affect our balance: 1) hearing loss causes less awareness of our environment, which means less awareness of people or activities around us; 2) hearing loss decreases spacial awareness, which makes it harder to know where you are compared to your surroundings; and 3) hearing loss uses more brain energy, which means there is less energy for balance.

Meals That Heal Inflammation:

Embrace Healthy Living and Eliminate Pain, One Meal at a Time. From bestselling author Julie Daniluk, R.H.N., comes a fully revised and updated edition of the groundbreaking guide to overcoming inflammatory pain, featuring over 110 delicious healing recipes. Inflammation is a silent enemy, lurking beneath conditions such as allergies, asthma, arthritis, autoimmunity, cancer, dementia, diabetes, heart disease and skin disorders.

Words To Live By

“The world is a mirror reflecting back at you. If you are judgemental, prepare to be judged back. If you are loving, then love will reflect back at you. It is your choice.” Keith Macpherson

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