Community News
Community Support

You are not alone – we are here to help. The Alzheimer Society of Manitoba is your first link to a community of support and resources for those living with dementia and their families. On our website, you’ll find easy access to knowledge, services, programs and information for every phase of your journey. Take the first step and reach out today – we have staff ready to provide a listening ear. We can help you navigate your dementia diagnosis. Discover more at or call us at 204-943-6622 or 1-800-378-6699.

Healthy Home, Happy Home

Now more than ever it’s important to maintain a clean and healthy home. The good news is that you don’t have to rely on bleach and harsh chemicals to kill germs, viruses, and bacteria! Using purpose-built products can effectively disinfect your home the safe and proper way. It’s also important to remember to follow proper personal hygiene protocols like washing your hands thoroughly and often, and avoiding touching your face. With Movember in full swing this month, another great cleaning tip is to use a paper towel to line your sink before you groom your moustache to keep things tidy!

The Value of a RESP

Parents, grandparents, and family friends can open a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) for a child and make contributions up to $2,500 a year per child. This plan can be used to fund post-secondary education that a child chooses to pursue after high school. RESP savings grow tax-free and accounts can be open up to 36 years. They qualify for the Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG) of 20% up to $500 a year per child until the child is age 17. Start today with a monthly contribution of just $50 to have funds available for your child’s future post-secondary education.

Benefits of Walk-In Bathtubs

Did you know that slips and falls in the bathtub or shower contribute to nearly 25% of hospital admissions for people aged 65 and older? We want to help you make your bathroom as safe as possible. Consider a walk-in bathtub, which is safer and easier to access than your traditional standard tub. With a low step entry threshold of a few inches, getting in and out of a new walk-in tub is quite easy. You can literally walk right in and sit down. With a bathtub conversion kit, you turn your existing tub into a walk-in tub with multiple opening and sizing options for you to choose from.

Bell Let’s Talk Day is January 26

Did you know, according to the Mental Health Commission, on any given week, more than 500,000 Canadians are unable to go to work due to mental health problems? Have you experienced this in your workplace? I would encourage employers to have a Workplace Mental Health Strategy that includes the 13 factors of the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace. When considering each factor, read the definition, and then come up with action plans that make sense for your workplace. You will see a return on your investment. Take small steps to make positive changes today!

Inspiration vs. Obligation

A new year is an opportunity to re-evaluate, prioritize and upgrade your life. What do you feel most inspired to do, learn, and explore in your life? Are you living with inspiration or obligation? Who brings out the best in you and what obligations and responsibilities are you ready to release that no longer serve you? How can you give yourself full permission to do more of what fills you up and let go of the rest? Decide what kind of life you really want, then say no to everything that isn’t that.

Mindful Eating

To be a smart eater, you need to take a more considered approach to what is on your plate. Some health advisors suggest Mindful Eating. This involves eating slowly without distraction and learning how to distinguish between actual hunger and non-hunger triggers. Since it takes roughly 20 minutes for the brain to get the message from your stomach that you are full, eating quickly means there is more chance of unnecessary food being consumed. Mindful eating is based on appreciating your food and understanding the link between how you consume it and how it contributes to your well-being.

Hearing Loss and Brain Health

Hearing involves not only your ears but also the brain, so it’s no wonder that hearing loss can go hand in hand with thinking and memory problems. Studies are increasingly linking hearing loss to issues such as faster brain shrinkage, earlier onset of significant cognitive impairment, and up to a quintupled risk of dementia. Addressing conditions such as hearing loss, however, could help prevent a third of dementia cases worldwide, per a UK research collaborative. With hearing health and overall wellness so connected, it’s important to seek regular hearing checks and address listening difficulties early.

Preventing Slips and Falls

Falls are more common among people over 65 years of age, so it’s especially important for seniors to take steps to reduce falls as much as possible. Making a few modifications in the home can prevent dangerous situations, such as slippery floors, poor lighting, loose rugs, electrical cords, and clutter. Visit each room in your home. Then look at the space objectively and ask: Is this safe? Are there objects or items that present a falls risk? If so, think about the many ways to create a safer home: wear nonslip socks or slippers, use night lights in dark hallways, remove throw rugs, keep electrical cords safely hidden behind furniture and organize your projects so they are off the floor and out of walkways.

New Year, New Smile!

Are you ready to kick off a new year with a dazzling new smile? Have you considered dentures? Dentures are removable replacements for your missing teeth, made to appear and function as well as your natural teeth and surrounding gum tissues. Missing teeth can result in your face taking on a sunken-like appearance. Dentures can effectively reverse that by providing a structure with definition back into your cheeks, making you look younger and livelier. You can enjoy a straighter and more even smile and the procedure will complete the spaces where there were once gaps. This year, give yourself a confident and healthy smile!

Sleep Hygiene – Ending Insomnia

When insomnia is ongoing, try altering your sleep habits. There is ample clinical evidence supporting the effectiveness of a concept called Sleep Hygiene – recommendations that help with the specific aim of improving sleep quality. Even a few slight adjustments can help immensely. These can include having a bedtime routine and avoiding nicotine, caffeine and alcohol. Listen to soothing music, and schedule ‘worry’ time for the next day. Patients can phone Cerebra Health to get a sleep study sent directly to their home. The results are interpreted by a specialist at Cardio 1 Medical and the appropriate treatments are reviewed with each person one on one.