Community News
Are You Underweight?

Did you know that being underweight and overweight are from the same problem source: ACIDITY. Up to half the nutrients that go into your body can be eaten up by harmful microorganisms that thrive in acidic environments, causing you to be excessively thin. The body is literally wasting away, which can put you at a higher risk of serious illness than an overweight person! But the higher levels of pH of alkaline water can neutralize acid in your bloodstream. This is why it is vital to alkalize your body with pure alkaline water, an alkaline diet and an alkaline lifestyle.

Functional Movement Flow

Aging is inevitable, but loss of function doesn’t have to be. A strong foundation in movement mechanics allows you to be strong and safe in as many situations as possible. Work to build your fitness foundation from the ground up. Remember, it’s important to establish spine stabilization prior to core strengthening. If you’re an older adult, choose low impact, light intensity exercise classes that can help with mobility, balance, coordination, flexibility, and posture. It’s a great idea to learn about the principals of human movement that will give you the ability to do everyday activities with ease and pain free! Join us @ Functional Movement Flow 204-293-2644

Aging in Place

What are some of the best ways to help seniors stay in their own homes as they grow older? Some easy things to do include improving lighting and decreasing clutter from walkways to help avoid falling/ tripping. Installing bathroom grab bars and widening doorways can also help. Technology can aid with daily tasks such as remembering to take medication, securing windows and doors, and turning off appliances. Medical alert systems are also an option. An in-home care provider can assist with physical movement, and personal care and hygiene to increase the level of support and safety when aging at home.

Book Club: Why Can’t I Get Better?

Solving the Mystery of Lyme and Chronic Disease by Dr. Richard Horowitz. Lyme disease and its related conditions are incredibly complicated. Different patients can have completely different sets of symptoms. Through his years of working with more than 12,000 Lyme disease patients—many of whom had failed several treatments before they even came to see him—Dr. Horowitz has developed a way of looking at the complex factors that embody this disease.

Words To Live By

“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.”
~ H. Jackson Brown Jr.

The Safe Alternative To Online Dating

Online dating can be exhausting, dangerous and demoralizing. Hours of searching profiles, followed by unsuccessful date after date can result in dating ‘burn out’. Furthermore, when it comes to online dating, you never know who you are really meeting. You have no idea about their actual age and relationship status, their true intentions or if they have a criminal history. Online dating can be extremely dangerous. This is why I recommend a professional matchmaker. An experienced matchmaker will introduce you to the right match, who is screened, and hand picked for you. Finding true love is important and hiring a matchmaker could be the best decision you ever make.

Clean Eating: Chocolate Cherry Chia Pudding

INGREDIENTS: 1 1/2 cup non-dairy milk, 1/4 cup chia seeds (look for powdered chia seeds if you want a smooth texture), 3 tablespoons raw cacao powder, 2-3 tablespoons pure maple syrup or honey, 1/2 cup cherries, pitted and sliced. DIRECTIONS: In a bowl, stir together milk, chia seeds, raw cacao and maple syrup and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight. Just before serving, separate into 4 serving dishes, top with sliced cherries and garnish with raw cacao chips, dark chocolate shavings and extra whole cherries and enjoy! (Recipe adapted from

Redox Signalling Molecules

“All disease begins with damaged cells.” Dr Gary Samuelson. PhD. Redox Signalling Molecules are native to our bodies. As we age production of these molecules slows down, resulting in aging skin, fatigue, disease, weight gain to name a few consequences. Increasing proper Redox Signalling Molecules in your body is the most important thing you can do for your health. Your body is the most complex communication network on earth. These molecules communicate with each other to repair or eradicate damaged cells for optimal healthy living. Isn’t it time for you to live your best life?

The Powerful Little Black Seed!

Black Seed is quickly becoming the herbal oil to watch with its anti-inflammatory compounds to reduce symptoms of asthma, hay fever and eczema. This unique oil even has a medical patent for its asthma benefits. Enerex Black Seed Oil with Vitamin E offers an easy way to take the herbal remedy that has been shown in research to reduce symptoms of allergic reactions that are shown on the skin or in the respiratory system. Learn more at

Spinal Manipulative Therapy

Spinal manipulation is a treatment technique that involves a high velocity, low amplitude thrust, which is performed by the practitioner on a joint segment of the patient’s spine. The treatment is often accompanied by an audible ‘pop’, which is a change in pressure within the synovial joint. Manipulations can be very helpful in providing pain relief to a specific injury, but the effects are short-lived. The long-term rehab plan for your pain/injury should focus on active-based programming such as exercise. The combination of manual therapy followed by exercise provides more permanent results and better patient outcomes. Ask your practitioner if this is right for you!

Stop Procrastinating When Looking for Love

So, you’ve tried online dating and found it’s not the right fit for you. That doesn’t mean your chances of finding your soulmate aren’t still there! Some people spawn the internet looking for a hookup and others have their confidence shattered because of the online games. A good matchmaker works with people who go through an integral interview process and criminal record check to show they are serious about their commitment to finding long-term love. Your time could be now. Maybe fate is waiting for you to take a step forward to meet your destiny. Why wait?