Ayurveda, an ancient medicine system from India, uses the terms Agni and Ama to describe two concepts that relate to our ability to digest food. Agni refers to our digestive fire; our ability to eat food and receive its highest benefit in the form of nutrients that fuel our bodies. We suppress our digestive fire by forgetting to eat, eating on the run, overeating, and eating foods that are too heavy, dry, or difficult to digest. When our digestive fire is suppressed, it causes Ama, the accumulation of undigested materials. This creates stickiness, heaviness, and dullness in our bodies and minds, further preventing optimal digestion and leading to symptoms.
Finding True Love
The summer season is finally upon us, which means there is no better time to find love. The newness and warmth of summer provides an ideal context for starting a new relationship. And what’s best – date ideas are endless! Pack a picnic lunch and head to a local park or show off your competitive side with a game of mini golf. The changing weather and sunshine energize us — especially after hibernating all winter. We’ve survived winter and now it’s time to start your search for love with the help of an experienced matchmaker; the offline solution to dating and finding everlasting love.
Magnesium Deficiency?
Symptoms of Magnesium deficiency include restless leg syndrome, irritability, and insomnia. Some experts estimate that over 80% of the population are deficient in Magnesium, while others argue it’s closer to 95%. Either way, the statistics aren’t good, and it is something we need to remedy. That’s where Magnesium Premium Lotion by Pure Joy Naturals comes in. This gentle concentration of magnesium chloride is a nourishing natural skin product which is fragrance-free and contains Arnica essential oil for effective symptomatic relief. It takes advantage of the absorptive properties of your skin (your body’s largest organ), putting it to work so you can reap the benefits.
Book Club: Regaining Who You Are
(By Cindy Matychak, Spiritual Author, Advanced Life Coach, Reiki Master.) You are not who you think you are. There is much more to you and your world. Each of us has come into this lifetime to expand our consciousness and find our true place. In Regaining Who You Are you will discover why you are here and what you are being asked to heal in this lifetime.
Get Energized!
Boost your pre or post-workout by incorporating chlorophyll-rich greens with coconut MCT into your daily routine. Studies have shown when taken before exercising, coconut MCT may reduce lactic acid buildup and encourage the body to burn more fat instead of carbs for energy. This can be found in a greens powder formula at your health food store and added to smoothies or water. Taking it in the morning can also make you feel more energized throughout the day. Look for a greens product with coconut MCT and maca for sustained energy, plus shelf-stable probiotics included to lighten your supplement load!
Protecting Ears in Water
The prevention of water entering the ear canal, whether from swimming or showering, is an important consideration. Oto Hearing Products produces floatable swim molds, which can prevent infections or other problems before they start, such as hearing loss at a later stage. By sealing the entrance to the ear canal, waterproof earplugs keep water out of the sensitive region inside the ear canal. Swim molds are ideal for water sports, recreational swimming, daily showering, and individuals who suffer from chronic ear infections. They are manufactured from a soft, 100% floatable silicone, which is comfortable to wear and provides a tight seal to make sure no water enters the ear.
Elder Abuse is Real!
One of the most underreported crimes in Canada is elder abuse. As of 2016 over 700,000 reports of abuse were recorded. Some abuse is invisible like neglect, psychological abuse and abuse of finances. The people most vulnerable are those who live in social isolation or suffer serious health conditions. And when it comes to physical abuse, data from statistics Canada shows 60% of senior domestic violence victims are female. Warning signs for elder abuse include: Anxiety or fearfulness about someone the elderly individual should trust. Dehydration, poor nutrition, or poor hygiene. Speak to your loved ones about elder abuse and learn more about the resources available to help victims in your community.
Vipassana Meditation
Research has shown that meditation can expand the brain, and help people avert stress and disease. One way to achieve this is through Vipassana meditation, a technique that emphasizes mindfulness, with the goal of seeing things as they “really are”. An ancient meditative technique from India, Vipassana was taken up by Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) just over 2,500 years ago. Vipassana meditation is an honest and direct practice: the moment-to-moment investigation of the mind-body process through calm, open, and precise awareness. This experience fosters clarity and penetrating insight into the nature of who we are, as well as increased peace in our daily lives.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Waking up with numbness and tingling in your hands and fingers? You may have carpal tunnel syndrome – a condition that occurs when the median nerve is compressed or pinched as it travels through the carpal tunnel of the wrist. This is caused by swelling of the tendons running adjacent to the nerve, often caused by repetitive hand use. Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome may involve activity changes – particularly with the hands, nighttime splinting to reduce pressure off the nerve, or surgical intervention. Talk to your doctor or healthcare practitioner to see what’s right for you!
Blue Light & Your Health
In today’s world, thanks to the high presence of screens in our lives, we are exposed to an increased level of blue light. Harmful blue light can affect your sleep, behavior and overall eye health. 1 in 4 Children spend 3 or more hours per day using digital devices and about 30% of adults spend more than 9 hours a day exposed to blue light. Protect yourself and your loved ones by: 1) Reducing your screen brightness and limit time spent with digital devices. 2) Following the 20/20 rule; Every 20 minutes look at something 20ft away for 20 seconds, and 3) Wear blue light filter lenses.
Words to Live By
“The mind is like a parachute – it works only when it is open.”