2 cups + 3 tbsp gluten free all-purpose flour, 1 7.5-g package active dry yeast, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp maple syrup, 1 1/2 tbsp butter (melted), 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, 1 cup warm water. Directions: Mix flour, yeast and salt in a large bowl. Add the maple syrup, melted butter, olive oil and warm water and mix until combined. Using your hands, form the dough into a ball. Cover with plastic wrap. Set aside for 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 450. Spread the dough onto a pizza pan. Bake for 10 minutes. Add your healthy toppings and place back in the oven until heated through. Enjoy!
Book Club
What To Do After “I’m Sorry, it’s Cancer.” An Exceptional Guidebook for Navigating Your Way to Health and Happiness. Learn how best to navigate your cancer journey and make empowered, informed decisions. St. Hilaire’s mission is to greatly reduce suffering and ensure you maintain a high quality of life through, and well beyond, cancer. You’ll discover how to uncover imbalances for healing, and you’ll create a unique and personalized wellness plan that will guide you towards health.
Words To Live By
“Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.” – Orison Swett Marden
Words to Live By
“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”
-John Wooden
Blue Light & Your Health
In today’s world, thanks to the high presence of screens in our lives, we are exposed to an increased level of blue light. Harmful blue light can affect your sleep, behavior and overall eye health. 1 in 4 Children spend 3 or more hours per day using digital devices and about 30% of adults spend more than 9 hours a day exposed to blue light. Protect yourself and your loved ones by: 1) Reducing your screen brightness and limit time spent with digital devices. 2) Following the 20/20 rule; Every 20 minutes look at something 20ft away for 20 seconds, and 3) Wear blue light filter lenses.
A to Z Optical, AtoZOptical.net
Building Core Stability
It’s important to establish spine stabilization prior to core strengthening. Mobility at joints such as the hips, and stability through the lumbar spine, create the base to strengthen the whole body. By building spine stability, you prevent the risk of injury and improve results when you build whole body and joint stability. Train core muscles to provide adequate stabilization before training movement, strength, and power. When we use our arms and legs, moving from our CORE, it’s designed to amplify power… NOT generate it. Learn more about how you can become strong, stable, and resilient at Functional Movement Flow/Ram Fitness.
Paola Rico Garcia, RKC/SFG/FMS/SFB/ PL Coach, SundragonStudios.ca
Natural Product Review
RF3 WORLD CANADA INC. has the privilege of bringing amazing organic nanotechnology products to Canada! With 13 natural products synergistically manufactured using nanotechnology processing which allows the magic of these 13 products to penetrate DEEP into the skin barrier maximizing healthy skin and healthy lives! Our skin is the largest organ in our body. In fact, it protects our internal organs from external threats like environmental pollutants, UV rays and microorganisms. FIRMAX3, an organic, nanotechnology infused cream penetrates DEEP into your skin to create a PROTECTIVE barrier against attack PLUS balances one’s hormones to maintain healthy skin and maximize health!
Essential Oil Review
Breathe Essential Oil Blend. Are you stuffed up and congested with a cold? This Breathe Essential Oil Blend from Pure Joy Naturals is a breath of fresh air! This clean, fresh blend contains: Eucalyptus, Lemon. Tea Tree, Cypress, and Peppermint Essential Oil combined. The most effective way to use Breathe Blend is to add 4-5 drops to your Essential Oil Diffuser during the day. Other ways to enjoy the benefits are by using an Aromatherapy Necklace, Bracelet, ready to use roll on or inhaler. Remember: Breathe in with your nose 1,2,3 and out through your mouth 4,5,6.
Coral and Rob Fehr, PureJoyNaturals.ca
Get Energized!
Boost your pre or post-workout by incorporating chlorophyll-rich greens with coconut MCT into your daily routine. Studies have shown when taken before exercising, coconut MCT may reduce lactic acid buildup and encourage the body to burn more fat instead of carbs for energy. This can be found in a greens powder formula at your health food store and added to smoothies or water. Taking it in the morning can also make you feel more energized throughout the day. Look for a greens product with coconut MCT and maca for sustained energy, plus shelf-stable probiotics included to lighten your supplement load!
Cassie Irwin, Enerex Botanicals, Enerex.ca
Spring is the Season of Love
When the weather warms up, so does our heart. Why is that? Science of course. Spring is a season of cliches — birds singing, bees buzzing and people falling madly in love. All this love can be blamed on one very real thing – dopamine! Every April your brain unintentionally becomes a dopamine factory, turning you into a love junkie. Dopamine is a naturally occurring chemical your brain uses to make you want things. There are other systems involved in love, but when it comes to new love, dopamine is the main culprit. And with enough of it swirling around your system, you’re prone to fall in love — and fall hard.
Lianne Tregobov, CamelotIntroductions.com
Signs of Caregiver Fatigue
Looking after a loved one is an important and rewarding responsibility, but how do you know when you’ve taken on too much and are headed for burnout? Look for these signs that will let you know when bringing in a professional caregiver might be beneficial to both you and your loved one. 1) You’re experiencing physical and mental fatigue. 2) You’ve lost interest in other people and things you once enjoyed. 3) You’ve gained/lost weight inexplicably. 4) You’ve been losing your temper. 5) You’re feeling like nothing you do is good enough. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!
Right At Home Canada, RightAtHomeCanada.com/Winnipeg