Community News
Do’s and Don’ts of Dating

In today’s distracted world, where people are panicked when they don’t have instant access to their electronics, face-to-face meetings can be a foreign concept. When getting to know someone, it is important that they feel you are giving them your undivided attention. Cell phones need to be on silent and put away while on a date. Exes are not discussed. Communication needs to be real. Texting and emailing are not appropriate ways to get to know someone. Take the time to call them and have a real conversation. Do an activity on your date where you have ample time to get to learn more about the person. Mini golf, bowling, the zoo, or walking through craft shows are some suggestions that allow you to get to know one another without pressure.

Massage for Infants with Colic

Colic in infants can be distressing for the entire family. Luckily, massage can help relax the baby’s abdomen and move painful gas through the intestines so it can be expelled. Techniques to try include bending the infant’s legs up toward the abdomen and moving the knees in circles over the tummy, using your hand to put firm, gentle pressure on the abdomen, or laying the baby over your knees, stomach down, and rocking the child side to side. You can also try stroking the infant’s abdomen with alternate hands, moving gently but firmly from ribs to hips.

Book Club: Hack Your Anxiety

How to Make Anxiety Work for You in Life, Love, and All That You Do. What if anxiety is not a monster to be tamed, but a resource to be tapped? In this revolutionary book, Dr. Alicia Clark recognizes anxiety as the unsung hero in the path to success and happiness. It can become the motivating force that will lead to a better you, and The Anxiety Advantage aims to restore anxiety to its rightful place as a positive resource. Reclaim your anxiety as a powerful energy source, and bring yourself peace, growth and success.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Q: Where did the hippo go to study about the brain? A: The hippocampus!
FUN FACT: The hippocampus is a region of your brain that helps form, organize, and store memory. It is the most sensitive area to stress.

Words to Live By

“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”
-John Wooden

Clean Eating: Matcha Green Smoothie Bowl

Ingredients: 2 frozen ripe bananas, 1/4 cup chopped ripe pineapple, 3/4 cup coconut milk, 2 tsp matcha green tea powder, 1 cup organic spinach or kale. Topping ideas: berries, coconut flakes, banana slices, chia seeds, almonds. Instructions: Add frozen banana slices, pineapple, coconut milk, matcha powder, and spinach to a blender and blend on high until creamy and smooth. Enjoy!

Community Event

March 14. AGEISM: An Awareness Event. 5pm. – 7pm. Join A&O Support Services for Older Adults at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights to examine the issue of ageism from legal, medical and societal perspectives. A wine and cheese reception will follow the formal presentation. Contact 204-956-6440 for more info.

Community Announcement

Would you like to test your cardiovascular health? Natural dietary supplements may reduce cardiovascular disease risk factors by improving blood lipid profiles, reducing inflammation and improving endothelial function. The purpose of this study is to see if the dietary supplement Cardioflex can improve cardiovascular disease risk factors in healthy adults. Are you healthy and between the ages of 30 to 65? Are you willing to commit to drinking a supplement once per day for 90 days? Have not used prescription cholesterol or blood pressure medication in the last 3 months. Receive a Free comprehensive cardiovascular disease assessment testing and Free supplements. For more information, Contact OR (204) 272-1555.

Black Seed Oil

Black Seed Oil
Black seed (Nigella sativa) is the new preferred therapeutic oil prized for its immune-boosting and antibacterial benefits to reduce respiratory, viral, and digestive ailments. This oil has been used medicinally in Middle Eastern cultures for millennia. Anecdotally, it’s been said to “cure everything except for death!” And the research is starting to back that up. Studies show that this versatile oil can regulate the immune system, benefit blood sugar, and has anti-cancer activity (Butt et al, 2010). Even though it’s known for its medicinal power, it can be used in cooking and food preparation. Look for a coldpressed black seed oil and for a synergistic blend, use oregano oil and black seed oil together. Look for a combination with vitamins A and D added to give your immune system the best tools to beat the bugs!

Problem Gambling Among Seniors

Many seniors enjoy gambling, whether it be bingo, racetrack betting, or casino gambling. For most, it is a harmless form of entertainment. But how do you know when a senior loved one’s gambling has become a problem? Some signs might be 1) bragging about gambling and exaggerating wins while ignoring or minimizing losses, 2) borrowing money for gambling, and 3) lying about the amount of time/money they spend gambling. Talk to your senior loved one about their problem gambling and determine what possible causes may exist. Encourage them to get help and let them know they have your support.