As we get older, health conditions, mobility limitations or a lack of energy can keep us from being as socially active as we once were. A diminishing social life might happen gradually as close friends experience the same conditions and family members grow busy. We may not even notice how long it has been since we last spent time with a friend! Isolation has many physical and emotional health risks. Especially if you live by yourself, staying socially active is critical to enjoying a healthy lifestyle. Volunteer at a local organization, join a senior living community or find a group that focuses on similar interests (e.g., knitting, walking, baking, golfing). Get back to living your best life!
Estrogen Dominance Isn’t Rare
Estrogen dominance (ED) is becoming increasingly common because we’re constantly being exposed to estrogen-like substances in our food supply and environment. The substances are natural phytoestrogens, hormones administered to farmed animals and fish, or endocrine disruptors like BPA. ED may cause abnormally painful menstruation, uterine fibroid, endometriosis, and fertility problems in women. It may also cause sexual dysfunction, depression, and obesity in both genders. Unfortunately, it often isn’t noted as a disease in mainstream medicine. The good news is that there are several natural supplements and products that can help to relieve this disorder.
Online Dating Vs. a Matchmaker
Online dating can be exhausting, dangerous and demoralizing. Hours of searching profiles, followed by unsuccessful date after date can result in dating ‘burn out’. Furthermore, when it comes to online dating, you never know who you are really meeting. You have no idea about their actual age and relationship status, their true intentions or if they have a criminal history. Online dating can be extremely dangerous. This is why I recommend a professional matchmaker. An experienced matchmaker will introduce you to the right match, who is screened, and hand picked for you. Finding true love is important and hiring a matchmaker could be the best decision you ever make.
Disability Tax Credit for Type 1 Diabetes
The Disability Tax Credit is a program designed to help those with disabilities or their caregivers reduce the amount of income tax they pay, offsetting some of the significant medical and treatment expenses. What diabetes-related activities are covered? According to CRA, the following activities qualify in the 14-hour-per-week calculation:
• Checking blood glucose levels
• Preparing and administering the insulin
• Calibrating necessary equipment
• Testing ketones
• Keeping a log book of blood glucose levels
With children, the 14-hour-per-week eligibility criteria can usually be met by combining the parent and child’s time.
T1D is an expensive disease and the disability tax credit can provide some financial relief for those who qualify.
The Diet/Mental Health Connection
Studies around the world are now confirming that diet affects mental health. Take one study, for example, where researchers in China and the U.S. found that when observing nearly 5,000 adults over the age of 60, those who were malnourished were 31% more likely to be depressed than those who weren’t malnourished. Another study of 500 participants over the age of 67 found that adding olive oil or mixed nuts to one’s diet can improve cognitive function. In a meta-analysis of over 34,000 people, researchers found that participants who followed a Mediterranean diet were less likely to develop cognitive disorders.,
Daily Posture Strategies
Chronic back and neck problems can be caused over time due to poor posture. Using ergonomic chairs when sitting for extended periods and using footrests at desks can be of great assistance. When standing, ensure your arms are resting at your side, your shoulders are pulled back to open up your chest, your knees are bent slightly, and your stomach is tucked in for core strength (pulling your belly button towards your spine). When carrying a bag or purse, remember to alternate sides. Finally, breathe deeply and balanced – this helps engage the proper postural muscles!
Described as ear or head noises, tinnitus can take the form of ringing, buzzing, hissing, or similar sounds, and it can be constant or intermittent. In some cases, tinnitus can result from medical conditions such as wax buildup or ear infection, which can be treated, often resulting in total relief of symptoms. In many cases, tinnitus is the first sign of hearing loss. The first step in managing any type of tinnitus is to undergo a complete hearing assessment by a hearing professional. If hearing loss is found and medical intervention is not the answer, your hearing health professional will go over additional treatment solutions with you, such as tinnitus maskers or hearing aids.
Drink More Water In The Summer
Water intake is a very crucial part of our daily lives. As you probably already know, the human adult body is made up of 60% water. It plays an important role in allowing the human body to function properly. Taking this into consideration, as the days are getting warmer due to increasing temperatures and humidity, there is a higher possibility of losing water in the body, which results in dehydration. The water is lost as sweat, which evaporates to help cool the body. Therefore, it is crucial that an individual meet the average water intake of 11-15 glasses per day.
Movement and Aging
The picture we have of normal aging as a time of gradual loss of function isn’t necessarily accurate. While aging is inevitable, loss of function isn’t. Introducing a simple joint mobility routine into your daily ritual will have a remarkable impact on your well-being! Moving the way your body has evolved to is the path to freedom, strength, and longevity. A functional movement flow class will challenge: postural control, pelvic and core stability, neuromuscular control, balance and flexibility, bilateral mobility and stability of hips and ankles, and more.
Get Your Mouth Checked!
An oral health exam is critical to the maintenance of your overall wellbeing. You should have your mouth checked at least once a year for prevention and treatment of any ailments. Even if you don’t have any live teeth, it’s important to make sure there are no signs of infections or early signs of cancer, growths, or cysts, and that your dentures are fitting you well. Leaving problems untreated usually leads to pain, periodontal disease, or tooth loss, and could make treatment more difficult, so it’s best to deal with problems early, or, if possible, prevent them.
Ride Don’t Hide!
Outdoor exercise is a great way to soak up the sun’s vitamin D, get your blood pumping, and reconnect with your community – all proven ways to boost your mental health. Need some motivation? Join Ride Don’t Hide, Canada’s largest bike ride for mental health! Two routes will take riders through Winnipeg’s beautiful streets. Ride Don’t Hide is for cyclists of all skill levels. Come ride with us to honour the recovery journeys of those living with mental illness and celebrate mental health! For details, visit: