The next step on your career path involves looking at careers that interest you. This list can be developed by looking at your strengths and past work, the suggestions of others and discussing your formal assessment results. While looking at possible careers keep in mind your goals, current reality, and conduct informational interviews with people currently employed in your field of interest. Researching your top career choices allows you to answer key questions like · Is this occupation a good fit for me, · What are the current industry trends? · Do I know anyone currently working in the industry…Can they help? · Will there be a need to increase skills?
The Fundamental Role of Community
When seniors find themselves living alone, feeling alone, or gravitating toward isolation, it’s important for them to seek human connection opportunities. For many, this might mean a lifestyle change. Senior living communities are an ideal solution for minimizing the effects of isolation, as they offer tangible benefits like social interaction and a sense of safety among neighbours and staff. As residents boost their engagement, interact with people more regularly, discover new interests and hobbies, share meals and activities, participate in discussions, and take advantage of various human touchpoints, they are better positioned to live healthier, longer, happier lives.
Toy Lending Library
Cowichan Valley Child Care Resource & Referral has a diverse assortment of resources designed with the early childhood educator in mind. To access the toys, equipment and other resources please register with Cowichan Valley CCRR. It is FREE and Easy! Families are welcome to borrow from our amazing library, simply connect with our Program Consultant and complete a borrower’s agreement. Phone 250-746-4135 Ext 235 to get started or to schedule pick up or drop off.
Jordan’s Principle
Jordan’s Principle makes sure all First Nations children living in Canada can access the products, services and supports they need, when they need them. Funding can help with a wide range of health, social and educational needs, including the unique needs that First Nations Two-Spirit and LGBTQQIA children and youth and those with disabilities may have. Jordan’s Principle is named in memory of Jordan River Anderson a young boy from Norway House Cree Nation in Manitoba. For further information call 778-951-0716 or for a step-by-step information on how to submit a request.
Library Kits for Families
Literacy Kits are available to providers and families through your local library. The kits are theme-based and cover a wide variety of topics such as Wild Animals, Pirates, Things That Go, Force and Motion, Divorce, and Yoga. Each kit comes in a backpack or plastic tote and contains books, CDs, DVDs, and/or toys. They can be borrowed from any of our branches for three weeks. Cultural Literacy Kits focus on specific cultures, including Coast Salish, Métis, Korean and Arabic and many more. Cultural Literacy Kits are designed to help parents, caregivers and educators engage with their children through books, songs and games – all in their own language and about their own culture!
Supporting the Village to Raise the Child
We have entered a new political climate—one which brings unprecedented opportunity for transformative, systemic change for Indigenous peoples. In realizing First Nations inherent rights to self-determination and governance, a National First Nations ELCC Policy Framework builds upon the work and achievements of the last two decades. This is being accomplished by enhancing, expanding, and supporting innovation within existing Indigenous early learning and child care (IELCC) programs and supporting communities or regions where there are no programs and services, or where they are severely underfunded. For general inquiries call 604-913-9128
The Bus has Arrived!
We are so excited! The new bus has arrived. The bus will be used to transport children in our summer and after school programs . Variety – The Children’s Charity of BC awarded the 24 passenger van with two wheelchair accessibility spaces at 50% of the cost. Our goal is to raise and additional $70,000 with our “KICK START The Bus” fundraiser. Thank you for the first $2,000 donation from the students at Shawnigan Lake School and to Island Ford Superstore who are generously matching their donation. To make a donation call 250.597.4135 x 104 or visit our website.
Summer Contest
After a long year with many restrictions, we are looking forward to more freedom and a change of scenery. We are thrilled to offer our readers a chance to win a Summer Adventure at Mt. Washington. The prize includes 3 nights of accommodations at Paradise Ridge, a gift basket to enjoy along with mountain adventures. The winner will be able to soak up the mountain vistas and enjoy getting out in nature. Draw date is July 31, 2021. Prize can be redeemed between August 14 and November 1, 2021 or between June 1 and November 1, 2022. Good Luck.
Social Activity & Aging Well
According to the National Institute on Aging (NIA), research links social isolation and loneliness to higher risks for certain physical and mental conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, a weakened immune system, anxiety, depression, cognitive decline, and Alzheimer’s disease. Many things can contribute to isolation, including the death of a spouse or partner, separation from friends or family, retirement, loss of mobility, and lack of transportation. Studies show that engaging in meaningful, productive activities with others can help people live longer, maintain their wellbeing, improve their cognitive function, boost their mood, and have a sense of purpose.
Combat Free Radicals
An excess of free radicals and oxidants is caused by exposure to toxins, pollution, junk food, physical and mental stress. By consuming antioxidants that we get from fruits and vegetables, we can combat oxidative stress and rebuild cells. In addition to diet and lifestyle management, here are some excellent supplements to consider:1) Vitamin C – any form, 2) Greens powder and add some berries too, 3) NAC- N-acetyl-cysteine is used by the body to build antioxidants, 4) Vitamin E- a fat-soluble antioxidant, 5)Selenium – very deficient in our soils, so worthwhile supplementing. Very protective of cells, and an important anti-carcingenic.
Can Everyday Activities Cause Hearing Loss?
We are exposed to noise on a dialy basis that can contribute to hearing loss. The risk of damaging your hearing increases with the sound intensity, not the loudness of the sound, which is measured in decibels (dB). Examples of everyday activities, and their corresponding decibel levels: •Normal conversation – 60 dB, •City traffic (from inside car)-80-85 dB, •Listening to music on your smartphone, especially at maximum volume-105–110 dB, •Standing beside/near sirens-120 dB.
Noise above 85 dB over a prolonged period may start to damage your hearing. Learn how to protect your hearing health by visiting