Medications play an important role in maintaining health and longevity for many of us as we get older. Taking multiple medications can be challenging. Here are some helpful hints to manage your medications effectively: Follow the instructions for each medication carefully: Shake bottles of liquid medications before use; Take all medications as prescribed; Use the same pharmacy to fill all your prescriptions; Report any unusual symptoms to your doctor; Never stop taking a medication suddenly without checking with your doctor and most importantly, Conduct annual medication reviews with your doctor or pharmacist.
Vancouver Island Gambling Support
It’s been over a year since Covid 19 overtook our lives. For most, it has been a challenging time. For many, it has been a difficult time emotionally and financially. Pushed to the limit, some of our friends and family have sought financially relief through online gambling. Rarely has it been the silver bullet many had hoped for. Here at, we tailor our services to meet your unique needs. Support groups, outreach support services, counselling, and webinars are available to support you and your loved one’s redress gambling related harms. VI Gaming Support is contracted by the BC Responsible & Problem Gambling Program.
Observing Spring
This month, many of us will be celebrating Easter in our own way by decorating our homes and working in the garden. Others still find themselves alone and/or fearful to reach out. Use this new moon to find a way to make new connections. Hide some painted eggs in a neighbour’s yard for their kids to find, spend some time volunteering, or give someone a basket filled with thoughtful trinkets. It doesn’t just have to be about a rabbit leaving chocolate gifts, hot cross buns, or a feast of ham with family. This spring, embrace the time for sharing and starting new friendships and experiences at a safe distance.
Communicating with Individuals with Hearing Loss
Communicating effectively with someone experiencing hearing loss can be a challenge. Here are some tips to help: *Find a quiet place – create the best conditions for them to understand you, *Understand level of loss – understand the unique set of challenges they face, *Say it a different way – choose uncomplicated words so it’s easier for them to understand, *Make eye contact – eye contact allows someone to read your expression for context, *Get their attention – make sure they know you’re speaking. If you or a family member are concerned about hearing loss, be sure to schedule a hearing test today!
Covid 19 Vaccines
Vaccines are products that produce immunity to a specific disease like COVID-19. When you are immune to COVID-19 that means you can be exposed to it without becoming sick or if you do become infected, it prevents more severe illness. Vaccines save lives. Vaccines don’t just protect the people getting vaccinated; they protect everyone around them too. The more people in a community who are vaccinated and therefore protected from COVID-19, the harder it is for it to spread. (Source: Provincial Health Services Authority). Vaccines will soon be available at the pharmacy. Please check our website for updates.
Bringing Health and Wellness Information to You
What were you doing four years ago? Wellnessnews Central Vancouver Island published its first newsletter in March 2017. This issue is the start of our 5th year of bringing health and wellness information to our communities. Like for so many other businesses, the past year has been a challenge. We met the challenge by continuing to print and finding new ways of distributing the printed newsletter and by going online. The WellnessHUB brings not only all the newsletters to you; it brings you an expanded wealth of local health and wellness information from experts in your community.
Drug Free Pain Relief
Did you know that lack of stability and balance account for a large portion of foot and back pain issues? Today, wellness consumers want products to enhance their quality of life and are asking for natural, safe solutions for more energy, pain relief and enhanced mobility. VoxxLife socks and insoles with HPT optimize the user’s stability and balance at the nervous system level and provide relief from aches and pains with drug free proven technology. Voxx Human Performance Technology (HPT) is based on 45 Years of research in Neuromuscular Science, Chiropractic Neurology and Reflexology.
Spend Family Time Enjoying Nature
It is well known that nature and fresh air is a tonic for the soul. Reconnecting with nature is good for our physical and mental health. Living on Vancouver Island, we are lucky to have some of the world’s best nature in our own back yard. Strathcona Provincial Park, designated in 1911, is the oldest provincial park in British Columbia. Located 25 minutes west of Courtenay and just steps away from Mount Washington Alpine Village, it is a mountain wilderness that offers an incomparable nature experience. Summer activities include hiking, zip lining, mountain biking, swimming and relaxing while soaking in the natural beauty.
Meet the Pharmacists
Neel and Rupal Tanna are the Remedy’s Rx pharmacists at Duncan Pharmacy and also in Crofton. Their personalized service includes; *Everyday 20% discount for seniors, *Free prescription delivery, *Immunizations services because even during Covid, these are important to keep you and your family healthy, *Medication Reviews to explain each of your medications in detail, *Blister packaging for easier management of medications, *Compliance packaging with instruction labels in larger print or translated into icons to make them easier to follow, *Advice on natural supplements. As Remedy’s Rx pharmacists, they believe in providing in the best possible pharmacy care.
Making Brain Injury VISIBLE
People with disabilities and illnesses want to do more than recover functioning; they want to build a life of meaning and engagement, according to Carruthers & Deyell Hood (2007). Cowichan Brain Injury Society (CBIS) uses a recreation therapist (RT) in the rehabilitation journey for individuals with concussions, brain injury, and strokes. Using an interactive digital cognitive assessment to understand the survivor’s neurofunction, the RT gains unique insights allowing for the creation of more targeted treatment plans. 85% of brain injuries are classified as mild to moderate. CBIS makes the invisible effects of brain injuries VISIBLE together. To learn more, contact us.
Gambling Support – Fold Em Podcast
Do you gamble from time to time? Has the pandemic increased your feelings of loneliness and isolation? Do you listen to podcasts? Are you concerned about someone’s gambling behaviour, or possibly your own? You are not alone. Connect with others by tuning into the Fold Em podcast on your favourite app or check out and click “listen now”. You can listen in on how others have sought help to overcome problematic gambling behaviour. On the island, reach out Tracy Tsui for FREE, confidential support.