Community News
Acquired Brain Injuries (ABI)

Approximately 1.5 million Canadians live with the effects of an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). Non-Traumatic Acquired Brain Injuries are caused by something that happens inside the body or a substance introduced into the body that damages brain tissues. They include: Strokes, Brain Tumours, Aneurysm and Substance Abuse. Traumatic Acquired Brain Injuries are caused by something outside the body. This includes: Falls, Sports Injuries, Motor vehicle accidents. The effects of an ABI can be immediate or increase/decrease over time. Each individual will experience a unique combination of challenges and changes. It is the leading cause of death and disability for Canadians under the age of 40.

Importance of Career on Mental Health

Career development can support positive mental health by helping find meaning and passion in what you do. Social identity, routine, work, and income help form a positive self-perception. Life changes and unforeseen events will happen, bringing new opportunities. Support is available to aide in career planning, job search skills, identifying and overcoming employment barriers, resume/cover letter development, interview skills, as well as creating and refining action plans. With the increase of people on unemployment and businesses closing their doors for now and some indefinitely, the need for employment assistance maybe more essential than ever. If you need help, reach out, practitioners at Juvenation Wellness are available to assist

Outdoor Pleasures

Here are some Summer Wellness tips to keep feeling well this coming beautiful season: *Stay hydrated by drinking 8-10 cups of water or herbal teas per day. *Aim for at least 30 min exercise 5x/week. Include cardio and weight bearing activities. Do what you enjoy! *Wear sunscreen to protect your skin. Some early morning outdoor sun is safer to get your vitamin D. Supplementing can be of benefit. *Eat extra raw fruit and veggies; hydrating, provide extra vitamins, and enzymes. Check out your local farmers markets. *Stay connected with close family and friends. Go for walks, hikes, picnic, swim and enjoy laughter!

Wellnessnews – Here for You

When times are uncertain and chaotic, seeing something familiar can bring a sense of normalcy. For over three years, we have been bringing solutions to improve your health and well-being. Today, more than ever, it is important for us to continue to do so. We are grateful for our advertisers who continue to support us, the postal workers for delivering the newsletters and you, our readers. Hopefully the day will soon come when we can all breathe out and say, “I did my part to help keep everyone safe”.

We are Here for You

The BC Responsible and Problem Gambling Program continues to provide free services to citizens of British Columbia through this period. We are working to provide virtual options (telephone and videoconferencing) for the delivery of our services, including counselling and outreach support. For more information, please contact the Gambling Support Line at 1.888.795.6111 or email [email protected]. If you need to renew your VSE agreement, please contact BCLC’s Customer Support Centre at 1-866-815-0222. A BCLC Investigator will set new ‘temporary’ agreement renewal and contact you when venues are set to open to obtain your documentation.

Coronavirus & Your Mental Health

What should you do if your mental health is suffering during self-isolation? Here are some tips: 1. Maintain routine. It helps to manage anxiety and will help you to adapt more quickly to this current reality. 2. Engage with Nature. Make the most of any private outdoor space you have. Getting sunshine is imperative for a healthy mind. 3. Try something new. Now is a great time to learn how to sew or tackle a DIY project. 4. Limit your news intake. A near-constant stream of news reports about an outbreak can cause anyone to feel distressed. 5. Stay connected. Download a video chat app and have fun chatting with friends and family.

Coming to the Pharmacy?

Retail pharmacists are the most accessible and most frequently visited health professionals. We are on the frontlines of this pandemic. We are committed to protecting our patients & minimizing the spread of this virus. Please DO NOT come into the pharmacy if you are sick or have a fever. Send a family member or friend inside to pick up prescriptions or utilize our free delivery service. Order your Prescription refills through our Diem Health-Remedy’s Rx App and limit trips to the pharmacy. Download the free app on your device today.

Rejuvenate Your Relationships

Are you feeling afraid, isolated, and desperate for connection? Try connecting with friends and family through online platforms like Zoom, Facetime, or Whatsapp. Although we have the limits of social distancing and the request to self-isolate, this gives us an opportunity to connect with our loved ones to a greater degree. Too often we get too busy with our lives that we do not spend the time so essential to building our closest relationships. Finding ways to rejuvenate your relationship with your loved ones is such an important aspect for self-care, and for loving connectedness that builds resilience in such uncertain times.

Brain Injury – Plan for Recovery

Recovery from a brain injury takes positive reinforcement. Celebrate the small successes. Make recovery a social activity. Your success can be fostered with the help of others, even if they do not have a brain injury or stroke. Look for intensity of experience during recovery. The intensity of the experience will help ingrain what is being learned. Fall in love with the process of recovery. Have a recovery plan that includes measurable goals. Success should be measured. Make recovery efforts a part of your everyday schedule. Don’t do the recovery journey by yourself. Let Cowichan Brain Injury help you on this journey.

Support for Your Immune System

Today, more than ever, it is important to take steps to support your immune system. Eat a whole foods diet to support gut health and intestinal cleansing, making sure to include extra fruit and vegetables. Exercise and spending time outdoors can help minimize stress which in turn helps keep your immune system strong. Make sure to get adequate sleep. Herbal supplements can be helpful when needed; Filling in missing gaps with necessary vitamins and superfoods can be essential. Valuable supplements include: Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, probiotics, elderberry, quercetin, oregano oil and colloidal silver. Take extra good care and be safe!

Make Your Home Safer

Things you can do to make your home safer and reduce the risk of falling:
Remove tripping hazards like clutter, small throw rugs • Keep items you use the most easily accessible • Improve lighting to ensure you can see your path when walking, especially at night • Install grab bars in the bathroom and ensure your home has handrails on all staircases • Wear non-slip shoes both inside and outside of the house • Get a Home Safety Assessment if you are at risk of falling; an Occupational Therapist can help to advise you on making your home safer.