Blepharitis causes inflammation of the eyelids that results in red, burning and irritated eyes. Dust, dandruff and eye make-up can clog the oil gland openings along eyelid rims which leads to styes, infection and inflammation. Flakes and debris can also accumulate along the bases of the eyelashes. Treatment involves daily warm washcloths or medicated eyelid pads to gently scrub the crusty material from the eyelashes as well as light massage to encourage unclogging of the oil gland openings. While there is no cure for blepharitis, daily hygiene can improve eyelid health as well as tear quality for more comfortable eyes.
2nd Annual Wellnessnews Women’s Expo
We are proud to present the 2nd Annual Women’s Expo on February 9th, 2019. Bring your Mom, Daughter, and Friends and join us at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre in Nanaimo for a day of wellbeing. With over 100 exhibitors, the Diva Oasis and wellness seminars, it will be a day to explore, indulge, shop, learn and have fun. The Expo is FREE. Get your VIP tickets where you get your Wellnessnews or from one of the exhibitors. While not required to attend, tickets redeemed raise funds for Samaritan House. Check the Women’s Expo website for an updated exhibitor list and scheduled health talks. See you on February 9th.
Beat the Winter Doldrums
The first weeks back after the holiday break can be hard on everyone in the family. If your child seems a little off in the first weeks of January, chances are that it’s a function of holiday comedown and fatigue. Their schedules and their sleep have been thrown off. After all the holiday anticipation, it’s back to reality with a return to routine and regular sleep. January on the Island can be dark and dreary with a distinct lack of sunshine. Exercise, going outside, getting more recess time or doing something after school with peers will help your kids beat ordinary winter doldrums.
Trouble Sleeping?
Are you a side sleeper? Is your bed a place where you are constantly tossing and turning, time-checking, and speculating about things that may never happen? A special pillow exists for side sleepers called the Body Pillow. This long and narrow pillow gives comfort and support during the night for both the upper and lower body. With a body pillow, the entire body is in alignment: knees, hips, and arm are relaxed while consistently being held afloat by the pillow. A body pillow will help you wake up in the morning feeling restored and ready to face the day.
Simple Post-Holiday Detox
Feeling like you could use a post-holiday detox? Try these simple, every day little tweaks: * Start your day with a glass or two of lemon or apple cider vinegar water. * Eat vegetables especially leafy greens and brassicas. * Limit red meat and heavy starches, and opt for leaner proteins like poultry, fish, sprouts, legumes, raw nuts and seeds. * Stay away from processed food and sugar. * Limit alcohol consumption. *Consume lots of turmeric, ginger – season your meals with herbs and spices and take milk thistle periodically.
Be well! Excellent health and happiness in the New Year to you!
Add a Little Exercise to Your Lifestyle
Physical activity plays an important role in your health and quality of life by making you feel healthier and stronger. Being active helps to improve your balance, reduces your risk of falls and injuries and can help you stay independent longer. So take the initiative! It’s never too late to start and you don’t need to go to a gym to add a little exercise to your routine; consult your doctor and ask to learn more about exercises that can be done while sitting in your chair!
Community Profile – La Rosa Gardens
La Rosa Gardens in Ladysmith is a comfortable and affordable senior’s residence where seniors come first. This BC, family owned and operated residence is located on a beautifully landscaped property in a quiet residential area. A lively group of seniors welcome all newcomers. There is something for everyone and fun is always at the forefront. This includes a variety of exercise programs, games, music, and special events. They also go on outings to a variety of interesting destinations such as the Raptor Centre and regular trips for shopping. Once you get there you will wonder why you waited so long.
Modern Dentures Look Like Natural Teeth
Today, people of all ages get dentures because they have no or very few remaining natural teeth. You may think that dentures are just for seniors however that is not the case. If you need dentures, it is normal to worry that they will look unnatural, affect your speech, won’t let you eat your favorite foods or will fall out of your mouth while talking or eating. With the right set of dentures, and the care of a skilled denturist, you do not have to worry about any of these things. Modern dentures look amazingly natural and function almost like natural, healthy teeth.
No Quick Fix
So the Holidays are now over, the bills are piling up and panic has set in. It’s tempting to wish for a quick fix, like a lottery or casino win, to make our financial worries disappear. But what are the odds of winning? Not in our favour. That’s why it’s called gambling. If you have the money and are in a light-hearted space, enjoy your gambling activities. But if you’re thinking of gambling to cover your rent or pay your bills, don’t! Let us help you find a better way. Please call the gambling info line at BC211 or chat/text on
Repair & Nourish Your Skin – NATURALLY
The skin is an organ that we wear on the outside to protect what is inside. It helps us stay warm when it’s cold, and cool when it’s hot. A healthy skin is vital for survival. Allergies and sensitivities are on the rise, with 1 in 5 adults suffering from allergies. What we put on our skin and on our face is just as important as what we put into our body. To avoid harmful chemicals and allergens, use skin products made with pure organic essential oils and natural ingredients to hydrate, nourish, pamper and repair your skin – naturally.
Sudden Hearing Loss?
If you were to wake up and notice sudden hearing loss in one or both ears, DO NOT wait a few days to see if it settles down. This is an emergency and without quick intervention, this symptom can become permanent. Your best course of action is to go to the Hospital Emergency Department immediately. The ER Doctor may need to get your hearing tested. If the doctor deems it necessary, it is important to get treated within 48 Hours. Your hearing is too important to push aside, especially as the Christmas season settles in around us.