Filing your Income Taxes can be the key to unlocking unclaimed government benefits and recovering overpaid taxes. It also helps relieve the stress of piles of unfinished business. SOS works in conjunction with the Revenue Canada Community Volunteer Income Tax Program to help low-income residents file basic tax returns at no cost. This service does not assist with bankruptcy, deceased, or self-employment returns. The income threshold is $35,000 for one person and $45,000 for a couple (limit increases by $2,500 for each dependent). To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, this service will be offered by phone. Contact us for more information.
March Brain Teasers
1. Name one meal you can never eat for breakfast? 2. What type of cheese is made backwards? 3. A mother has six children and five potatoes. How can she feed each an equal amount of potatoes? 4. What kind of apple is not an apple?
The Cryptocurrency Craze
Crypto! We are hearing about it everywhere now. There are hundreds of cryptocurrencies available, wide-ranging in value. Have you seen the crypto ATMs at the mall? Have you noticed the uptick in crypto advertising during sporting events, including at hockey, football, and basketball games? What is crypto anyways, and how does it work? Is it investing? Playing the market? Gambling? All of the above? None of the above? If you’re curious about crypto, or if it is negatively impacting you or someone you love, please reach out to We can help you untangle crypto.
Health is a Precious Asset
The last two years have brought home the realization that health is a precious asset that we need to preserve and protect. In the upcoming year, a number of us will adopt healthier habits that include revamping our diets and exercise. Reducing risk factors are another way to improve our health. We participate in risk reduction by wearing masks and physical distancing. For seniors, one of the biggest risk factors is not being able to quickly access help in an emergency. Whether fall or an emergency, quick access to help is directly correlated to improved outcomes.
Relocation Stress Syndrome
While remaining at home is possible for some seniors, many others may need to move to Independent Living with Services to get the best care possible. Since moving is a major life stressor, some seniors may experience relocation stress syndrome, with symptoms like confusion, loneliness, and anxiety. To help make the transition to assisted living as smooth as possible, it’s important to 1) avoid rushing the process; 2) focus on their well-being; 3) make their new home look familiar with personal belongings; 4) help them get involved in their new community; 5) ensure they have frequent visitors.
Assistance for an Ageing Workforce
“We’re dealing with an ageing workforce that will have more people with chronic pain issues, more people with vision or hearing loss, and there are different supports available depending on the degree of challenges you are dealing with,” says Nate Toevs, Marketing Manager for the WorkBC Assistive Technology Services program. “We know we can bring a lot to the table that can make a huge impact for that individual, which in turn will impact the company that they work for.” The program provides funding for assistive technology, ergonomics, restorative supports including canes and crutches, hearing aids, vehicle modifications, and more. Contact us for more information.
Heart Coherence
Heart coherence occurs when the communication between the rhythms of your heart and the rhythms of your brain are in sync and your thoughts, actions and intentions are aligned. This communication is very important, as your heart is the master coordinator of the rhythms in your body. Heart coherence has a powerful effect on your mental, emotional and physical health. The many potential benefits include *decreased stress, *better sleep, *increased energy, *enhanced creativity, *improved quality of life. A Certified Body Code/Emotion Code Practitioner can help you keep these rhythms healthy. Book a Body Code session today.
Get your Hearing Checked!
Most people with hearing loss can be helped by the daily use of properly chosen and properly fitted hearing aids. Current hearing aid technology is very sophisticated and effective. A trial period of several weeks with hearing aids allows you to experience amplification. Your hearing care professional will coach and explain the process as you go. If you suspect hearing loss, reach out to your local Hearing Care Professional for help with your hearing and have your hearing tested. We recommend that all adults over fifty years of age should have a baseline hearing test. Contact us for a complimentary hearing test and consultation.
Vaccinate in Case of Re-infection
People who have had COVID-19 can still benefit from getting vaccinated due to the severe health risks associated with the virus and the fact that re-infection is possible. There is currently insufficient exact information available to say if or how long people are protected from getting COVID-19 after they have had it. Early evidence suggests natural immunity from COVID-19 lasts for a couple of months and that the vaccine offers better protection than natural immunity. If you are unsure whether or not you ever had COVID-19, the vaccine is still recommended.
Rebalance, Reset & Relax
The human body is amazing. It can be rebalanced and reset on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. A therapy session in The Harmonic Egg, a uniquely engineered bio resonance chamber, activates the body’s repair mechanism to promote profound relaxation. With the fusion of advanced technology and ancient wisdom, it uses the vibrational energies of sacred geometry, light, colour and sound. These frequencies vibrate to create a 360 degree amplified resonance experience that returns the body to homeostasis. Each energy therapy session is individually tailored and is precisely controlled, consistent, and repeatable. It is completely non-invasive and 100% safe.
Fresh Air & Exercise Boost Wellbeing
Have the icy roads and snowy conditions kept you from enjoying your daily walks? We know the importance of daily exercise and fresh air to our health. Luckily, February on the coast usually comes with more favourable walking conditions. Outside our door is the beautiful nature of Vancouver Island. Whether it is just a walk around the block or a hike up a mountain, the fresh air and exercise boost our wellbeing. So lace up your shoes and wear VoxxLife socks with HPT for enhanced balance and stability. Additional benefits include; enhanced pain relief and management, especially PDN pain and improved mobility.