Community News
Visits to a Care Home

Now that Covid restrictions have been loosened in retirement homes, loved ones are being reunited…some after many long months. It’s heartwarming to see that the vaccines are helping people be able to reconnect and catch up. As wonderful as Zoom and other social medias have been in helping seniors keep in touch, it simply does not compare to being face to face and able to hug or hold hands. Please continue to do your part to stay safe for yourselves and your loved ones and please respect the policies that are in place in the retirement communities, such as wearing masks where required, so we can continue to protect the ones closest to us.

Social Isolation

Our lifestyles continue to be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Stay-at-Home recommendations have increased social Isolation, especially among seniors. This is a problem as it is associated with a number of health risks. Technology can help us stay connected through social media platforms but not everyone has access or ability to use them. The Nanaimo Lifeline Check-In Service offers a daily phone call to those who might not be connected. We provide a friendly chat that gives peace of mind and ensures someone knows you are doing Ok today. Now is a good time to sign up.

Don’t Lose Track of the Race

With an ever growing number of individuals receiving the vaccine, we are on the way to being able to breathe easy again. It is important that we remember that caution is still necessary until everyone has received the vaccine and the variants are reported as in check. This pandemic has taken so many of our loved ones. With the finish line in sight, let’s not lose track of the race. If you need help getting to and from your vaccination appointment or with any of your daily tasks, call Comfort Keepers. We are here to support you.

Are your Hormones Out of Balance?

Hormones affect many areas of your health, including your mood, your metabolism, and your sexual and reproductive function. Anyone who has been through puberty knows that hormones have a powerful effect on one’s body. Unbalanced hormones can make you feel like a stranger in your own skin. Compounded hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a way to restore balance and help you feel like yourself again. With your healthcare provider’s prescription, your compounding pharmacist can help start and maintain a hormone replacement regimen that brings your hormones back into balance and closely mimics what your body has been doing naturally for years.

Maintaining Oral Health

Here are some tips from Dental Hygiene Canada to improve your dental health: * Brush your teeth two times per day with fluoridated toothpaste, * Use an antibacterial mouthwash daily to rinse germs down the drain, * Floss Daily to remove food particles that get caught in your teeth, * You are what you eat! Eat a balanced diet and avoid in-between meal snacks, * Rethink your drink. Drinking sweetened beverages increases you risk of getting cavities. * See your dentist regularly. Your oral health is important. When you take care of your oral health, you take care of your overall health

New Challenges Bring New Opportunities

The pandemic has highlighted needs that will become even more urgent in the coming months and years. To support our community now and in the future, SOS must move beyond just addressing immediate needs. We have to rebuild our capacity. Our Thrift Shop has historically provided us with the majority of the funds needed to run our programs and services, but COVID-19 has changed that. To reach more and do more for the residents of District 69, we have launched SOS Project Rebuild with a goal of raising $1 Million over the next 12 months. Visit to learn more and support our community’s needs.

Causes of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss often occurs with age when the inner ear structures degenerate. While some gradual hearing impairment is inevitable, certain factors increases the risk of developing hearing problems. These include: *Loud noise or occupational hazards: One-time or continuous exposure to high decibel sounds such as gunshots, concerts or lawnmowers, * Heredity: Your genetic makeup or family history, *Head injuries: Traumatic head injuries can also harm parts of the ear. *Ear diseases: Otosclerosis, Ménière’s disease can contribute to hearing loss, *Other illnesses: The ear can be damaged by high fever, and some medications can damage the inner ear. If a loved one is struggling with hearing loss suggest they come in for a hearing test.

Joys of Family Vacations

We may not be able to travel far this summer; thankfully, we live on Vancouver Island which offers everything we could want for a nature vacation. Family vacation time is important for the family unit. Researchers have found that family vacations can improve family communication and bonding. Most families spend their days dealing with work, school, extracurricular activities, or household duties. Breaking away from the stress of daily routine provides relief. Taking time together to share experiences and activities creates memories that will last a lifetime. We still reminisce about a three week family vacation that happened almost 50 years ago.

Tea and Toast Syndrome

“Tea and toast syndrome” refers to malnutrition in seniors when a lack of desire or inability to prepare and/or eat proper meals results in them relying on simpler meals like tea and toast. Seniors who skip meals almost daily, have gained/lost more than 10 pounds in the past six months, take medications, have dental issues, or have a disability can be at risk for malnutrition. Some common signs to watch for include unexplained weight loss, fatigue, memory issues, digestive issues, a weak immune system, muscle weakness, and anemia. There are support services available to help seniors eat well and regularly!

Prevent Teeth from Fracturing

Dentists across Canada continue to see an increase in dental issues such as decay during the Covid-19 pandemic. They are also seeing an increase in teeth fracturing. It is believed that the fracturing is caused by the increase in stress levels across all populations. It is especially apparent in people who tend clench and grind their teeth. Your dentist has proactive treatments to help protect your teeth and help prevent fracturing your teeth.

Spring Cleaning Tips for Seniors

The green season is upon us and with Spring comes Spring Cleaning! The best way to tackle this yearly task is to go low and slow. Try one drawer or cupboard a day, this can get the ball rolling in the right direction. Try starting in the bathroom by looking for expired medications, collect these up and take them to the Pharmacy during your next trip for proper disposal. Declutter with the help of a friend or call us to help you with even more! We are here to support you holistically, body, mind and home.